Chapter 49
Shen Yao gave Lin Jian a blank look, raised her fist, and said, "Next time I curse someone, I'm going to do it!"

"Don't!" Lin Jian said, "If I fight with you, I'm sure I won't be able to beat you!"

Shen Yao hummed, and said, "You're smart!"

Lin Jian looked in front of her and said, "I'm fighting with you. Before your fist reaches you, the two big breasts will kill you first! Who can beat you!"


Shen Yao rolled her eyes at him again, and began to investigate on her own.


Lin Jian followed, and said, "Sister Big Chest, what did Wu Zuo say?"

Shen Yao said: "The autopsy files won't come out until evening!"

After a pause, he said contemptuously, "What did you call me?"

"Sister with big breasts!" Lin Jian said with a smile, "This makes us look kind!"

Shen Yao said: "I'm not blessed to enjoy it, you'd better go befriend your beauty from the Western Regions!"


After watching for a long time, Shen Yao found nothing.

After all, the scene has been destroyed, and many important evidences have disappeared.

Suddenly looking up, he found that Lin Jian was leading the dog towards the bridge.

Shen Yao said in shock: "Hey, it's not safe up there, come down quickly!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't you want to see the real scene?"

After hesitating for a while, Shen Yao also followed.

"Wang... Wang Wang..."

At the break of the bridge deck, the police dog Heibei barked at a pile of abandoned stones.

Seeing Lin Jian's solemn expression, Shen Yao said, "Could it be that the evidence is here?"

Lin Jiandao: "In this world, there is no absolutely perfect crime, and there will definitely be some clues left behind. It depends on whether we can find it!"

With that said, push away the rocks.

Shen Yao stood on her tiptoes and looked inside. She thought there would be some arms, legs, etc., but she didn't expect that there was nothing inside the pile of stones!
Shen Yao was immediately disappointed, and said: "It's nothing!"

"is it?"

Lin Jian knelt down, picked up a piece of popcorn from the ruins, and said, "What do you think this is?"

Shen Yao stared wide-eyed, shook her head blankly, and said, "What?"

Now it was Lin Jian's turn to be confused, and said, "You don't even know this?"

Shen Yao still shook her head and said, "I've never heard of it!"

"Depend on!"

Lin Jiandao: "Popcorn, didn't you eat it when you were young?"

"Hold what?"

Shen Yao was at a loss.

"Forget it, I can't explain to you!"

Holding the popcorn, Lin Jian used his extremely limited historical knowledge and fell into deep thought...

In fact, after reading the dossier last night, Lin Jian had a judgment deep in his heart.

The so-called monsters are mostly non-existent!
As for "bolt from the blue" and "destroyed walls", it is easy to think of dynamite!

Gunpowder did exist in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, it has not been made into a hot weapon!
The usage scenarios of gunpowder and the people who understand gunpowder are also very few, which can be said to be rare.

It was not until the Song Dynasty that the use of gunpowder became common.

Therefore, Lin Jian quickly denied his judgment at that time.

But now it seems that maybe my first judgment is not wrong!

Only gunpowder can make food burst into popcorn!

Monsters don't have this ability!

Unless the monster can spit gunpowder!

Seeing Lin Jian pretending to be deep there, Shen Yao who was behind him was very anxious.

She couldn't help pushing Lin Jian and said, "Hey, did you see something?"

"That's it!"

Lin Jian threw the popcorn into his mouth.


Shen Yao was terrified, and said: "Spit it out quickly, be careful it's poisonous!"

Lin Jian smiled without saying a word.

Popcorn is very fragrant, how can it be poisonous!
However, after chewing two mouthfuls, Lin Jian suddenly changed his face, spat out with a "bah" and cursed: "Grass! There is blood!"

Shen Yao laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears, and said intermittently: "I... reminded just don't believe it! You will be punished now!"

Shen Yao's figure is amazing, especially her upper body!
This smile made Lin Jian's eyes straighten!

This has to be... E?
Because the proportions of her body were too out of balance, Shen Yao moved forward involuntarily while laughing.

At the break of the bridge deck, I still don't know it!
In the end, Shen Yao felt her feet slipping!
The body completely loses its center of gravity!


Lin Jian only heard a scream.

Take a closer look, there is nothing in front of you!

Shen Yao is gone!
"Help... help..."

"I don't know how to water..."

"Master Lin... help me... Gududu... Gududu..."

Lin Jian looked down, it turned out that Shen Yao was dropped by his big breasts, at first she could barely scream, but soon she sank to the bottom of the water.

Lin Jian took off his coat and jumped over with a "plop".

Catch Shen Yao in the water and strive to swim upstream!

When she surfaced, Shen Yao breathed heavily while spitting water out, holding Lin Jian tightly with both hands.

Lin Jiandao: "Take it easy! If you struggle like this again, I won't be able to swim to the shore!"

Shen Yao is a headhunter after all, she has experienced countless big scenes, and soon stabilized, saying: "Thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, remember to invite me to lunch, you said it yourself!"


Finally swam to the shore.

Lin Jian supported Shen Yao's buttocks, pushed her ashore first, and then climbed up by himself.

Shen Yao sat on the grass, smacked her lips, frowned and said, "Why is this water bitter?"

The ancient environment has not been polluted. Generally, the water of rivers and lakes is very clean, and many areas can even be directly drunk.

But the water in front of me is actually bitter!

Lin Jian also noticed something, and said with emotion: "It seems that they used a lot of explosives! To be able to manufacture and use so many explosives in this era must not be ordinary people!"


Shen Yao was still puzzled.

Lin Jian briefly explained to her.

Although Shen Yao still vaguely understood, she finally had a general idea.

After a short rest, the two were ready to return to the bridge and continue to search for evidence.

After walking a few steps, Shen Yao suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Lin Jian looked back, and quickly understood.

Shen Yao's figure can't be concealed by wearing clothes, but now being soaked in the lake water, it's no different from not wearing any clothes!
"You... don't look around!"

Noticing Lin Jian's wretched gaze, Shen Yao turned around immediately in fright.

Lin Jian went back to the bridge alone, took off the clothes he just took off, and said, "Sister Big Chest, now you have two choices!"

Shen Yao said angrily: "Say!"

Lin Jiandao: "First, you can dry it here, but judging by today's weather, it may not be possible to dry it even if it is dark!"

Shen Yao said: "What about the second one?"

Lin Jian took a few steps forward, put his coat on Shen Yao's body, and said: "Let's make it easy, I'll take you to my clothing store, and change into a clean one!"

Putting on her clothes, Shen Yao became much less vigilant.

Turning around, Youyou took a look at Lin Jian, and said in his heart: "Although this guy is outspoken, he's pretty good at it! Emma, ​​am I blushing?"

(End of this chapter)

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