Chapter 37
Humans have used drug injections to treat diseases a long time ago.

The ancients discovered that darts coated with poison can quickly poison the enemy after injuring the enemy!
So empathy!

If the medicine is poured directly into the human body, it can definitely cure the disease quickly!
What was used at that time was a very rude enema technique!

And the tool is a bamboo tube!
That is, put the medicine into a clean bamboo tube, and inject the medicine into the human intestinal tract from below!
Although this method is rude and the process is painful, it does greatly enhance the effect of the treatment!
Lin Jian quietly took out the vaccine, feeling uneasy.

I don't know if Li Wan can accept this treatment.

If accepted...

Think about the excitement of riding a horse!

After a while, Li Wan's calf was bandaged and he changed his clothes.


Lin Jian hurried forward.

Recalling the way the two hugged each other just now, Li Wan blushed a little and said, "Why haven't you rested yet?"

Lin Jian looked down and said, "Princess, your legs..."

"It's okay, it's taken care of."

Li Wan smiled slightly.

Lin Jiandao: "Braiding is useless! This is a mad dog, and it is very likely to carry rabies virus in its mouth... It can also be said to be venom; once the venom occurs, even a god will not be able to save it!"

Li Wan still had an understatement, and said: "It's okay, just a little injury, just sleep and it will be fine."

Lin Jian scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously.

The ancients did not have such a deep understanding of rabies, let alone how powerful they are!
How can this be good?

In fact, not to mention the ancients, even modern people, there is no good way to get rid of rabies virus.

Vaccination is the only way to deal with rabies virus, and it needs to be injected as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, vaccination works best within one day after being bitten by a dog, and the longer the delay, the greater the risk.

Lin Jianzheng didn't know how to explain it.

At this time, a eunuch ran in in a panic and said, "Eldest princess, something is wrong!"

Li Wan said, "Eunuch Tao, what happened?"

Eunuch Tao looked at the half-dead Tibetan mastiff that was still twitching from time to time, and said, "Does the eldest princess know the owner of this dog?"

Li Wan shook his head.

Tao Gonggong said: "I heard that this dog belongs to An Qingxu and Mr. An. Now that he is beaten up like this, I'm afraid Mr. An will not let it go."

Hearing this, Li Wan chuckled lightly and said: "This dog ran into my Tianxin Pavilion to bite people, can't we move it?"

Eunuch Tao sighed: "Of course the slave doesn't mean that, it's just... the dog is too badly injured, I'm afraid it won't survive!"

Li Wan said: "If you can't live, you can't live! Why, you still want me to be buried with it?"

"Slave dare not!"

"Damn the slave!"

Eunuch Tao was so frightened that he knelt on the ground with a "plop" and slapped himself.

"Okay, stop!"

Li Wan was a kind-hearted person, after saying what he said just now, he felt a little regretful, and said: "Since it is Master An's pet dog, then... let's send it to Shang Yao Bureau for the time being, and see if the imperial doctors can do anything about it. "


Only then did Eunuch Tao get up, ready to get the Tibetan Mastiff to be treated.

Unlucky to say.

Originally, the Tibetan mastiff still had a breath, but now it was so tormented by Tao Gonggong, it suddenly died!
Soon, the body became stiff.


Eunuch Tao was dumbfounded.

Right now!

A dozen people suddenly poured in from outside.

The leader is about 20 years old, wearing the official uniform of the third rank; behind him is a group of forbidden soldiers, and there is also a palace lady, who seems to be from Tianxin Pavilion.


"My mad lion!"

The young man ran to the dead body of the Tibetan mastiff, weeping bitterly, tears streaming down his face.

"Master An..."

Eunuch Tao was so frightened that his legs gave way and he knelt down.

Lin Jian walked to Li Wan's side and whispered, "Eldest Princess, what is the origin of this Mrs. An?"

Li Wan said: "Master An Lushan, have you heard of it?"

Anlu Mountain?
Don't be too familiar with that!
The culprit of the "Anshi Rebellion" in history!

The Tang Dynasty turned from prosperity to decline, and it also started from him!

Lin Jian nodded and said, "Of course I know, Fan Yang Jiedu envoy has one hundred thousand troops under his command!"

Li Wan said "Yes", and said: "This An Qingxu is the son of Master An Lushan; this time, their father and son came to Beijing to participate in the Qianqiu Festival."

An Qingxu wiped away his tears, turned to look at Eunuch Tao, slapped him hard, and said, "Damn eunuch, you killed my mad lion?"

"Ah? No, no!"

Eunuch Tao was stunned, and it took him a long time to react.

An Qingxu said, "Who is that?"


Eunuch Tao was too frightened to speak.

An Qingxu snatched a gun from the hands of the imperial guards, poked it hard on the ground, and said, "Who is it? Tell me!"

Eunuch Tao was so frightened that he couldn't cry, he lay on the ground like a dog, begging for mercy, and said: "Master An, please forgive me, Mr. An, please forgive me..."

"Don't say it?"

An Qingxu sneered, and said, "Then let's bury my dog ​​with me!"

After finishing speaking, he raised the spear in his hand.


Lin Jian couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to take a step forward.

Li Wan wanted to hold him back, but it was too late, so he could only worry secretly.

Lin Jiandao: "I killed this dog! Your dog ran to Tianxin Pavilion to bite people. I have to do it out of self-preservation!"

Seeing someone voluntarily admitting, An Qingxu immediately looked at the other person, his eyes seemed to burst into flames!

At this time, the maid behind her leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Lord An, his name is Lin Jian, and he is the young master of Lin Guofu."

"Lin Jian..."

An Qingxu snorted coldly, and said, "You pay me for the life of the wild lion!"

Li Wan said: "Master An, we didn't mean to hurt your dog. But people die... dogs can't be brought back to life, so please mourn. Besides, Tianxin Pavilion is willing to compensate for how much this dog is worth."

Although Tianxin Pavilion is weak, Li Wan is the eldest princess no matter what.

An Qingxu didn't dare to entangle her too much, pointed at Lin Jiandao: "If the eldest princess really wants to make compensation, just leave this person to me to deal with!"

Li Wan said: "Master Lin is an official of the imperial court, and he accidentally injured your pet dog in order to protect me. What do you want, tell me!"

An Qingxu looked at Li Wan, then at Lin Jian, and finally said: "Come on, take Lin Jian down for me!"


A group of banned soldiers rushed up immediately.


Li Wanhu stood in front of Lin Jian and said: "This is an important place in the harem, I don't think any of you dare to do anything wrong! An Qingxu, please leave the Tianxin Pavilion in this palace immediately!"

"Harem powerhouse?"

An Qingxu pointed to Lin Jiandao: "Then why can he come? He can come, but I can't?"

Li Wan said: "Master Lin was invited by this palace!"

Seeing Li Wan defending himself like this, Lin Jian was moved for a while.

He didn't want to drag Li Wan down, so he took the initiative to step forward and said, "Your surname is An, just say what you want, don't go around the bush!"

"it is good!"

An Qingxu said: "Since you are the official of the imperial court, I will not hurt your life! In this way, if you wear sackcloth and mourning for my dog, and keep the spirit for seven days, this matter will be over!"

(End of this chapter)

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