Chapter 57
Huaqing Palace, Huaqing Pool.

Yang Yuhuan lay reclined in the petal-covered pool water, feeling intoxicated by Lin Jian's precise massage.

"Brother, why are you working so hard tonight?"

Lin Jian laughed "hehe" and said, "What my sister said, I never work hard!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "But this time, it feels different! Brother, do you have something on your mind?"

Hearing this, Lin Jian was startled.

A woman's intuition is indeed terrifying!
Lin Jian didn't dare to go deep into this topic, and started playing tricks.

He deliberately pressed the place where he shouldn't, and said provocatively, "How is it different today, sister?"

Being teased by Lin Jian like this, Yang Yuhuan became emotional immediately, and made a charming cat-like voice from her mouth and nose, and she didn't have the heart to think about anything else...

Yang Yuhuan was already a little drunk, and fell asleep unconsciously while washing.

Lin Jian wiped her body clean, carried her back to the bedroom, and lay down next to her...



"Ma'am, are you asleep?"

In the middle of the night, the eunuch's voice suddenly came from outside.

In his sleep, Yang Yuhuan frowned and turned over lazily.

At this time, I only heard Lin Jian's voice next to my ear, saying: "Sister, you are lying down, I will go and see what's going on."

Hearing the voice, Yang Yuhuan was overjoyed.

I thought it was another long night alone, but unexpectedly, my brother was by my side.

So, Yang Yuhuan stretched out his arms, wrapped around Lin Jian's neck tightly, and said, "Leave him alone, let's sleep."

Lin Jian naturally wanted what he wanted, and hugged Yang Yuhuan tightly.


Finally, it was dawn.

Lin Jian opened his eyes, feeling uneasy.

I don't know what happened to Shen Yao that night, whether Yang Guozhong's criminal facts were confirmed, and even Xie Yizhi, Bukong Sanzang and Wang Yu were confessed.

Just feeling emotional, Yang Yuhuan also opened her eyes in a daze, smiled charmingly at Lin Jian, raised her swan-like snow-white neck, and threw herself for a kiss.

Inside the bed curtain, the siblings are making love.

At this time, the eunuch's voice came from outside the door again, saying: "Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

Yang Yuhuan frowned slightly, kissed Lin Jian again before stopping, and said, "It's so early in the morning, why are you so flustered?"

The eunuch outside said: "Master's gone!"

Yang Yuhuan didn't react for a while, and said, "Which Mr. Yang?"

The eunuch said: "Ma'am, your cousin, Yang Guozhong, Master Yang!"


Hearing this sentence, Yang Yuhuan trembled and sat up immediately, her face turning pale.

How did such a fine living person disappear?
Although Yang Guozhong is his cousin, the two brothers and sisters have a very good relationship, just like brothers and sisters!
Yang Yuhuan couldn't believe it from the bottom of her heart, and said in a trembling voice, "What? You... say it again!"

The eunuch said: "Report to Madam, Master Yang Guozhong is gone!"

After being confirmed, Yang Yuhuan only felt his head "buzzing" and went blank.

And Lin Jian beside her was also surprised.

Yang Guozhong is dead?
what's the situation?
Wasn't he being interrogated at the six gates, why did he die?
I don't know where the case interrogation has reached and whether there has been any substantial progress...

When he came back to his senses, Lin Jian stroked Yang Yuhuan's soft back to comfort him, then put on his coat and said, "I'll go out and have a look..."

When he got outside, Lin Jian said with a straight face: "What's the matter?"

The eunuch said: "I would like to report to my young master, at night, someone from the Yang residence came, saying that Mr. Yang Guozhong was taken away by the six doors, and wanted to ask the empress to ask His Majesty to intercede, but at that time..."

Lin Jian interrupted him and said, "Talk about the back!"


The eunuch said: "Later, just now, people from the Yang residence came again, saying that Mr. Yang died at the six gates..."

Having said that, Yang Yuhuan also came out wearing a coat, looking very haggard.

Lin Jian gently put his arms around her waist, and said, "Sister, my condolences..."

Yang Yuhuan's eyes turned red, and he said, "My brother, how did he die?"

The eunuch was a little panicked, and said: "Go back to your mother, there are rumors outside... that she committed suicide in fear of crime."

"Suicide in fear of crime?"

Yang Yuhuan frowned secretly.

The eunuch said: "The maidservant only heard that the case of missing relief supplies a few days ago may be related to Master Yang."


Yang Yuhuan said: "My brother is loyal to the imperial court, how could it be related to that kind of case!"

The eunuch was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and dared not speak.

Lin Jian was eager to know the truth, so he asked the eunuch to retreat first, and then said: "Sister, I will go to the six gates now to check the situation!"

Yang Yuhuan nodded fiercely, took Lin Jian's hand and said, "Brother, pay attention to safety! I don't have an older brother anymore, so I can't let my younger brother get into trouble again!"

"Do not worry!"

Lin Jian was a little moved, but also a little guilty. He patted the back of Yang Yuhuan's hand and left.


Six doors.

Just as Lin Jian arrived at the door, Shen Yao just came out from inside, looking like she was not awake.

Lin Jiandao: "What's going on?"

Shen Yao looked apologetic, and said: "I'm sorry, I... messed up the matter!"

Lin Jiandao: "Now is not the time to talk about these things. What happened? How did Yang Guozhong die?"

Shen Yao sighed, and said: "In the first half of last night, this guy was still tight-lipped and refused to say anything; but in the second half of the night, he gradually couldn't stand it anymore and was about to let go."

Lin Jiandao: "And then?"

Shen Yao looked guilty, and said: "At this moment, I...suddenly had a stomachache, so I went out for convenience; when I came back, Yang Guozhong was already dead, and before he died, he wrote the confession and drew a picture bet."

Saying that, Shen Yao led Lin Jian to the dossier room, took out Yang Guozhong's confession, and said, "Look!"

Lin Jian glanced hurriedly.

In the confession, Yang Guozhong said that this case of missing relief supplies was planned by himself.

Among them are not only the detailed process of committing the crime, but also the hiding place of the disaster relief money and materials.

Lin Jian pointed to the confession letter and said, "Have you checked this place?"

Shen Yao nodded and said, "I just came back and found them all!"

Lin Jiandao: "Have all the relief money and supplies been recovered?"

Shen Yao said: "Basically all the money has been recovered, but half of the food and other materials were destroyed when the explosion occurred, and now about half is left."

Lin Jian snorted coldly and said, "This Wang Yu, you are really quick!"

Hearing this, Shen Yao was a little surprised, and said, "You mean, Yang Guozhong killed himself?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's not obvious. Kill people to silence them! And put all the blame on the dead people, throw away the car and save the pawns!"

Shen Yao said: "At first I was skeptical too, did they do it? I just went out for a short while, and then Yang Guozhong..."

Lin Jiandao: "There are many ways to do this! Maybe there is something wrong with what you eat, which is why you suddenly have a stomachache!"

(End of this chapter)

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