Chapter 45 Adversity sees the truth

In the afternoon, Lin Jian came to Yining Square and bought an eagle.

This thing is too big, and it can bark!
You have to find a way to bring it into the palace smoothly.

The barking problem is easy to solve.

There is a special medicine from the eagle seller. After feeding it, the eagle will stop crowing.

The tricky thing is how to bring such a big eagle cage into the palace!

Back at the mansion, Lin Jian tried it out, and finally hid the eagle cage on the sofa seat, covered with a layer of black cloth.

If you don't lift the black cloth, you won't notice the mystery inside!
"It's done!"

Lin Jian tied the sofa to the back of the motorcycle and headed all the way to the palace.

When he reached the gate of the palace, he was stopped.

It turned out that the rabies outbreak was rampant in the palace, and now people outside could not get in, and people inside could not get out. I don't know how long the quarantine will last!
Lin Jian was not in a hurry, so he went back home first.

In the next few days, Lin Jian signed in on time every day and got a lot of sponges and silica gel, making the sofa more comfortable!
Besides signing in, Lin Jian was not idle either.

I found a front room in Huiwenfang, opened a "Lin's Sofa City", and transported the sofas piled up in the house.

On the opening day, Lin's sofa attracted a large number of customers rushing to buy it!
After all, things like sofas are much more acceptable than stockings!

After Lin's silk stockings, Lin's sofa has also become a big item of Lin Guofu's daily fortune!

Lin Jian counts money every day until his hands cramp, feeling that his life has reached its peak.


This morning, Lin Jian signed in at the door of a pharmacy and got another bottle of rabies vaccine.

Holding the vaccine, Lin Jian was slightly taken aback.

According to the urine nature of the system, you will not reward yourself for no reason!

Is it...

Is there any beautiful lady in the palace who was bitten by a dog and needs me to vaccinate her?
Lin Jian immediately returned to Lin Guo Mansion, took the eagle again, and headed towards the palace.

At this time, the palace is still closed to the outside world; ask the guards, it is not known when the seal will be lifted.

Not knowing how to inquire, Gao Lishi came out in a hurry.

Seeing Lin Jian, Gao Lishi was overjoyed, waved his hands and shouted: "Young Lord, please stay! Hurry up and stay!"

Lin Jiandao: "Lord Gao, why are you so flustered?"

Gao Lishi ran to him, out of breath, and said, "Your...the imperial concubine is ill, your Majesty is in a hurry, and is asking me to go to Lin Guo Mansion to find you!"

"Your Majesty's Concubine?"

Lin Jian touched the vaccine in his arms secretly, and said, "What disease?"

Gao Lishi sighed, pulled Lin Jian and said, "Young Master, let's talk as we walk."

Lin Jian guessed right.

Yang Yuhuan was also infected with rabies!

To be exact, it was a palace lady in Huaqing Palace who was found to be infected!
This court lady was bitten by An Qingxu's Tibetan mastiff before, but she was afraid that she would be burned to death, so she kept it secret.

This morning, the lady-in-waiting got sick and couldn't hide it.

But before the imperial army arrived, the palace maid bit Yang Yuhuan!
It's what it is now!

When Li Longji learned about it, he was furious, and ordered that the palace maids be executed all over the family, and even the nine clans. He wanted to go to Huaqing Palace to visit Yang Yuhuan, but was stopped by the imperial doctors desperately.

Li Longji was blocked outside the Huaqing Palace, he was in a hurry!

In just half an hour, the heads of three imperial doctors had already been chopped off!

Just because they said that the imperial concubine suffered from hydrophobia and was doomed to die, so they had to deal with it as soon as possible!
For a while, everyone in the palace was in danger.


On the way, Gao Lishi asked curiously: "Young Lord, do you really have a way to cure the imperial concubine?"

Lin Jiandao: "Why, Mr. Gao doesn't believe me?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it!" Gao Lishi said, "The person recommended by the eldest princess will naturally be right!"

"What?" Lin Jiandao, "Who recommended it?"

Gao Lishi said: "Eldest Princess, Princess Taihua! The Eldest Princess heard that Your Majesty Longyan was furious, so she rushed outside Huaqing Palace and recommended you to His Majesty, saying that you might have a solution!"

"Is that so..."

Lin Jian immediately understood.

While talking, the two came outside Huaqing Palace.

From a long distance away, Li Longji took the initiative to meet him, crying, "Lin Jian, quickly save your sister! Your sister is suffering from hydrophobia!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, with me here, the imperial concubine is sure to be fine!"

Hearing these words, Li Longji's heart was half relieved.

Although Lin Jian is sometimes out of tune, sometimes out of tune, but at critical moments, he never loses the chain!
Since he boasted about this Haikou, it must not be a big problem!
Li Longji wiped away his tears, and pulled Lin Jiandao: "Then let's go in for treatment!"

"His Majesty!"

Seeing that Li Longji was about to go in, the imperial doctor and concubines knelt in a large group.

Li Longji had no choice but to pat Lin Jian on the shoulder and said, "I can't accompany you anymore, imperial concubine, your sister... just please!"

"Do not worry!"

Lin Jian thought, it's just right if you don't go in!

You are here, it is really inconvenient for me to start!
Lin Jian led the motorcycle and entered Huaqing Palace alone.

The Huaqing Palace, which used to be bustling and bustling, was extremely deserted today. There were not a single eunuch or maid in sight along the way.

Lin Jian walked all the way to the bedroom and parked the motorcycle.

When I arrived at the door of the bedroom, I looked up, and I was quite frightened at the time!

I saw a white silk hanging on the beam of the bedroom!
Yang Yuhuan was standing on the table, holding the white silk with both hands, and was about to hang herself!
"elder sister!"

Lin Jian rushed over and hugged Yang Yuhuan tightly from behind.

"Brother, don't stop me, you let me die!"

Yang Yuhuan cried and struggled desperately.

Lin Jian couldn't help but hug her down, and said: "Sister, what a big deal, why can't I think about it!"

Yang Yuhuan said with tears in her eyes: "My sister is already dying, and she will infect others with this strange disease! go out too, just like them, never come in again!"

Lin Jian didn't speak, he opened his arms and hugged Yang Yuhuan tightly!
After crying for a long time, Yang Yuhuan felt a little relieved, lying in Lin Jian's arms, looked up at him, and asked in puzzlement, "Brother, are you not afraid of being infected by me?"

Lin Jian shook his head and said, "Don't be afraid!"

Yang Yuhuan was greatly moved.

Whether it's false or false, only when it's life and death can you tell!

Not to mention the emperor at this time, even my cousin Yang Guozhong and two sisters dare not even step into the Huaqing Palace!
Unexpectedly, the person who was with her at the last moment of her life was actually this unrelated godbrother!
"younger brother!"

Yang Yuhuan called out affectionately, hooked Lin Jian's neck tightly, threw herself into her arms and kissed him.

Naturally, Lin Jian would not refuse anyone who came.

I was vaccinated against rabies when I was a child, so I am not afraid of being infected!
a long time……

Lin Jian gently supported Yang Yuhuan's shoulders, and said, "Okay sister, let's kiss later, let's start the treatment!"

"What... what?"

Yang Yuhuan looked confused.

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, I'm here to treat your illness!"

"Cure?" Yang Yuhuan asked uncertainly, "Hydrophobia?"

"En!" Lin Jian nodded.

Yang Yuhuan still couldn't believe it, he stumbled and said, "This disease...don't tell me, don't you say it's terminal?"

Lin Jiandao: "Before the attack, it can be cured. After the attack, it is truly incurable!"

(End of this chapter)

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