Chapter 47
"A little further down!"

"A little further down!"

Lin Jian was massaging Yang Yuhuan when the parrot above his head screamed desperately again.

The two of them "clicked" and were startled!
Yang Yuhuan raised her head, frowned and said, "This talking beast will kill us sooner or later!"

"That's right!" Lin Jian said with a smirk on his face, "Sister, I brought the eagle!"

Yang Yuhuan was overjoyed and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let them go!"


Immediately, the siblings came to the yard and opened two birdcages one after another.

Poor parrot, thought he was free.

However, as soon as he flew to the gate of Huaqing Palace, he was slammed on the ground by the eagle behind him, pecking the bird's feathers withered and dying!
Seeing this, Li Longji and others outside the palace gate were stunned!

The parrot was pecked to death by an eagle, so naturally no one would suspect Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan.

On the contrary, Li Longji continued to comfort Yang Yuhuan, threatening to build a "Parrot Tomb" and so on.

After comforting Yang Yuhuan, Li Longji looked at Lin Jian expectantly, and said, "Your sister's illness..."

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine has recovered!"

Hearing this, Li Longji was elated and wanted to rush in at that time.

However, the officials were worried about the danger, so they stopped him, saying that they would wait for a few days of isolation.


Three days passed in a flash.

Together with Yang Yuhuan, Lin Jian was isolated in Huaqing Palace.

Every day when it’s time for meals, someone will deliver meals and vegetables, so you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking!

The two siblings swing on the swing during the day and stroll in the garden at night, it's like mixing oil with honey!
For the past three days, Lin Jian had signed in at Huaqing Palace, and received a bottle of shower gel, a bottle of shampoo, and a bottle of essential oil for opening his back.

Therefore, Yang Yuhuan's happiest time every day is taking a bath at night!

Take a shower with my brother!

In a blink of an eye, it was the fourth day.

That night, Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan were making love to each other in the bathroom, researching new massage techniques.

Suddenly, a eunuch's voice came from the bedroom, saying, "Young Master?"

Hearing the sound, the two were startled, and hurriedly dried themselves and put on their clothes.

Back in the bedroom, Yang Yuhuan said with a straight face: "You lowly servant girl, you come in rashly, aren't you afraid of death?"

The eunuch was so frightened that he prostrated himself on the ground and said, "I want to report to your empress, Your Majesty has just announced that the seal has been lifted."

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan was slightly taken aback.

He glanced at Lin Jian meaningfully, feeling a little bit reluctant in his heart!
Although these three or four days, I was trapped in Huaqing Palace and couldn't go anywhere.

However, my younger brother has always been by my side!
It's been a long time, and I haven't been this happy!
It can even be said that these are the happiest three days in my life!
Thinking of the imminent separation, Yang Yuhuan feels lonely.

Lin Jian was afraid that the eunuch would find out that there was something wrong between him and Yang Yuhuan, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Is the Huaqing Palace unsealed, or the entire palace?"

The eunuch said: "Go back to my lord, the entire imperial palace has been unsealed! I heard that Prime Minister Zuo invited an eminent monk from Tianzhu, and he practiced it for a day and a night. Now the hydrophobia has been driven away by that eminent monk." gone!"

"Monk Mao!"

Lin Jian sneered in his heart.

It must be another liar who came out of nowhere!

Now that the seal is lifted, Huaqing Palace cannot stay any longer.

Lin Jian said goodbye to Yang Yuhuan and was about to leave.

At this time, the eunuch suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted anxiously: "Young Master!"

Lin Jian stopped and turned around, "What else is there?"

The eunuch said: "It was the emperor who sent his servants to call you, and asked you to go to the Ministry of Punishments."

"Department of Punishment?" Lin Jian frowned, "Now?"


Lin Jiandao: "Do you know why?"

The eunuch said: "I heard that there is a big case in Chang'an City today, and now the three divisions are going to interrogate it!"

Lin Jian nodded.

No wonder Li Longji didn't come to Huaqing Palace immediately after the unblocking, it turned out that something big happened!

It seems that this case is not trivial!
The joint trial of the three divisions is the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple and Liufanmen. The three departments jointly handle the case.

Generally, only the major and important cases that shocked the whole country will start the procedure of the joint trial of the three divisions!

Ministry of Punishment.

Li Longji sat on the Hu chair with a pile of cigarette butts thrown under his feet.

More than a dozen important ministers were also frowning.

Seeing Lin Jian coming in, Li Longji frowned slightly, but only once, pointed to the soft couch beside him, and said, "Sit down."


Lin Jian sat down anxiously, and looked around quietly.

There are more than a dozen important officials in the field, all from the third division.

Lin Jian didn't know most of them, including his Dali Temple.

Originally, I was going to take office, but I just encountered an epidemic of hydrophobia and was quarantined in Huaqing Palace, so I have been delayed until now.

Among the dozen or so people, two are more conspicuous.

One of them was a monk, wearing a golden cassock, standing beside Li Longji.

The other one is a female catcher.

Judging from the official uniform on his body, he should be at the level of head-hunters of the six sects.

The little girl is not very old, so she is not young, and the official uniform is bulging, and there is a feeling that it will burst at any time!
After a long silence, Li Longji finally spoke first.

He took a deep breath of Hua Zi, and skillfully exhaled a smoke ring, saying: "Lin Jian, tell me what you think now!"

Lin Jian: "???"

What a joke!
I just came here, and I don't know anything yet, so I say you are paralyzed!

At this time, Ji Wen, the servant of the Ministry of Justice, said, "Master Lin probably hasn't understood the case yet, has he?"

Lin Jian nodded.

Ji Wen beckoned, asked someone to bring the file over, and said, "Master Lin, please take a look at it first!"

Lin Jian opened the file and read it...

This case is indeed not small!
The imperial court transported [-] carriages of money and supplies to Huainan Road for disaster relief.

However, when the carriage left the palace and arrived at Taipingfang, there was a sudden thunderbolt from the blue sky, which was described in the file as "half like thunder, half like the roar of a monster"!
Immediately afterwards, a black demon wind blew nearby!
In an instant, people turned their backs on their backs and ruined walls!
When the evil wind dissipated, all ten of the money-laden carriages disappeared.

The dry food and clothes on the other ten vehicles also suffered heavy losses!


Lin Jian looked back and forth three times.

Just based on the few words on the paper, it is impossible to see why.

After a while, Lin Jian closed the file and said, "Your Majesty, the file is too simple, and I need to go to the scene to check it."

Li Longji gave a perfunctory "hmm", but turned his gaze to the monk beside him, and said, "Master, are you sure this is the work of a monster?"


The monk said: "This monster can actually show its form in the daytime. Obviously, it is not shallow! If it is not handled properly, it will waste people and money; if it is serious, I am afraid that the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed!"

Hearing this, Li Longji was so frightened that his face turned pale, and said: "Master, please take action, assist the third division, and thoroughly investigate this case!"

(End of this chapter)

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