Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 36 The Crazy Tibetan Mastiff

Chapter 36 The Crazy Tibetan Mastiff

After bidding farewell to Li Longji, Lin Jian came to Shang Yao Bureau.

Some time ago, I signed in at Lin's Stockings every day, and the rewards were all raw materials for making stockings.

Lin Jian roughly estimated that these raw materials are enough to last Lin's stockings for half a year!

But today, the sign-in location finally changed to Shangyao Bureau.

Shangyao Bureau is the place where the imperial physicians work.

Therefore, this reward must have something to do with medicine.

"What good will it be?"

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered Shangyao Bureau, do you want to sign in now? 】


Lin Jian couldn't wait.

【Congratulations to the host, you got a dose of rabies vaccine! 】

In Lin Jian's hand, there was an extra dose of vaccine in a small bottle.

As we all know, the fatality rate of rabies is almost [-]%!

Therefore, it is still very useful to have a dose of rabies vaccine on your body.

"Not bad!"

Lin Jian put away the vaccine, came to the Imperial College, and continued to practice Cuju with his teammates.


It was noon in a flash, and Lin Jian was about to go back home.

At this time, Xue Chong suddenly called to him and said: "Brother, my mother asked you to go over and have dinner together!"


Lin Jian was taken aback at that moment.

By the way, what happened last night, Li Wan still called me to eat?

What is she thinking?

Wouldn't it be to poison me to death by poisoning the food?

No, don't let people misunderstand!

It is necessary to clarify this matter with her!
Thinking of this, Lin Jian did not refuse, and said: "Let's go!"

When I arrived at Tianxin Pavilion, I washed up briefly and came to the main hall.

The dining table was filled with all kinds of delicious meals, each of which looked delicious.

Lin Jian wanted to find an opportunity to explain to Li Wan, but Xue Chong was always present, so it was not convenient for him to speak.

Finally made it to the end of the meal.

The maids removed the dishes and chopsticks, and Xue Chong also went to take a nap.

Li Wan slightly nodded at Lin Jian, turned around and walked out.


Lin Jian hurriedly called her to stop.

Li Wan stopped in his tracks and said, "What are your orders, Young Master?"

Lin Jian bit the bullet and said: "What happened last night..."

Li Wan said: "What happened last night should be regarded as a misunderstanding."


Lin Jian nodded first, then shook his head fiercely, and said, "Eldest Princess, it's just a misunderstanding! I'm not the kind of person you imagined!"

After a moment of silence, Li Wan said: "It's all over, I hope you can correct yourself in the future. You are Chong'er's best friend. It's the first time for Chong'er to bring a friend back when he grows up. I don't want to affect you because of this incident. to your friendship."

Lin Jian was speechless for a while, and said, "Eldest princess, you still don't believe me!"

Li Wan said with a straight face: "How can you make me believe you?"

Lin Jiandao: "At that time, I just felt that the fragrance was a little strange, so I smelled your clothes one by one. When I smelled the wrapped trousers, came up. I was afraid that you might see a misunderstanding, and in a hurry, you took the wrapped trousers. Tuck your pants into your pocket!"

Li Wan didn't intend to continue to pursue this matter, but seeing what Lin Jian said, she couldn't help becoming more serious, and said, "You shouldn't have heard of it!"

Lin Jian was at a loss for words.

After holding back for a long time, he said, "If you say that, I admit that I am at fault!"

Seeing that Lin Jian's clothes softened, Li Wan's expression immediately eased.

She took a step forward, patted Lin Jian's hair lightly, and said with a loving face: "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing better than kindness. In fact, you are just like a child in my eyes, just like Chong'er."

Lin Jiandao: "Eldest princess, then... are you still angry with me?"

Li Wan smiled sweetly, shook her head lightly, and said, "If I was angry, I wouldn't let Chong'er call you over for dinner."

Lin Jian thought about it, and said joyfully, "Thank you, Eldest Princess!"

Li Wan said: "Are you still playing ball in the afternoon?"

play ball?

Lin Jian subconsciously looked in front of Li Wan, and nodded fiercely.

Li Wan said: "It will take a lot of time to go back and forth. The room next to Chong'er is still empty, you can go there and take a nap, don't delay playing ball in the afternoon."

"it is good!"

Lin Jian followed behind Li Wan, ready to go out.


"Wang Wang..."

At this moment, a dog barking suddenly came from nearby.

A big fluffy black dog that looked like a lion rushed into the courtyard of Tianxin Pavilion inexplicably.

"Hey, what a big Tibetan mastiff!"

Lin Jian gasped.

In the Tang Dynasty, Tibetan Mastiff was also called Fan Dog, Ao Dog, etc. Its appearance was slightly different from modern Tibetan Mastiff, but it was more primitive and fierce!
All of a sudden, the palace maids ran away in fright, screaming one after another!
However, the Tibetan mastiff seemed to have a purpose, and ignored those court ladies.

Since entering the yard, it has been staring straight at Li Wan with its eyes drooling, salivating.

After a few low growls, the Tibetan mastiff flew into the sky with a "bark", opened its mouth wide, and pounced towards Li Wan!

Li Wan screamed, turned and ran away in fright, trying to hide in the room.

However, Lin Jian is still behind her!
Turning around, Li Wan exclaimed "Yeah" and slammed into Lin Jian's arms hard.

"I go!"

Lin Jian only felt a softness in front of his body, and subconsciously hugged the opponent's waist.

Just like that, the two of you hugged me and I hugged you, and fell down together in embarrassment!

"Wang Wang..."

The Tibetan mastiff continues to bite!

Li Wan was so frightened that his legs kicked wildly and his delicate body trembled!
At that time Lin Jian was pressed down by Li Wan, although he was holding a chaste lady in his arms, he didn't dare to have any bad thoughts.

He straightened his waist, changed positions with Li Wan, and put Li Wan under him instead!
Then immediately stood up, turned around and was kicked with a whip!
Hit the big head of the Tibetan mastiff with one leg!

Nanshan Shadowless Foot is not built!
Stepping down, the Tibetan Mastiff let out a scream of "嗤" and fell to the ground.

Lin Jian rushed up and mended a few more feet, until the Tibetan mastiff was foaming at the mouth, desperately!

When the Tibetan mastiff fell, the court ladies dared to surround it.

Everyone was in a hurry to help Li Wan up.

Li Wan's face was pale, but he still had lingering fears in his heart. He calmed down a few times, looked around and said, "Are you all okay?"

The maids all shook their heads, pointed at Li Wan's calf, and said with concern: "Eldest Princess, you are injured!"

Li Wan looked down.

The skirt on her body has been torn out of shape!
There were a few bloodstains on the left calf, but what was more serious was the right leg, which was bitten!
Fortunately, the bite was not too deep, and there were only two shallow bleeding holes.

"Eldest Princess, this servant is going to call the imperial doctor!"

"No need!"

Seeing that the injuries were not serious, Li Wan stopped them and said, "It's enough to bandage it up, and there's no need to mobilize the crowd and bother the imperial doctor."

Lin Jian looked at Li Wan, worried for a while.

Li Wan's leg injury did not look very serious.

However, once infected with rabies virus, it is over!

"No wonder I signed in today and gave me a dose of vaccine!"

"So it was to save the eldest princess!"

"But, there are only vaccines, no needles and syringes, how to inject her?"


(End of this chapter)

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