Chapter 46

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan couldn't believe her ears!

It feels unreal like a dream!

No one really wants to die!
They even want to live forever!
Counting the emperors in history, even Mingjun, after their old age, most of them would be addicted to seeking immortality.

Far away, Qin Shihuang won the government and appointed Xu Fu to lead five hundred pairs of boys and girls to go to the oceans to collect immortal medicines.

Recently, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, in order to prolong his life, took Jinshi medicine under the advice of an alchemist.

Jinshi medicine, also known as Jindan, is made by Taoist priests by smelting minerals in a pill furnace; the ingredients in the minerals mainly include mercury, carbon, tin, lead, copper, gold, silver and other substances, which are quite toxic!

Eating golden pills is not enough!
Li Shimin even took the "elixir" refined by a demon monk from Tianzhu, but died suddenly after taking it for several months!

In fact, Li Longji also failed to escape this vicious circle.

At this time, the imperial court has raised two strange men and strange men!

One is called Luo Gongyuan.

This person is proficient in many spells, especially in invisibility. Li Longji did not hesitate to call him "teacher" in order to learn the invisibility.

The second is called Ye Fashan.

This person is good at illusion, and in a dream, he took Li Longji on a proud tour of the moon.


After listening to Lin Jian's words, Yang Yuhuan regained hope in life, calmed down a little, and said in a trembling voice: "I... really don't have to die?"

"Need not!"

Lin Jian's tone was extremely positive.

Yang Yuhuan said: "You don't mean to make up lies to comfort me, do you?"

Lin Jian said with a straight face: "Sister, you don't believe me?"

Yang Yuhuan hurriedly said: "Of course my sister believes in you, it's just..." She wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to express it.

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, if I can save you once, I can save you twice! If you don't believe me, you should also believe in my elixir!" As he spoke, he took out the bottle of rabies vaccine from his bosom.

Yang Yuhuan felt confused for a while...

I remember the first time Lin Jian treated himself, the situation at that time was similar to now.

At that time, all the imperial doctors couldn't look down on my illness, and everyone was worried about being infected; in the end, I took Lin Jian's fairy medicine, and my condition improved at that time!

"Brother, I believe in you!"

In order to express his trust, Yang Yuhuan took the vaccine from Lin Jian's hand and wanted to open it and drink it on the spot.

"Don't, it's not for drinking!"

Lin Jian hurriedly snatched the vaccine back, and said, "This time the elixir has to be injected into the body!"

"Inject...into the body?"

Yang Yuhuan frowned slightly, obviously not understanding what it meant.

Lin Jian probably explained it to her.

After listening, Yang Yuhuan turned pale and said, "Is this the only way?"

Lin Jian nodded heavily.

Although the method is... strange, but in order to survive, I have no choice.

Yang Yuhuan looked around and said, "What can I use to inject this fairy medicine?"

Lin Jiandao: "Bamboo tube!"

"Bamboo...a bamboo tube?"

Yang Yuhuan was dumbfounded again!
I haven't started yet, and I already feel a little dull pain there.

Lin Jian stood up and said, "Sister, you wait first, I'll go outside to find bamboo tubes!"

Lin Jian walked around Huaqing Palace, but found no bamboo; he had no choice but to come to the gate of the palace.

Seeing Lin Jian, everyone at the door retreated in fright, for fear of being infected by him!

Only Li Wan and a few others stood there without moving.

Li Longji also took a few steps back subconsciously, and said, "Lin Jian, has Aifei's illness been cured?"

Lin Jiandao: "It will be ready soon, but there is still one thing missing."

Li Longji hurriedly said: "What? Tell me quickly! Even the moon in the sky, I will pick it off for you!"

Lin Jiandao: "That's not necessary, just cut a bamboo tube for me! It should be as thick as a finger, about seven inches long, straight, not too curved; by the way, don't leak water!"

Li Longji stared fiercely at the back, and cursed: "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you go!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone scattered like birds and beasts.

After a while, everyone came back with a few bamboo tubes in their hands, which perfectly matched Lin Jian's request.

However, no one dared to hand it to Lin Jian!

Afraid of being infected!

Several of them wanted to throw it at Lin Jian, but they were stopped.

If the bamboo tube breaks and leaks water, all previous efforts will be wasted!
Li Longji looked back at this group of people, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

Usually, each of them is loyal and willing to die, but when it comes to a critical moment, half of them are useless!

Li Longji is going to find a death row prisoner, even if his death penalty is spared.

Just about to speak, at this moment, Li Wan suddenly stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, my sister is here!"

Li Longji was overjoyed.

Going to the death row will definitely waste time!

It's best to do it as soon as possible!
Soon, Li Wan finished delivering the bamboo tubes.

Everyone was scared away from her, as if she was also infected.

Li Wan had already guessed the result, and said calmly: "Don't worry, everyone, after I go back, I will isolate myself in Tianxin Pavilion; if you are worried, you can ask His Majesty to send forbidden soldiers to guard against death, and I will never leave Tianxin Pavilion Half a step!" After finishing speaking, he walked away without looking back.

The crowd burst into tears.


Watching his sister leave, Li Longji withdrew his gaze and said, "Lin Jian, now that I have the bamboo tube, I will leave my beloved concubine to you!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!" Lin Jian raised the bamboo tube in his hand and said, "I will treat her well!"

Lin Jian took the bamboo tube and went back to the bedroom.

Soak and disinfect with wine first, and then polish one of the ends into a smooth shape with a blunt instrument to avoid scratching the skin.

Although he was mentally prepared, looking at the bamboo tube, Yang Yuhuan was still frightened and stammered, "This... must be very painful, right?"

Lin Jian took out the Vaseline and said, "Sister, don't be afraid, I still have lubricant here, try to be gentle!"

Yang Yuhuan blushed, gave a soft "hmm" and said, "Brother, I'm counting on you!"

The two of you will come as soon as you say it!

In the bedroom, the sound of Tang poetry "Goose Goose" came from time to time...

With the experience I had with Li Wan last time, this time it went much smoother.

Under Lin Jian's command and guidance, the vaccine was successfully injected into Yang Yuhuan's body soon.

Yang Yuhuan kept his posture to prevent the vaccine from spilling out, and persisted for another stick of incense, and finally he was done.

After the vaccination, Yang Yuhuan snuggled into Lin Jian's arms and said coquettishly, "Brother, it hurts so much, it's all because of you!"

With a smirk on his face, Lin Jian asked knowingly, "Where does it hurt?" As he spoke, he went straight to massage her.

The two were intimate and tender.

a long time.

Yang Yuhuan blushed, looked at Lin Jian expectantly, hesitated to say: "Brother, in one will come in now!"

Lin Jian was slightly taken aback.

Yang Yuhuan said: "You are good to my sister, and my sister knows it in her heart!"

Facing the beauty's request, Lin Jian almost nodded!

However, there are still ten days left before the second system task is completed!
Can't waste all our efforts!

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, after getting the's impossible!"

"Ah?" Yang Yuhuan was stunned for a moment, and said, "How long will it take?"

Lin Jiandao: "At least... it will take more than ten days!"

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan was disappointed for a while, and at the same time hugged Lin Jian even tighter, wishing to melt with him.

(End of this chapter)

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