Chapter 34 I am a thief

Hearing this, Li Wan frowned slightly.

If something valuable is stolen, it is entirely possible to ask the guards to catch the thief.

but the clothes...

This kind of thing is too sensitive, if it gets out, it will also affect your reputation.

But if you don't chase it back, it will be even more troublesome!
For example, if a thief wants to frame himself, he only needs to throw the clothes at someone's house, and then take someone to "search" them out.

At that time, even if I jumped into the Yellow River, I wouldn't be able to cleanse myself!

After thinking about it, Li Wan had no choice but to chase after him, saying, "Where did the thief go?"

The maid pointed to the southwest and said, "It seems to be over there!"

Li Wan said: "Mr. Lin, slow down on your way, I won't see you off beforehand!"

After finishing speaking, he ran towards the southwest.

The maid was afraid that she would be in danger, so she quickly followed her.

The master and servant were running when they suddenly heard a frightening "boom" sound behind them, like a monster roaring!
Looking back, it turned out that it was Lin Jian, who was chasing after him riding a "magic chariot".

When he arrived in front of Li Wan, Lin Jian stopped the car and said, "Eldest Princess, get in the car!"

Li Wan looked at the motorcycle and was taken aback for a moment, not knowing how to ride on this motorcycle.

Time is precious!

Lin Jian was not in the mood to be with her mother-in-law, so he put his left hand behind Li Wan's waist, and then lifted it hard!

Li Wan felt his body lighten up!
When I looked again, I had already sat behind the "sacred car".

Lin Jiandao: "Princess, hurry up, this car is too fast, be careful not to fall!"

After finishing speaking, turn the gas pedal with your right hand!
The motorcycle accelerated and galloped forward.

Li Wan sat in the back, his face paled with fright, his hands were scratching and there was nowhere to put them!
Lin Jian grabbed her little hand and said, "Hold on to me!"

Li Wan took advantage of the situation to hug Lin Jian, only to feel the wind whistling in his ears, and thought to himself that the speed of the car was too fast!

When he arrived at the Sitiantai area, Lin Jian had already spotted the thief.

The thief looked back, apparently frightened by the speed of the motorcycle.

Seeing that the surrounding area is completely empty, he has no choice but to get into the Star Observation Tower.

When they got downstairs, Lin Jian parked the motorcycle and climbed the stairs with Li Wan.

Maybe it was too hasty, or maybe it was because his legs and feet were not very agile. As soon as he climbed to the second floor, Li Wan stopped with an "oops" and squatted on the ground, hugging his ankle in pain.

Lin Jiandao: "Twisted?"

Li Wan nodded.

Lin Jiandao: "Princess, you wait here first, I will go up by myself! The stargazing tower gets narrower as you go up, don't worry, he won't be able to escape!"

Li Wan gave a "hmm" and said, "Be careful!"

Lin Jian took out the dagger and continued to climb the stairs.

The higher you go, the tighter the steps become.

However, this did not trouble Lin Jian at all!
Last time he completed the mission, he was rewarded with "Nanshan Shadowless Feet"!

I had no chance to use it before, but now, I finally have a place to use it!
I saw him walking like flying, like walking on flat ground, and in the blink of an eye, he had already climbed to the seventh floor!
Ready to keep climbing!

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind.

Lin Jian suddenly turned around!

I saw a young man in his 20s kicking himself!

If it was in the past, Lin Jian's kick would have been for nothing!
But now, he had Nanshan Shadowless Feet, and with a "swish", his feet seemed to be oiled, and he swiped away out of thin air.


"What about people?"

The youth looked confused.

Just as he was wondering, someone behind him patted himself on the shoulder and said, "Hey, here it is!"

Young people are scared to death!

Just as he was about to fight back, at this moment, his neck tightened suddenly, and he was strangled to death by the opponent, almost out of breath!

Soon, the young man's face turned dark purple.

The strength of the struggle is getting smaller and smaller.

After meeting each other just now, Lin Jian already recognized him!

Li Da - Li Tong's elder brother!

Unexpectedly, both of them have the same hobby, like collecting women's underwear!
The other party is the son of Prince Rong.

Moreover, stealing clothes is not a heinous crime after all, and the crime is not punishable by death.

The most important thing is that with Lin Jian's current power, he is not yet an opponent of a prince.

So, Lin Jian slowly let go of his arms.

"Cough cough..."

Li Da knelt on the ground, coughing violently.

Lin Jian took the opportunity to step up, stomped him hard, and said, "Li Da, you are so courageous, you dare to sneak attack me!"

Li Da cried and begged: "Brother, please forgive me, I won't dare to do it again next time!"

Lin Jiandao: "Death crimes can be avoided, life crimes cannot escape! If you don't give you a little bit of power today, you will still want to go to heaven in the future!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his dagger and said, "Take off your clothes!"


Li Da was taken aback.

"Ah what, take off!"

Lin Jian let go of his foot, and at the same time swung the dagger again.

Li Da had no choice but to obey obediently.

After a while, Li Da took off his coat and looked at Lin Jian eagerly.

Lin Jiandao: "Continue!"


People have to bow their heads under the roof.

Li Da had no choice but to continue taking off, and finally his upper body was bare, with only a pair of shorts on his body.

"Alright, alright!"

Lin Jian cut Li Da's clothes with a dagger, twisted them into two ropes, and tied his hands and feet.

Li Da turned pale with fright, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother, what... are you thinking?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

Lin Jian found a writing brush on a nearby table, picked up the brush and wrote four large characters on Li Da's back: I am a thief!

After finishing writing, he kicked up and said, "Get lost!"

Li Da looked himself up and down, and said with a bitter face, "Brother, how can I leave like this?"

Lin Jiandao: "Stay here if you don't leave! Just tomorrow morning, let everyone visit and visit! You choose!"

What can Li Da do? It's good that the other party didn't report to the police or kill him!

Helpless, I can only jump down the steps step by step like a zombie...

After tidying up Li Da, Lin Jian was about to go downstairs.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that Li Wan's clothes hadn't been found yet!
After searching around, I finally found it in a drawer.

It was a light blue flower cage skirt, soft and thin in texture.

In addition to the flower cage skirt, there is also a bag and a pair of wrapped trousers.

A strange fragrance hits my face!

" fragrant!"

Lin Jian took a deep breath and realized that it might be musk!
Although musk is fragrant, it has the side effect of killing "worms". It can kill an army of one billion "worms" at a time!
Therefore, few women use it.

But Li Wan didn't have this trouble, she was a widow, so naturally she didn't have to worry about this problem!

Lin Jian sniffed the flower cage skirt, then the pockets, and finally the trousers.

After careful identification, I found that the scent on the flower cage skirt and the pocket is relatively light, and the scent on the trousers is the strongest!
Therefore, the musk may have been put directly on the trousers to dispel the peculiar smell of special parts.

Lin Jian felt his heart beat faster, feeling the joy of spying on a woman's privacy.

It smells intoxicating!

Suddenly, Li Wan's voice came from behind, saying, "Young Master Lin, are you alright?"

At that time, Lin Jian was smelling Li Wan's trousers!

Hearing the sound, Lin Jian was frightened to death, and casually stuffed the trousers into his arms, not knowing if Li Wan saw it!
"I'm fine, princess, why are you here?"

Lin Jian turned around, trying to pretend to be very calm.

(End of this chapter)

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