Chapter 48
Lin Jian felt left out.

You study the dossier seriously by yourself, but you end up with this attitude?

Since this monk is so capable, just leave it to him alone, why do you have to drag our third division to make up for it!

and also!

The epidemic of hydrophobia, obviously I, Lin Jian, is the biggest contributor!

Stabbing... saved the eldest princess Li Wan, and the noble concubine Yang Yuhuan!

Good guy!
This monk is really good at taking advantage of it, and he will give the credit to him if he does a ritual ceremony casually!

Not only Lin Jian, but also more than a dozen officials in the field all felt a thorn in their throats.

However, these words can only beep in the heart, and no one dares to really say it.

Master Bukong Sanzang is an eminent monk who has returned to his homeland from Tianzhu!

It is rumored that he has a Buddhist scripture that specifically talks about how to prolong life.

And now, Li Longji is superstitiously asking immortals to ask these things!

Anyone who speaks ill of Sanzang is slapping the emperor in the face!

Bukong Sanzang smiled slightly, clasped his hands together and said, "The poor monk will live up to his trust, and bring that monster to justice as soon as possible!"

Li Longji was overjoyed and said: "If that's the case, then please ask the mage!"

After finishing speaking, he glanced around and said: "Ji Wen, Shen Yao, Lin Jian, you three are important ministers of the third division, you must fully cooperate with the mage, and catch that monster as soon as possible!"

The three looked at each other and said helplessly, "Yes!"

Catch that monster early...

Obviously, Li Longji has believed in the monster.

So how to proceed with this case?
After talking about the case, Li Longji said: "Lin Jian, how is your sister?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, my sister has been doing well these three days!"

Li Longji was overjoyed, and said: "The sorcerer's magic is still powerful, and once he made a move, he dispelled the plague in the palace! Lin Jian, come with me to Huaqing Palace!"

Lin Jian said angrily, "Your Majesty, I just came from Huaqing Palace!"

Li Longji thought about it, looked at Bukong Sanzang and said: "Master, the imperial concubine is also very interested in Buddhism. If Master has time, why not go with me."


"It's better to be obedient than to be respectful to a poor monk!"

When Li Longji and Bukong Sanzang left, Ji Wen looked at Lin Jian and Shen Yao, the "drum drum" chief arrester of the Six Doors, and said, "My lords, should we discuss the plan for tomorrow?" ?”

"It's still negotiable!"

Lin Jian got up and said, "Listen to the master's arrangement and it's over! Go home and sleep!"

Ji Wenwen and Shen Yao looked at each other with helplessness.


The next morning.

Lin Jian was sleeping soundly, when the old butler suddenly knocked on the door and said, "Young Master, there is a man named Shen asking to see you."

"What kind of adult is surnamed Shen, I don't know him, I don't see him!"

Lin Jian turned over and continued to sleep.

As soon as the voice fell, the door opened.

A clear and pleasant voice came from the bedside, saying: "Master Lin, wake up and handle the case!"


Lin Jian looked back, only to find that the person who came was Shen Yao.

At that time, Lin Jian was sleeping on his side, and the quilt was also kicked away. When he turned his head, a strange picture of his face and butt facing Shen Yao was formed.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian was a little embarrassed, so he quickly sat up and said, "Master Shen, why are you here?"

Shen Yao said: "Go, go to the scene of the crime to see the situation!"

Lin Jian rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked listless, and said, "Is this still necessary?"

Shen Yao said: "Lord Lin, no matter what His Majesty arranges for the rewards and loyalty of the emperor, we still have to do our duty well!"

Seeing that Lin Jian didn't like this, Shen Yao said again: "Don't you not like that monk? If that's the case, you should investigate the case clearly, and then you won't hit that monk in the face!"

Lin Jian remained unmoved, and quietly entered the sign-in system.

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - Taipingfang! 】

Isn't that exactly where the crime happened?
Lin Jian immediately got up and shouted outside: "Come on, get up!"

Soon, four beauties from the Western Regions came in with washbasins, towels, etc., and helped Lin Jian wash and change his clothes.

Shen Yao was on the side, watching with great interest, said: "Master Lin, your really colorful!"

Lin Jiandao: "You can also find a few muscular men to serve yourself every day!"

Shen Yao "cut" and said, "I don't have that hobby!"

After washing up, the two went out.

Shen Yao came to her horse by herself.

Seeing that Lin Jian did not lead the horse, Shen Yao said: "Master Lin, we are in a hurry, so we should not take the sedan chair!"

"Who said you have to sit in a sedan chair!"

Lin Jian got on the motorcycle, looked at the fuel tank—yes, there was still half of it left, stepped on it, and started it.


The exhaust pipe was belching black smoke.

Shen Yao was so choked that she frowned and said, "Master Lin, what is this thing? Can it also be used as a mount?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's faster than yours anyway! Don't you believe we compare?"

Shen Yao was aroused to be competitive.

Even though she is a woman, she has an outgoing personality and likes to fight for strength; otherwise, she is a girl, and she will not be the head of the six doors.

"Compare to compare!"

Shen Yao reined in the reins, and said: "If you arrive late, please have lunch! Drive!" After speaking, she galloped away.

"mock up!"

"If you want to invite me to dinner, just say so, why beat around the bush!"

With a twist of Lin Jian's hand, the motorcycle roared and flew away!

Soon, Lin Jian caught up with Shen Yao, turned around and said, "Master Shen, you chase me, if you catch up with me, I will let you hehehe!"


Shen Yao naturally refused to admit defeat.

The horse under him is accompanied by him who has experienced many battles!

Over the years, I have helped capture an unknown number of criminals, and I have never been afraid of anyone in terms of speed!
But today is strange!

Even if he tried his best to show his riding skills to the fullest, he still couldn't catch up with Lin Jian in front and was pulled further and further away!
Shen Yao not only did not hang her head down, but she was a little excited, and said to herself: "People say that the young master of Lin Guofu is cynical on the surface, but in fact he has a big heart, and he is a man of great ability! When I saw you today, there is indeed something. ! I, Shen Yao, like to cooperate with strong people the most!"


【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered Taipingfang, do you want to sign in now? 】


【Congratulations to the host, you got a police dog! 】

When Shen Yao arrived, she found that Lin Jian was holding a big black-backed dog in his hand, sticking out his long tongue, and his eyes were piercing. He asked in puzzlement, "Master Lin, do you still bring a dog with you when handling the case?"


Lin Jiandao: "I'm not taking you with me anymore!"

"Go to hell!"

At the moment, the two are investigating the scene.

The location of the incident was a bridge.

At this time, the bridge deck has been broken, impassable, and the left and right sides are sealed.

Except for broken stones and occasional blood stains, there is nothing else around.

Shen Yao frowned and said: "This scene has been passive!"

Lin Jian looked at the police dog that was eager to try, and said: "Master Shen, you and my dog ​​are thinking of getting together!"

(End of this chapter)

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