Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 43 The opposite chapter in the dark

Chapter 43 Conversation in the Darkness
Injecting vaccines with bamboo tubes is easy to say, but not so easy to do!

After all, this is different from ordinary injections. There is no needle tube, so you need to use a bamboo tube instead!

And the location of the injection is also different!

The needle tube is for intramuscular injection, while the bamboo tube is similar to "enema".

First pour the vaccine into the bamboo tube, and then forcefully inject it into the cecum!
After trying several methods, both of them were so tired that they were sweating profusely, but they failed.

In the end, Lin Jian made Li Wan kneel down and managed to inject the vaccine.

Lin Jian let out a long breath and said, "Eldest Princess, use your strength to suck the vaccine in so that it doesn't flow out!"

Li Wan wanted to keep pretending to be dead and not speak.

But because of the pain just now, I still couldn't help but recite the Tang poem "Goose Goose", so I simply stopped pretending.

After hearing Lin Jian finished speaking, Li Wan said anxiously: "I... seem to be losing control!"

"Come on!"

Lin Jian threatened her and said, "If you can't control it, I can only find something to plug it in!"

"do not!"

Hearing this, Li Wan turned pale with fright, shook his head fiercely, and said, "I seem to be able to do it again!"

"That's fine!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't lie down yet, keep this position, and wait until the vaccine is almost absorbed by the body before moving."


What Li Wan could say was to kneel there and sigh.

Lin Jian looked at Li Wan back and forth, looking at the undulating curve, like a mountain range covered with snow, white, winding, beautiful, shocking, and finally realized the joy of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and seeing Nanshan leisurely" .

Noticing Lin Jian's gaze, Li Wan was ashamed to death, and said, "Young Master, can you help me put the skirt back?"

"Ah, sorry! Forgot, forgot!"

Lin Jian reluctantly put down Li Wan's skirt.


So passed a stick of incense time.

Li Wan knelt down until his whole body went numb.

Seeing that she couldn't hold it anymore, Lin Jian said: "It should be almost enough!"

Li Wan let out a soft cry, his legs went limp, and he lay down directly, while Tan gasped heavily.

Lin Jian reluctantly said: "Eldest princess, you rest first, I'm coming back!"


When Lin Jian stood up, Li Wan said seriously, "Young Master, thank you!"

"Hey, you're welcome!"

Lin Jian put the bamboo tube next to the pillow and said, "By the way, this is for you as a souvenir!"

Li Wan's body trembled, his heart was full of resentment.

"This bamboo tube hurts just looking at it!"

"What commemoration? What is there to commemorate this kind of thing!"

"It's really embarrassing!"


Lin Jian put away the Vaseline, thinking that it might be useful in the future.

When I walked to the door, I had endless aftertaste on my face.

The orchid is beautiful, the chrysanthemum is beautiful, and the beautiful woman can’t be forgotten.

There was still a strong musk on her hands, which was the smell of Li Wan's body.

Lin Jian adjusted his mood and prepared to close the door and leave.

At this time, there was a sudden noise of footsteps outside Tianxin Pavilion.

Someone is coming!
Lin Jian was so frightened that he quickly retracted into the door and fastened the door!
Li Wan obviously also heard the movement, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Lin Jiandao: "I don't know, someone is coming anyway!"

Li Wan hurriedly said: "Then why don't you hurry out and go to your own room!"

"No way!" Lin Jian said, "It's too late, and if you go back, you may be searched out!"

Li Wan said: "But if you stay here with me, wouldn't the crime be more serious?"

Lin Jiandao: "You are the eldest princess, even if it is to search for assassins, the imperial army will not dare to enter your room easily!"

Li Wan thought about it carefully, and it seemed reasonable. Seeing Lin Jian standing inside the door, he said, "Why don't you come here first."

"it is good!"

Lin Jian came to the bedside again.

At this time, Li Wan was already lying under the quilt.

Not long after, a maid's voice came from the door, saying, "Eldest Princess, are you alright?"

Li Wan yawned, pretending he was still asleep, and said, "What's the matter?"

The maid said: "The imperial guard said that a eunuch has a hydrophobia attack and is biting people everywhere!"

Li Wan said: "It's fine here, let them please come back!"

The maid said: "It's good that the eldest princess is fine, but it is estimated that the imperial army will stay for a while until they find the eunuch."

Li Wan said "oh" and said, "I'm fine, you should go back and rest soon."



Holding a torch, the imperial guards entered the courtyard.

On the one hand, it is to find patients, and on the other hand, it is also to protect everyone's safety.

But in this way, Lin Jian was trapped in Li Wan's bedroom and couldn't get out!

Standing in front of the bed, Lin Jian stretched long.

Li Wan felt a little sorry.

It's true that he just let him see everything!
From now on, I will never have any secrets in front of this person!

But after all, they are here to treat themselves!

Li Wan's heart softened, and he said, "Why are you standing there?"


Lin Jian was a little reluctant in his heart, thinking about sitting still sleepy!

Looking down, Li Wan took the initiative to move inside, leaving room for half of the bed outside.


Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat.

It turned out to be asking me to lie down!

Is this an indication?
"do not care!"

"Too sleepy!"

"I want to sleep!"

Lin Jian took off his shoes and tried to lift the quilt.

Seeing that Li Wan didn't stop her, she got into bed and said, "Thank you, Eldest Princess."

Li Wan moved inside again, and said: "Blow out the lamp, you go to sleep first; when the imperial army leaves, I will call you."

"it is good!"

Lin Jian blew out the lamp with a "pop".

Suddenly, the room was dark.

Lin Jian was clearly sleepy, but the beauty was beside him, smelling the strong musky scent of her body, but he couldn't fall asleep.

"Are you asleep?"

In the darkness, Li Wan suddenly asked in a low voice.

"not yet!"

Lin Jian moved inward, getting closer to Li Wan.

Li Wan sighed: "I don't know if this vaccine is really effective. What should I do if I also suffer from hydrophobia..."

As he spoke, he choked up, and his body trembled slightly.

Under the blanket, Lin Jian groped to find Li Wan's little hand, grabbed it firmly, and said, "Don't worry, princess, the vaccine will definitely work! As long as the hydrophobia doesn't show up, it can stop the virus!"

Li Wan wanted to withdraw his hand, but Lin Jian grabbed it tightly.

After trying twice to no avail, I let him hold it.

People are just comforting themselves, not to take advantage.

After a while, Li Wan calmed down a little, and said, "By the way, Young Master, how do you know so much?"

Lin Jian felt complacent for a while, but said: "There are not many!"

Li Wan said: "Look, you not only know how to play cuju, but also heal diseases! I heard that Concubine Yang's strange disease was cured by you a few days ago!"

Lin Jiandao: "These are all easy to do, nothing to worry about!"

Li Wan said: "If Chong'er can have half of your ability in the future, I, a mother, will be satisfied."

Lin Jiankou said in disbelief: "It must be better than me!"

The two chatted without a word.

But the time outside seemed to stand still, and there was no dawn for a long time.

Seeing Li Wan looking out from time to time, Lin Jian said: "Eldest Princess, why don't I tell you a story."

"Can you still tell stories?"

Li Wan felt strange for a while.


Lin Jian pondered for a while, and told a ghost story in "Liao Zhai" - "Painted Skin".

(End of this chapter)

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