Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 38 Have You Heard of Rabies?

Chapter 38 Have You Heard of Rabies?
Hearing this, everyone was shocked!

It is necessary for an imperial court to order an official to dress a dog in linen and filial piety, and to keep a vigil for seven days!

What a lawless person must be to say such a thing!

Li Wan was trembling with anger.

When the other party bullies Lin Jian, he is bullying himself!
However, what can a woman do if someone comes to the door with the forbidden army?

Li Wan looked around, secretly called Eunuch Tao to him, and whispered, "Go to Qingxin Pavilion and tell Princess Lingnan!"


Eunuch Tao quietly slipped away with his tail between his legs...

Lin Jian took a few steps forward, walked up to An Qingxu, and said with a smile, "Say it again!"

"It's the same ten times!"

An Qingxu pointed to Lin Jian's nose and said, "I asked you to give me a dog to wear hemp and filial piety to keep the spirit for seven days! Do you hear me?"

Lin Jian went up and slapped An Qingxu, half of his face was swollen.


The forbidden soldiers quickly surrounded them.

Lin Jian roared angrily, and said, "Do you know who I am? Let me see which one of you dares to move!"

Lin Jian's display of power, not to mention, really bluffed the opponent.

For a moment, the forbidden soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and no one dared to be the first to move.

An Qingxu rubbed the swollen half of his face, glanced at the official uniform on Lin Jian, and said, "A mere official from the fifth rank dares to show off his power in front of me, come on, take this person down!"

Lin Jian slapped him again, and the other half of his face was swollen too!
At this time, the maid from behind came out again, and said weakly: "Lord An, this Lin Jian is not only the young master of Lin Guofu, but also... the consort of Princess Lingnan and Princess Xiangxiang."


Hearing this, An Qingxu was immediately stunned.

On the way to Chang'an City this time, I heard that there is a newly promoted celebrity in the imperial court. Not only is he recognized as a younger brother by the imperial concubine, but he is also betrothed to two princesses!

Unexpectedly, it was Lin Jian in front of him!

This... how can this be good?
An Qingxu only felt numbness in his scalp and weakness in his legs.

Now that the matter has come to this point, admitting cowardice is definitely not enough!
Otherwise, it would be strange if the other party didn't peel him alive!
After thinking about it, it seems that there is only one way to go!

Now that you've torn your skin, let's tear it to the end!
Take this opportunity to arrest Lin Jian and send him to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and conduct a surprise investigation, charge him with unforgivable crimes such as secretly collaborating with the enemy country, and establish the chain of evidence!

At that time, even the son-in-law will have to admit defeat!

"Lin Jian!"

An Qingxu strengthened his courage, and said: "I suspect that you have secretly communicated with Tubo in an attempt to harm our Tang Dynasty! Someone, take him down and send him to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation!"

All forbidden soldiers surrounded Lin Jian again.

Seeing that they were about to start, at this moment, hundreds of imperial guards rushed in and surrounded the courtyard tightly!
"I see which one of you dares to move!"

A squeak sounded.

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl walked in with an arrogant face. It was Li Xiaolu, Princess Xiangxiang.

"Bitch, who bullied you?"

Li Xiaolu bounced and ran to Lin Jian.

Lin Jian pointed at An Qingxu and said, "Take him down and send him to prison!"


Li Xiaolu looked around and said, "What are you still doing?"


Not a moment later, An Qingxu and the people he brought were all captured, leaving no one left.

A crisis was resolved just like that.

When the imperial army retreated, Lin Jian pinched Li Xiaolu's chubby face and said, "Why are you here?"

Li Xiaolu said: "My sister heard that you were bullied by the bad guys, she was so anxious to death! But, she herself was too embarrassed to come forward, so she sent me here!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then how did your sister know?"

Li Xiaolu pointed at Eunuch Tao and said, "This eunuch brought us here!"

Lin Jian looked at Eunuch Tao, then at Li Wan, and suddenly realized.

It turned out to be Li Wan, who had been tipped off secretly.


Lin Jian wanted to talk to Li Wan about the vaccine.

However, when he heard that Lin Jian was going to practice Cuju, Li Xiaolu was so excited that he insisted on following along!
Helpless, Lin Jian could only take her with him and play in the Imperial College all afternoon.

It was dark in a flash.

Lin Jian sent Li Xiaolu away first, and then came to a bamboo forest.

Find a straight piece of bamboo, about the thickness of your middle finger, and use a dagger to cut off a section, about seven inches long.

"The length should be enough!"

"I just don't know the thickness, whether the eldest princess can bear it!"

"Her delicate skin and tender flesh, tsk tsk..."

Lin Jian hid the bamboo tube in his sleeve and came to Tianxin Pavilion.

"Brother, why are you here? My mother didn't ask me to call you!"

Seeing Lin Jian, Xue Chong was very surprised.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm too tired after playing ball for a whole day. Let's have a meal! Why, brat, don't you welcome me?"

"Of course you are welcome!" Xue Chong laughed, "I just happened to have a few extraordinary moves, and I want to ask you!"

Lin Jiandao: "We'll talk about that tomorrow, by the way, where is the eldest princess?"

Xue Chong pointed to a room in the southeast direction, and said, "My mother is changing her medicine!"

Boom boom boom!
Lin Jian came to the door of the room and knocked on the door.

"Is it Young Master Lin?"

Li Wan had already heard the conversation between him and his son.

"Well, it's me!"

Li Wan said: "Let's go to the main hall to rest and have some snacks."

Lin Jian looked at the main hall and found that the maids were all there, so he said, "It's such a princess, I... have something to tell you."

There was a moment of silence and no response.

After a while, the door opened.

Lin Jian stepped in and closed the door, only to see Li Wan sitting there in a plain skirt, the wound on his calf had been bandaged again.

Lin Jiandao: "It's such a long princess, have you ever heard of rabies?"


Li Wan shook his head blankly.

Lin Jiandao: "Rabies mostly exists in the body of a mad dog. Once a person is scratched or bitten by a mad dog, it is very likely that he will be infected with rabies!"

If Li Wan had realized something, he said, "Master, you mean that I might have contracted this disease?"

"Yes, that's what it means!"

Lin Jian nodded fiercely.

Li Wan smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I just checked, and the wound has begun to heal."

Lin Jiandao: "This has nothing to do with the wound, the toxin has already entered your body along the blood!"

Li Wan said: "But... I don't feel any discomfort at all?"

Lin Jian explained: "There is an incubation period for this disease! It can be as short as two or three days, three to five days, or as long as ten days and a half months, or even several months, and it may recur!"

Seeing Lin Jian's seriousness, Li Wan was also a little scared.

It was indeed the first time she had heard of rabies!
However, I have heard of hydrophobia.

The so-called hydrophobia is a disease that occurs after being bitten by a mad dog; and because the mad dog is afraid of water, it is called hydrophobia.

It is rumored that once hydrophobia occurs, death will undoubtedly occur within seven days!
Not to mention the imperial doctor, even the gods descended to the earth would have nothing to do!

Thinking of this, Li Wan's face paled suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice: "If you really got that rabies, what should you do? I heard that there is no cure!"

"I have medicine!"

With that said, Lin Jian took out the rabies vaccine and the bamboo tube.

(End of this chapter)

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