Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 35 Large-scale social death scene

Chapter 35 Large-scale social death scene
Li Wan limped over and said, "I saw that you haven't gone down for a long time, and I was worried that you would be in danger, so..."

Lin Jian hurried up to meet him, nestled Doudou and the flower cage skirt together, handed it to Li Wan and said, "Eldest Princess, I have found the clothes!"


Li Wan took the clothes and said, "Young Master Lin, thank you so much! By the way, that person just now..."

Lin Jiandao: "He is Prince Rong's son, Li Da, give him a warning this time, if he dares to commit another crime in the future, I will not spare him!"

Li Wan nodded, and said: "You handled it very well, I believe he will not dare in the future!"

While talking, the two came downstairs.

Lin Jian helped Li Wan get on the motorcycle and returned to Tianxin Pavilion.

Seeing the two of them coming back, the maids hurried forward to catch Li Wan.

Lin Jiandao: "Eldest princess, go back and rest quickly, it's time for me to go back too."

Li Wan was about to agree, when he suddenly found that Lin Jian's clothes were torn.

It turned out that when Lin Jian strangled Li Da's neck from behind just now, his clothes were torn by the other party.

So Li Wan changed his tune and said: "Don't rush away, come in first, I'll mend your clothes for you."

"Mending clothes?"

Lin Jian looked down and realized that his clothes were torn, so he didn't refuse.

After entering the room, Li Wan took out the needle and thread, sat on the sofa, and said, "Young Master Lin, take off your coat and give it to me."


Without even thinking about it, Lin Jian took off his coat.


A pair of narrow trousers fell from his arms!
"You dropped something!"

With that said, Li Wan bent down and picked it up.

Why do you feel a little familiar?

Li Wan took a closer look, and then, he was dumbfounded!

Isn't this my pair of wrapped trousers!

Why in his arms?
Realizing what happened, Li Wan made a "swipe" and blushed.

On the other hand, Lin Jian was even more embarrassed to death!

This is really a large-scale social death scene!

"Princess, listen to my explanation!"


Halfway through the talk, Lin Jian suddenly realized that there was no way to explain this matter, and he couldn't explain it clearly. Like an idiot, he could only stare blankly.

Fortunately, Li Wan quickly recovered.

She calmly threw the wrapping trousers on the bed, and then started her sewing seriously, as if nothing had happened.

Finally, the clothes were mended.

Li Wan bit off the last thread and handed it to Lin Jiandao: "Try it."

"Don't try it!"

Where did Lin Jian have the nerve to stay, grabbed his clothes, and fled.

Seeing Lin Jianyuan's back, Li Wan couldn't hold back any longer.

With a "swipe" of her pretty face, she blushed again, her whole body was so charming!

"Just now in the Observatory, he was secretly smelling something behind my back."

"It can't be..."

Li Wan's eyes fell on the pair of wrapped trousers again, only to feel Fang's heart beating wildly.


the next morning.

Lin Jian brought a sofa and came to Huaqing Palace.

Although he can't touch women for a month, Lin Jiansi thinks about it and thinks he should maintain a good relationship with Yang Yuhuan.

Emotions come out.

If you haven't seen each other for too long, the relationship will fade.

The one-month period has now passed two days, and if we endure for more than 20 days, victory is just around the corner!
After entering Huaqing Palace, there is an iron cage hanging in the room, and there is a colorful parrot in it, babbling.

Seeing Lin Jian, Yang Yuhuan was very happy, and waved: "Come on, brother, look at this parrot is so interesting!"

Lin Jian walked in carrying the sofa, and said casually, "Where did you come from?"

Yang Yuhuan thought for a while, and said, "It seems to be... sent by the Jiedu Envoy of Jiangnan Road."

As soon as the words fell, the parrot in the cage spoke, opened its mouth and called out: "Auspicious imperial concubine, auspicious imperial concubine!"

Yang Yuhuan was so teased that she "giggled" and laughed so hard that her branches trembled wildly.

After laughing for a while, Yang Yuhuan found the sofa, and was immediately distracted, wondering: "Brother, what is this?"

Lin Jiandao: "This is a sofa, it is more comfortable to sit on than a chair, try it!"

Yang Yuhuan sat on it, and it felt soft and elastic, as if it could be massaged, which is a novelty!
Yang Yuhuan lay on the sofa, reluctant to get off, and said, "Brother, what's in your head? It's silk stockings and a sofa."

Lin Jian said with a "hehe" smile, "My mind is full of you, sister!"

As he spoke, he walked behind the sofa and squeezed Yang Yuhuan's shoulders.

After pinching a few times, Lin Jian's hands became dishonest, and he followed Yang Yuhuan's snow-white neck all the way down...

Yang Yuhuan squinted her eyes in comfort, and couldn't help "humming and chirping".

After a while, Yang Yuhuan suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Brother, we may not be able to meet alone every day in the past few days!"

Lin Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then secretly rejoiced in his heart.

On the surface, he pretended to be very disappointed, and said with a bitter face: "What's the matter?"

Yang Yuhuan sighed, and said: "Your Majesty asked me to lead the concubines in the harem to practice dancing. It's the Qianqiu Festival soon, and they said they were going to perform."

Lin Jiandao: "It's okay, I really love my sister! As long as I can catch a glimpse of my sister from a distance, I will be satisfied!"

Yang Yuhuan was greatly moved.

She has seen too many men, but all of them came for their own beauty!
Only this younger brother is true to himself!

Yang Yuhuan touched the back of Lin Jian's hand through the thin clothes, panting slightly: "Go down a little..."


After a while, Li Longji came in with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing the sofa, I was also amazed.

Li Longji felt it for a while, and said jealously: "Well, Lin Jian, if you have good things, you only remember your sister, and you ignore me, don't you?"

Lin Jianlian said he didn't dare, and said: "Your Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Master, and the sofa has just been made and has not passed too many tests. When the craftsmanship is mature, I will naturally give the best one to Your Majesty!"

Li Longji snorted and said, "That's about the same!"

After chatting for a while, Li Longji and Lin Jian left together.

On the way, Li Longji suddenly said: "In the past few days, you have practiced Cuju well. In this competition, I can only count on you!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Lin Jian will go all out!"

Li Longji sighed and said: "As usual, it doesn't matter who wins this No. 1, but this time is different!"

Lin Jiandao: "Why?"

Li Longji said: "Do you know, what is the reward for No.1 this time?"

Lin Jiandao: "I heard that it is a gold medal for avoiding death."

"Not bad!" Li Longji said, "If Tubo gets this gold medal, it will be very difficult!"

Lin Jian was still puzzled, and said, "So what if they get it?"

Li Longji said: "In my Great Tang Prison, there is a Tubo felon who has hidden too many secrets! If Tubo gets the gold medal, they will definitely let me release this prisoner!"

"I see!"

Lin Jian suddenly realized.

Li Longji said: "My royal team is mostly a group of pampered princes and grandchildren, and they can't fight tough battles at all! Therefore, I can only pin my hopes on you!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if I, Lin Jian, die in battle, I will definitely not let the gold medal fall into the hands of the Tibetans!"

"it is good!"

Li Longji patted Lin Jian on the shoulder and said, "As expected of my son-in-law, I have not misjudged the person! After the Qianqiu Festival, choose an auspicious day, and you, Changning, and Xiangxiang will get married as soon as possible!"

After finishing speaking, Chong Linjian stretched out two fingers.

Lin Jian's head grew dizzy for a while, and he said, "Your Majesty, the grassy horse, there is really no Huazi left!"

(End of this chapter)

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