Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 42 This needle must be injected

Chapter 42 This needle must be injected
Gao Lishi took the lead and went down.

But in the arena, everyone is in danger.

Hydrophobia, that's no joke!

In case it is identified as suffering from hydrophobia, even if it is not tortured to death by the disease, it will be burned and buried!

There is no exception for the royal relatives and relatives!
Lin Jian couldn't help looking at Li Wan in the distance.

Just at this time, Li Wan also looked over.

For a moment, the two looked at each other.

As soon as their eyes met, Li Wan hurriedly looked away again in fright, and at the same time, his heart skipped a beat.

For some reason, ever since I heard Lin Jian talk about the method of vaccination, every time I saw Lin Jian, there was a faint pain there, shame and pain.


Musical instruments and dancing cease.

Everyone looked at Li Longji, waiting for him to speak.

"An Lushan, you have raised a good son!"

After a while, Li Longji sneered and threw the wine cup down hard!
"Subordinates can't teach their children well, and they deserve death!"

An Lushan was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, and knelt down in front of Li Longji.

Li Longji stood up and kicked his fat body tremblingly. He said, "Where is that beast now?"

An Lushan said: "Your Majesty feels deeply guilty. I took the initiative to send that rebellious son to the Ministry of Punishment a few days ago. He was beaten half to death. Now he has just been picked up and is recuperating from his wounds! Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely teach that rebellious son severely and give His Majesty a lesson." Confess!"

This An Lushan is also running the train with his mouth full.

An Qingxu was clearly brought in by Lin Jian, but he was ashamed to say that he took the initiative.

However, Lin Jian didn't say much.

After all, now that Li Longji is in a fit of anger, whoever speaks up will set himself on fire.

Moreover, An Lushan also gave him a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, which can be regarded as hush money.


The banquet broke up unhappy, and everyone gradually retreated.

Li Wan and Lin Jian seemed to agree with each other, deliberately lagging behind.

When the people were almost gone, Li Wan started to go out, and before leaving, he glanced at Lin Jian as if he had nothing to do.

Lin Jianxin understood and followed silently.

In order to avoid others' suspicion, Lin Jian always kept a certain distance from Li Wan.

After reaching the bamboo forest near Tianxin Pavilion, Li Wan suddenly stopped.

When Lin Jian came to him, Li Wan couldn't hide anymore, and said anxiously: "My lord, what should I do? Chong'er is still young, he can't live without a mother!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't be impatient, eldest princess, don't we still have the vaccine! As long as the hydrophobia has not yet occurred, this vaccine can play a certain role!"

When the vaccine was mentioned, Li Wan's delicate body trembled, the feeling of shame and pain seemed to come again, and she said weakly: "There is... is there no other way?"

Lin Jian sighed and said: "Princess, you heard it too, this disease is terminally ill! To deal with terminally ill, we should use extraordinary measures!"


Li Wan couldn't make up his mind.

Lin Jian wanted to catch him and said: "Why don't you think about it carefully, Princess Chang, if you think about it, I will come back another day."

After speaking, he turned around and made a gesture to leave.

"and many more!"

Li Wan hurriedly called to stop him.

Hydrophobia strikes fiercely, and it will attack as soon as it is said. Who knows if I can survive until tomorrow!

Lin Jiandao: "What other orders does the eldest princess have?"

Li Wan faltered and said: "Why don't go back to Tianxin Pavilion with me first, lest I can't find you after I think about it! Oh, by the way, do you bring the vaccine with you?"

"Take it!"

Lin Jian took out the vaccine from his bosom.

Of course, there is also the finger-thin, seven-inch-long bamboo tube.

Li Wan blushed and said: "Then...Young Master, please follow me to Tianxin Pavilion first."

"it is good!"

Lin Jiandao: "But princess, this matter should be decided early! After all, I'm a man, so it's fine to go there during the daytime. If someone finds out that I'm spending the night in Tianxin Pavilion, not only will your reputation be damaged, princess, I I'm afraid I will lose my head!"

Li Wan nodded deeply, and said: "Don't worry, no matter what, I will give you a definite answer before dawn tomorrow."

"That's good!"

Lin Jian was already too excited.


When he arrived at Tianxin Pavilion, Li Wan took Lin Jian to a remote room and said, "I can only wrong you here tonight, and I'm afraid people will find out in other rooms."

"It's okay!" Lin Jian said, "The princess has made up her mind, come and find me anytime!"

"En!" Li Wan nodded and said, "By the way, I haven't thanked you enough for what happened today!"

Lin Jianqi said: "What is it?"

Li Wan said with a serious face: "When I played Cuju with Tubo, thank you for saving Chong'er's life! Young Master, please accept my concubine's obeisance!" As he spoke, he knelt down to Lin Jian.

"Princess, you can't do it!"

Lin Jian grabbed Li Wan's little hand, quickly helped her up, and said: "You are the eldest princess, and I am a subject, won't this be a shame for me!"

Li Wan said: "She is the eldest princess, but she is also a mother. Lin Jian, thank you very much. If... If I really suffer from that hydrophobia, I will entrust Chong'er to you!"

After speaking, he opened the door with red eyes and left.

After Li Wan left, Lin Jian waited and waited.

But until early in the morning, Li Wan did not respond.

"what happened?"

Lin Jian frowned secretly.

This Li Wan, is he really not afraid of death?

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location--the bedroom of the eldest princess of Tianxin Pavilion! 】

The eldest princess bedroom?
Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat.

This is asking me to come to serve the eldest princess!

Lin Jian took the vaccine and the bamboo tube and came quietly outside Li Wan's bedroom.


"Are you asleep?"

He called twice, but there was no response.

Lin Jian tried to push the door, but he pushed it open unexpectedly!
The door is not bolted!

"Could it be that the eldest princess deliberately left the door open for me because she was shy and didn't dare to take the initiative to find me?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

Lin Jian pushed the door and entered.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered the bedroom of the eldest princess of Tianxin Pavilion, do you want to sign in now? 】

"Hurry up and sign!"

[Congratulations to the host, you got a bottle of Vaseline! 】

In Lin Jian's hand, there was an extra box of bottled Vaseline.

Good guy!
Lubricating aids are also here!

It's all work!

Lin Jian closed the door and tiptoed to the bed.

On the bedside table, there is an oil lamp.

Inside the bed curtain, Li Wan was wearing a white dress, lying under the quilt with his arms outside, breathing evenly, as if he was asleep.


Lin Jian tried to shout.

But Li Wan still didn't respond.

He was at a loss what to do when Li Wan suddenly turned sideways.

Face the wall inside, and face yourself behind!


Pretending to be asleep?

on purpose?
Lin Jian cleared his throat and said, "Princess, I'm about to start!"

As she spoke, she lifted the bed curtain, sat on the edge of the bed, and at the same time lifted the thin quilt on Li Wan's body.

Lin Jian unwrapped the Vaseline package, held the vaccine in one hand and the bamboo tube in the other, looked down, and said, "Princess, it's not convenient to turn sideways, can you lie down?"

As soon as the words were finished, Li Wan turned inside out cooperatively, and fell down on the ground.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Jian was so excited that he grabbed Li Wan's skirt and lifted it up.

(End of this chapter)

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