Chapter 52 Camera

Lin Jian said impatiently, "What have you heard?"

Pei Judao: "I didn't hear what was said earlier, but later they talked about you and said they would deal with you!"

"Deal with me?"

Lin Jian was surprised and said, "Are you sure?"

Lin Jian guessed that Yang Guozhong would deal with him sooner or later, because he was such a capricious villain in history.

But at this stage...

He and I should still be on the same warship, right?
Pei Judao: "I'm sure, I can be wrong if I heard it with my own ears!"

Lin Jiandao: "Why are you dealing with me?"

Pei Judao: "The idiot in my family said that since the imperial concubine recognized you as her younger brother, she has been estranged from him; she also said that the seat of Dali Temple Minister should belong to him, and it's never your turn!"

With Pei Rou's explanation, Lin Jian figured it out.

Maybe this is really the case!

No matter how favored Yang Yuhuan is, he cannot support two relatives to become prime ministers at the same time.

Therefore, there must be a priority between myself and Yang Guozhong!
Yang Guozhong used to think that he was the "lord", so he won him over.

But now, he was surprised to find that he might be the "time"!
Therefore, Li Linfu can be put aside first, only by killing himself can he regain the initiative!

Lin Jiandao: "Did they say how to deal with me?"

Pei Judao: "I talked about it a few times, but they didn't think it was feasible! By the way, they also said that they will go to Daming Temple to meet someone tomorrow night!"

"Daming Temple?"

Lin Jian's heart moved, and he said, "Are you looking for a monk named Bukong Sanzang?"

"That's right, it's him!"

When Lin Jian reminded her, Pei Rou also remembered.

Lin Jiandao: "Okay, you did a good job this time!"

Pei Rou was overjoyed and said, "Then do you trust him?"

Lin Jiandao: "I believe half of it! As for the other half, it depends on your next performance!"

Pei Rou nodded fiercely, and said: "Young Master, put your heart in your stomach, what does he know, he will definitely come to you as soon as possible!"

"Okay!" Lin Jian said, "It's getting late, you should go back!"

Pei Judao: "Next time people have news, why don't you come here and wait for you?"

Lin Jian thought about it, if he went to Lin Guofu, he might have eyeliner, so he nodded.

Pei Rou looked down at the fishnet stockings on her legs, and said coyly, "Young Lord, these clothes are really pretty..."

"Hehe, let's go!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang!"

Pei Rou twisted the waist of the water snake, and got on the sedan chair contentedly.

Lin Jian cursed with a smile, with an innocent face: "Grandma, when did I become a young gentleman again?"

After a while, Shen Yao also came out, looking at Lin Jian with a playful look on her face: "I can't tell, Mr. Lin, the taste is quite strong!"

Lin Jiandao: "That is, otherwise how could I fall in love with you!"

"Fuck you!" Shen Yao said, "Today... why don't you come here first?"

Lin Jian nodded, and said, "Take me to the Star Observation Tower and get on the motorcycle!"

"it is good!"

Shen Yao is short of manpower, so she can only continue to be a driver.


The next morning.

Lin Jian was sleeping soundly, and Shen Yao came early again.

Lin Jian looked hopeless, and continued to sleep on his stomach with his head down.

"Get up, something big has happened!"

Shen Yao came to the bed and directly pulled Lin Jian up.

Lin Jiandao: "What's the matter?"

Shen Yao said: "Yesterday's post-mortem examiner has disappeared, and the dossier has also disappeared!"


Lin Jian regained his energy immediately, and said, "What's going on?"

Shen Yao said: "I went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice early in the morning to get the autopsy file, but I waited for a long time but I didn't get the job, and I didn't find anyone at his house!"

Lin Jiandao: "When did you disappear?"

Shen Yao said: "According to people from the Ministry of Punishment, I only came home last night when I was a child, but my family said that he didn't come back all night!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then something happened on the way home..."


Shen Yao looked at a loss, and said: "What should I do now?"

Lin Jian thought for a while, and said, "Well, let you people from the six gates search along the route Wu Zuo went home; I'll let the people from Dali Temple go to the workshop to have a look."

"it is good!"

Shen Yao hurriedly told the subordinates outside the door to go down.

After giving the order, Shen Yao returned to the room and said, "Everyone else is busy, what are we doing?"

Lin Jian summoned the beauties from the Western Regions, helped him get up and change clothes, and said slowly, "We two? Go shopping and fall in love!"

"I'm telling you seriously!"

Shen Yao was anxious and angry.

Lin Jiandao: "What else can we do? Let's slowly investigate the crime scene one by one!"

"Is that so..."

Shen Yao suddenly realized, thinking that this guy likes to talk nonsense, but he seems to have planned everything in his heart!

It works!
After washing up, Lin Jian invited Shen Yao to have breakfast at the house, and then entered the sign-in system.

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - the entrance of Ten Money Painting Workshop! 】

The studio is similar to a modern photo studio.

There were no cameras in ancient times, but portraits were needed in many places, and painting workshops came into being.

For example, some time ago, Lin Jian also hired a painter to paint portraits of the two princesses before confirming their real identities.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Jian continued to rub against Shen Yao's horse and set off.


【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered the entrance of Ten Money Painting Workshop, do you want to sign in now? 】


[Congratulations to the host, you got a video camera! 】

On the way to the place where the crime happened, Lin Jian happened to pass by the gate of Shiqian Painting Workshop, so Lin Jian signed it by the way.

When they got to the place, Shen Yao reined in the horse and tied the rope.

Looking back, he pointed at the camera in Lin Jian's hand and asked curiously, "What is this? Why didn't I see you carrying it just now?"

Lin Jiandao: "This is a camera!"

"Like a chicken?"

Shen Yao looked left and right, frowned and said, "It's not like that!"

Lin Jiandao: "The machine I'm talking about is different from the chicken you're talking about!"

Shen Yao said: "What kind of chicken is that?"

Lin Jiandao: "Xia Chong can't say anything, I can't explain it to you!"


Shen Yao was not convinced: "Then what is the use of this chicken?"

"It's very useful!"

Lin Jian thought for a while and said, "For example, if I was nearby with a camera on the day of the crime, I could have recorded the whole process!"

"The whole process... record?"

Shen Yao still doesn't quite understand.

Lin Jian stopped talking.

Turned on the camera and took pictures of Shen Yao...

"Hey, talk!"

"Don't point your dick at me!"

"What kind of chicken is this?"


This was done for 1 minute.

Lin Jian saved the video, and beckoned: "Sister Big Breast, come here! I'll let you take a good look, what kind of chicken is this!"

Shen Yao walked over with a puzzled expression.

Looking down, she screamed "Yeah", and said, "What...what's going on? Why did I get into your chicken?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's not that you ran in, but all your actions just now, including speech, movement, surrounding environment, etc., have all been recorded!"

Shen Yao suddenly realized, and said: "This is the whole record you just said?"


Shen Yao found it extremely novel and said, "Can you lend me your chicken for two days?"

(End of this chapter)

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