Chapter 54

Listening to the conversation below, both Lin Jian and Shen Yao were stunned.

Unexpectedly, the case of disaster relief materials was actually worked out by them!
Lin Jian also thought of it before, this matter may have something to do with Yang Guozhong, Xie Yizhi and Bukong Sanzang.

But unexpectedly, they are behind the scenes!
No, talking about the mastermind behind the scenes might be flattering them.

A few people are at best executors.

The real mastermind behind the scenes is this Gong Ziyu!

By the way, what is his identity?
Why do all the important court officials bow their heads to him?
Lin Jian and Shen Yao looked at each other, and continued to listen intently...

Yang Guozhong said: "My lord, since Lin Jian is such a hindrance, why don't he do nothing and kill him!"

Gong Ziyu shook his head lightly, and said: "This person is a son-in-law after all, so it is not impossible to kill him, but the price is too high! I, the Wang family of Taiyuan, have never traded at a loss!"

Yang Guozhong said: "If you don't kill him, why don't you let him continue to investigate like this?"

Gong Ziyu touched his chin, as if he was thinking.

After a while, he slowly said: "Since he likes to check so much, let him check himself!"

Yang Guozhong was puzzled and said, "What do you mean by this, my lord?"

Gong Ziyu said: "Where is Wuzuo now?"

Yang Guozhong said: "I am imprisoned in an abandoned house. Don't worry, my lord, no one will know about it!"

Gong Ziyu nodded, and said: "This person is going to die anyway, why not make good use of it!"

Yang Guozhong still didn't quite understand, and said, "Young Master, please advise!"

Gong Ziyu was about to speak.

At this time, the stunning beauty beside him suddenly changed his expression, and raised his head and said, "There is someone!"

Suddenly, several people looked up at the same time.

Lin Jian and Shen Yao quickly retracted their heads in fright, thinking that they had been discovered.


A big black cat passed by and jumped down the eaves.

The stunning Meiji looked apologetic, and said: "I'm sorry, my lord, it's Yue Nu who misunderstood."

Gong Ziyu shook his fan and said, "I don't blame you! This matter is of great importance, there is nothing wrong with being careful!"

Although the few people didn't notice Lin Jian and Shen Yao, they became more cautious after being disturbed by the big black cat.

Next, the voices of several people were so low that they couldn't hear anything!

After about a stick of incense, they had almost finished their conversation and left one after another.

Lin Jian and Shen Yao also left Daming Temple.

When they got outside, Shen Yao said: "Should I call someone now and catch them?"

Lin Jiandao: "There are so many important officials in the imperial court, and Sanzang Bukong, whom His Majesty trusts the most. If there is no hard evidence, they will definitely not be defeated, and they will even scare the snake!"

Shen Yao pointed at the camera and said, "Isn't this considered ironclad evidence?"

Lin Jiandao: "Only the picture, the sound is too low, I can't hear anything clearly!"

Shen Yao said: "Then what do you say?"

Lin Jiandao: "Although there is no evidence yet, at least we know the target. As long as we keep an eye on these people, we will definitely find clues!"

Shen Yao nodded, and sighed, "That's the only way to go."

Lin Jiandao: "By the way, what is that Gong Ziyu's background?"

Shen Yao said: "He calls himself the Wang family of Taiyuan, so he must be one of the five surnames and seven favorites!"

The Five Surnames and Seven Wangs refer to the five most noble families formed in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the seven prefectures to which they belonged.

Including the Cui family of Boling, the Cui family of Qinghe, the Lu family of Fanyang, the Li family of Longxi, the Li family of Zhaojun, the Zheng family of Xingyang and the Wang family of Taiyuan.

Among them, the Li family and the Cui family each have two prefectures, so they are collectively referred to as "five surnames and seven wangs".

When Shen Yao reminded her, Lin Jian also remembered.

In history, there is indeed a saying of five surnames and seven hopes.

The seven great families are so powerful that no matter how the dynasties change, they will not fall down.

Back then, Li Shimin's greatest wish was to marry a woman from the Qiwang family with five surnames.

However, the seven major families disliked Li Shimin's blood of Hu people, and none of them were willing to marry their daughters to him!

Later, when Li Longji ascended the throne, he began to suppress the five surnames and Qiwang.

In the past, the high officials of the court, the five surnames and seven Wangs accounted for half of the country!
Since Li Longji, the imperial examination system has become more and more sound, and more and more civilian children have begun to enter the court, which has virtually weakened the voice of the five surnames and seven Wangs in the court.

Lin Jiandao: "Taiyuan Wang is separated from Huainan Road by a hundred and eight thousand miles. What is he doing there?"

Shen Yao said: "It seems that only when the case is solved can we find out!"

While talking, the two mounted their horses.

When they arrived at Lin Guofu, Shen Yao said: "Yang Guozhong wants to kill you, but in the end I don't know what they are plotting, you must be careful!"

Lin Jian nodded heavily.

Shen Yao said: "By the way, don't you have someone in Yang's mansion, take some time to find your old friend, maybe you can find out something!"


Lin Jian's heart moved, and he said: "Sister Big Breast, you are really getting more and more sinister!"

Shen Yao said: "My name is Jinzhu Zhechi!" After finishing speaking, she patted her horse and left with a sound of "drive".

After walking a few steps, he turned around and said, "You are that pig!"


After washing, Lin Jian lay on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

It seems that there is an invisible sword hanging around the neck, which may fall at any time.


"I have to explain to Pei Rou immediately!"

"Don't be so confused and die!"

Thinking of this, Lin Jian got up, dressed, and went out quietly.

Soon, came to Yang Mansion.

Lin Jian climbed over the wall and entered.

It was already very late at this time, most of the people in the house were asleep, and everything was quiet.

Just as she didn't know where to find Pei Rou, at this moment, there was a knock at the door from outside.

Yang Guozhong is back.

After this guy left Daming Temple, he probably went to drink, and he didn't come back until now, and his speech was a little slurred.

Not a moment later, Pei Rou came out of the room, cursing and preparing to open the door.

Lin Jian rushed over and covered Pei Rou's mouth from behind.


Pei Rou was terrified and struggled desperately.

Lin Jian suppressed his voice and said: "Don't bark, it's me!"


Pei Rou looked back at Lin Jian, and she stopped resisting as expected.

When Lin Jian let go of his hand, Pei Rou said excitedly, "Xiao Langjun, why are you here?"

Lin Jiandao: "I'll tell you something, can you finish it?"

Pei Rou nodded fiercely, and said: "Young Lord, just give orders!"

Lin Jiandao: "Yang Guozhong just discussed with someone to deal with me, you can find a way tonight, get something out of his mouth, and then go to the clothing store to find me tomorrow."

Pei Rou chuckled, and said, "That's all! Don't worry, little man, I promise to take care of it for you!"

Lin Jian waved his big hand, slapped her thigh hard, and said, "Don't be so playful with me, talk serious!"

Pei Rou trembled from the beating, with a look of enjoyment on her face.

After explaining, Lin Jian pushed Pei Rou away and said, "Okay, you go and open the door, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, he jumped, and he was already outside the courtyard wall.


At noon the next day, Pei Rou really came to the clothing store again.

Because it was daytime and there were so many people, Lin Jian hurriedly pulled her into the fitting room and said, "How is it going?"

The fitting room is small.

Pei Rou fell on Lin Jian and said, "Young Lord, guess what!"

"Guess you're paralyzed, tell me!"

Lin Jian gritted his teeth with hatred.

Pei Rou rolled his eyes at him, and said: "He said that tonight, someone would smuggle a corpse to Lin Guofu, and then lead people to search for it!"

"A corpse?"

Lin Jiandao: "Is it the corpse of a gangster?"


Pei Rou said with a look of admiration: "Young Lord, you are really amazing! I can't hide anything from you!"

Lin Jian sneered.

No wonder Gong Ziyu said last night, let me check myself, it turns out he was trying to frame me!

(End of this chapter)

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