Chapter 51 Advertising

After riding for a while, Shen Yao realized something was wrong.

Lin Jian is not chasing horses, he is clearly chasing people!

Like a maggot, it sticks to itself and cannot be shaken off no matter what.

However, Shen Yao's personality is carefree, not the kind of person who cares about it, so she quickly let nature take its course.

After about half an hour, we finally came near the foot of the mountain.

In order to avoid alarming the enemy, the two got off their horses far away and went on foot.

When I got a closer look, it was a workshop for blasting poles.

The so-called explosive pole is the predecessor of firecrackers. At that time, before gunpowder was popularized, people used fire to make bamboos burst and make sounds to expel plague gods. Later, it gradually evolved into the meaning of celebration and celebration.

The inside of the workshop was pitch black, and no movement could be heard.

Shen Yao frowned and said: "It seems that there is no one!"

Lin Jian waved his hand and said, "Here you are, let's go in and have a look!"

The workshop was really empty!

Not to mention people, you can't even hear the cry of insects.

Turning around, Shen Yao looked disappointed, and said: "It seems that we have found the wrong place!"

Lin Jian shook his head and said, "On the contrary!"

Shen Yao was puzzled and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Jian took out the lighter, found the oil lamp and lit it, then touched the table, and said, "Look, even the table is clean without any dust!"

Shen Yao said: "So?"

Lin Jiandao: "So, these people have moved away not long ago, obviously they are afraid that people will find this place!"

Shen Yao said: "So what?"

Lin Jiandao: "So, we are heading in the right direction, but we are just a step behind the other party! There must be something wrong with this workshop!"

Shen Yao thoughtfully, nodded again and again, and said, "I seem to understand what you mean! As long as we continue to search along this workshop, we will definitely be able to follow the vine!"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Lin Jian glanced in front of her, thinking that I want to touch your two big watermelons, swallowed, and said, "It's too late now, and I can't find anything for the time being; go back first, and come back tomorrow during the daytime!"


After entering Chang'an City, Shen Yao said, "Hey, let's discuss something with you!"

Lin Jiandao: "Say it!"

Shen Yao said: "Are you sleepy now?"

Lin Jiandao: "It depends on what to do, hehe!"

Shen Yao said: "Why don't we take a detour to the clothing store!"

Lin Jianqi asked, "Why are you going there?"

Shen Yao looked down and said, "The kind of hood in your store is quite comfortable to wear, but I only have one and I can't change it..."

Lin Jiandao: "For the sake of your knowledge, let me give you another one! But remember to advertise for me!"

Shen Yao was overjoyed and nodded fiercely.

After a while, he turned around and said, "Who is the advertisement? Why did we hit him?"

Lin Jian: "..."


At this time, it was the middle of Xu time, about eight o'clock in the evening.

Usually at this point, Lin's stockings have already closed.

But when I got to the place, I saw that there were lights on inside!

"Strange, did my Persian horse forget to blow the lamp?"

Lin Jian walked quickly to the door and found that the door was unlocked, so he pushed it lightly and it opened.

The door was unlocked and the lights were on, but there was no one in the shop!

Lin Jian was muttering, when the door of the fitting room opened.

A beautifully dressed, charming little woman, wearing fishnet stockings, came out scratching her head.

She looked very happy, humming a little song, standing in front of the bronze mirror, looking left and right, she was so beautiful.

"Depend on!"

"Why is she here?"

Lin Jian was speechless for a while.

Lin Jian knew this little woman.

Yang Guozhong's wife——Pei Rou, the number one technician of Zuihualou back then!
At this moment, Pei Rou was intoxicated by her own beauty and couldn't extricate herself, she didn't even realize that there were other people in the shop.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian couldn't help coughing.


Pei Rou was terrified.

Looking back, I realized it was Lin Jian.

Only then did Pei Rou feel relieved, and lightly patted her chest with her hand, and said coquettishly, "You are a real person, you didn't say a word when you came, you really scared me to death!"

Lin Jian: "???"

Do I need to say hello to you when I come to my house?

Pei Rou turned around twice, stretched one leg slightly forward, and said, "Young Lord, does this look good on my family?"

Lin Jiandao: "Is it okay to look at it and talk about it, have you paid?"

Pei Rou smiled and said, "What's the relationship between us? We're still talking about money!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't talk nonsense! What can we have to do with each other!"

Pei Rou said softly: "Well, you little master, you really have no conscience! Everything you said about feelings that night was a lie!"

Just at this moment, Shen Yao tied up his horse and came in.

Hearing this sentence, he was slightly taken aback, and said, "Master Lin, did I... bother you?"

"No no!"

Lin Jian pointed to the clothes hanging on the wall, and said: "Look at it casually, and try it on if you like it!"

After a while, Shen Yao took a fancy to a hood, and after taking it off, she went into the fitting room by herself.

Lin Jian took the opportunity to pull Pei Rou to the door, and said: "Madam Pei, we are both innocent, don't frame me, it's not good to spread the word like this!"

"Yo, so our young master is still a gentleman!"

Pei Rou "giggled" coquettishly, laughing so hard that she couldn't close her legs.


"This bitch is so stupid!"

"Let you run wild for another ten days! After ten days, I'll see if I can handle you well!"

Lin Jian felt dizzy for a while, but there was nothing he could do.

After laughing for a long while, Pei Rou stopped, lowered her voice, and said in a serious manner: "Young Lord, the slave family is looking for you this time for serious business!"

Lin Jian said impatiently: "If you have something to say, just say it!"

Pei Judao: "Didn't you say before you left last time that you wanted to test me?"

Lin Jian thought about it for a while, in order to perfunctory her, he seemed to have said such a sentence.

He said that if Yang Guozhong found any disturbances, he would come to Lin's stockings to report to himself, and the inspection period was one month!

Lin Jian's heart moved, and he said, "Do you know any news?"

"of course!"

Pei Rou looked smug, and said coquettishly: "Are you still driving him away now?"

"Hey, how come!"

Lin Jian flattered: "What do you know? Tell me quickly!"

Pei Rou rubbed her belly and said pitifully: "Oh, I haven't eaten yet, I'm starving to death! How about going to your house and we can talk while eating?"

Lin Jian twisted Pei Rou's buttocks, and said, "I warn you, don't push yourself too far! The one-month deadline hasn't come yet!"

Being twisted by Lin Jian in this way, Pei Rou let out an exaggerated cry, her face couldn't hide her excitement, she bit her lip and said, "It's so comfortable..."

Lin Jian forcibly suppressed the urge to hit someone, and said: "Okay, let's talk!"

Pei Judao: "It's such a young master, Mr. Xie, the Minister of the Household Department, came to our Yang Mansion today; I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but I heard that they mentioned you. They care about you, so I went to eavesdrop on it! "

Tobe servant?

Lin Jian was surprised.

Xie Yizhi, an important court official in charge of the household department!
Speaking of which, the disappearance of relief supplies is also related to him.

Because the money and food were allocated from the household department.

(End of this chapter)

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