Chapter 55 Chess High One Move
Seeing that Lin Jian stopped talking, Pei Ju said: "Little Langjun, what else do you need others to do for you?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's gone, you go back first!"

Pei Rou said pitifully: "He risked his life to send you the information, you heartless little gentleman, why don't you drive him back when you're done?"

Lin Jian raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want?"

Pei Rou lay down in Lin Jian's arms, scratched her head and said, "I'm feeling really uncomfortable, Mr. Xiao Lang, please help me!"


"As expected of shaking..."

Lin Jian cursed with a smile in his heart, grabbed Pei Rou's hair, pressed her whole body firmly on the seat in the fitting room, raised his big hand, and "slapped" her up...


After a stick of incense, Pei Rou left contentedly.

Although his body was in pain from being whipped by Lin Jian, his heart felt extremely comfortable.

Not long after Pei Rou left, Shen Yao also came, looking anxious.

She hurried into the clothing store, and because of her speed, the couple in front of her almost hit Lin Jian, and said, "Why did you come here, let me find it easier!"

Lin Jiandao: "Is there any progress in the case?"

Shen Yao said: "That's right! That Gongzi Yu's identity has been found out, and he is indeed from the Wang family in Taiyuan, named Wang Yu!"

Lin Jiandao: "And then?"

Shen Yao said: "They committed this case with two purposes! One is to take the disaster relief money and supplies as their own; but the second is more important, they want to create chaos in Huainan Road, and even riots among the victims! Huainan Road There have been disasters for three consecutive seasons, either drought or flood, and many people have no crops, and they are almost unable to survive!"

Lin Jian frowned and said, "What good will this do them?"

Shen Yao said: "It is said that the Wang family in Taiyuan has been eyeing the position of the Huainan Road Jiedushi all the time, maybe they want to take this opportunity to replace the Huainan Road Jiedushi with their own people!"

The Jiedu of the Tang Dynasty made the power so great that he could be called a prince!
Whoever wins the position of Jiedushi will win the entire region, including military power, financial resources, manpower and so on.

"I see!"

Lin Jiandao: "If you stroke it like this, everything will make sense!"

Shen Yao said: "What should we do next?"

Lin Jiandao: "Because of the hydrophobia plague last time, Jiedu envoys from all over the country are currently staying in Chang'an City. If Wang Yu is trying to support his own people, then the next step is to target the current Jiedu envoy of Huainan Road! "

"Cai Tong!"

Shen Yao's eyes lit up, she felt enlightened, and said: "As expected of you, bitch, it's really like this!"

Lin Jiandao: "Now that you know their goal, you can send more people to protect this Master Cai!"

"it is good!"

Shen Yao nodded fiercely, paused, and said: "By the way, what did you say about your incident last night? How are they going to deal with you? Did you ask your old friend to find out?"

Lin Jiandao: "They plan to smuggle Wu Zuo's body to my house tonight, and then lead people to search it."

"So insidious?"

After a while, Shen Yao was afraid, and said: "If this is the case, you won't be able to explain it clearly! At that time, don't talk about investigating the case, you will have to go to jail!"


Lin Jian sneered, and said, "Now that you know, let's keep playing with them!"

Shen Yao said: "What are you going to do?"

With an inscrutable look, Lin Jian said: "Use the way of a person to deal with the body of a person!"

Shen Yao: "Speak human words!"

Lin Jian: "..."


That night.

Yang Guozhong secretly dispatched five hundred banned soldiers to Lin Guofu.

The leader is Chen Xuanke.

This person had some conflicts with Lin Jian before, so he was encouraged by Yang Guozhong, and he quickly agreed.

Under Chen Xuanke's command, four hundred forbidden soldiers surrounded Lin Guofu.

Chen Xuanke and Yang Guozhong led the remaining 100 people to the gate of Lin Guofu.

Chen Xuanke had suffered under Lin Jian's hands before, so he knew that this guy was very wicked!
When the matter came to an end, he suddenly became a little frightened, and said: "Master Yang, are you sure that Wu Zuo's body is in the Lin residence?"


Yang Guozhong said sincerely, I had someone secretly transport it in, there could be mistakes!
Chen Xuanke said: "Lin Jian is the future son-in-law, if he can't find the body, he will definitely not let it go!"

"Don't worry!" Yang Guozhong said, "I'm here too! Tonight, Lin Jian must be sent to prison!"

Chen Xuanke was overjoyed, and said: "If this is the case, the engagement between Princess Lingnan and him is over!"

Yang Guozhong said: "How can Lin Jian be worthy of Princess Lingnan? It must be you, General Chen!"

Chen Xuanke laughed loudly, waved his hand, and said, "Brothers, call the door!"

dong dong dong...

After a while, the door opened.

It was Lin Jian himself who opened the door, with a dog in his hand, followed by four beauties from the Western Regions, looking at ease.

Seeing Yang Guozhong, Lin Jian was surprised and said, "Brother Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Guozhong sighed, pulled Lin Jian aside, and said, "Brother, you are in trouble! This time... maybe even I can't help you!"

"Ah?" Lin Jiandao, "What's the matter? So serious?"

Yang Guozhong said: "General Chen received a report from the masses that you killed Xu Dahai, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, and hid the body in the mansion. Now bring someone to search! I couldn't persuade him, so I had to follow all the way. !"

"Is that so..."

Lin Jiandao: "It's okay, let him search! Anyway, I didn't kill anyone, let alone hide any corpse!"

Yang Guozhong was overjoyed.

What he was most worried about was Lin Jian's resistance.

After all, he and Chen Xuanke didn't have the procedures for searching, if the other party was beaten to death and refused to be searched, there was really no good way!

But, since he agrees, that would be great!
Yang Guozhong hypocritically said: "Brother, you really didn't kill someone?"


Lin Jian shook his head fiercely.

Yang Guozhong said: "Then I can rest assured!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and nodded at Chen Xuanke, saying: "General Chen, please!"

Immediately, one hundred forbidden soldiers were divided into ten teams, and entered in a mighty manner.

Chen Xuanke and Yang Guozhong were chatting with Lin Jian in the yard, they were actually afraid that he would run away.

Soon, ten teams of banned soldiers returned one after another.

"Report, the first team didn't find it!"

"Report, the second team didn't find it!"

"Report, the third team didn't find it!"


"Report, the tenth team didn't find anything!"

All ten teams of banned soldiers returned.

Chen Xuanke and Yang Guozhong looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

After a while, Chen Xuanke said weakly: "There is no... in the stable?"

The leader of the tenth team of forbidden soldiers said: "General Qi, I searched the stables three times and found no dead bodies!"

Chen Xuanke held back his stomach but couldn't say anything, he could only look at Yang Guozhong.

Because Yang Guozhong kept telling himself that the corpse was in the stable!

As everyone knows, Yang Guozhong is more confused than Chen Xuanke at this time!
Xu Dahai's body was transported in an hour ago, how could it disappear?


Seeing that Yang Guozhong didn't speak, Chen Xuanke said: "Go, go to the stable and check again!"

With one order, everyone rushed to the stable.

However, after searching inside and out, the body was still not found!

(End of this chapter)

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