Chapter 58 Who is the Demon

After Lin Jian's analysis, Shen Yao suddenly realized, and at the same time blamed herself.

She looked remorseful and said, "It's all my fault! If only I stayed there all the time!"

Lin Jiandao: "Even if you are there, they must have other methods! Speaking of it, we underestimated the enemy and did not make sufficient preparations in advance!"

Shen Yao sighed and said, "Then what should we do next?"

Lin Jiandao: "Procedurally speaking, this case can be closed!"

Shen Yao said: "Just close the case like this? Are you willing?"

Lin Jiandao: "That depends on how powerful the imperial concubine is!"

Shen Yao was puzzled and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Jiandao: "If the imperial concubine exerts pressure, she may be able to find some clues about Yang Guozhong's death, and then follow the murderer and continue to investigate until Wang Yu is found!"

Shen Yao said: "It seems very troublesome."


Lin Jiandao: "However, we should have put a lot of pressure on Wang Yu this time! After all, he will not make such a bad move and kill Yang Guozhong unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Shen Yao said: "Will they take revenge?"

Lin Jian smiled and said, "This is our second chance! As long as he dares to retaliate, we can continue to deal with him!"

Hearing this, Shen Yao's fighting spirit was aroused again, and she looked eager to try.


While the two were talking, some other officials from Ji Wenwen and the Ministry of Criminal Justice came to understand the case.

Lin Jian had nothing to chat with them, so he went to Huaqing Palace.

At this moment, Yang Yuhuan was crying like a tearful man, and said, "Brother, did my cousin really commit a crime?"

Lin Jian nodded heavily.

Yang Yuhuan said: "But why did he do that? He is neither short of money nor food, don't you think so?"

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, you and I thought of getting together!"

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan clicked, and said, "You mean, there is something else hidden in this case?"

"Of course!"

Lin Jiansha said seriously: "Brother Yang, I'm afraid he was killed by someone!"

Yang Yuhuan was extremely shocked, but at the same time very angry, she stood up and said, "I'll go to the emperor to make the decision now!"

Lin Jian followed Yang Yuhuan to the Royal Study Room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Li Longji also heard about this early in the morning, and he was as surprised as Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan, so he immediately asked Ji Wen to understand the situation.

After listening to Yang Yuhuan's crying, Li Longji comforted her and said: "My dear concubine is sad, don't hurt your body. If Guozhong is really framed, I will definitely give him justice!"

While talking, Ji Wen asked to see him outside.

Li Longji hurriedly declared him into the palace and reported the case.

Entering the imperial study, seeing Yang Yuhuan was there, Ji Wen was slightly taken aback, as if hesitating to speak.

Li Longji said impatiently: "Speak up if you have something to say!"


Ji Wen could only bite the bullet and truthfully told what he had learned.

Of course, it was all detrimental to Yang Guozhong.

The more Yang Yuhuan listened to it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't help interrupting him: "It's nonsense! You're making a false accusation!"

Ji Wen was too scared to speak.

Li Longji lighted a Huazi and groaned silently.

After a while, looking at Lin Jiandao: "What do you think about this matter?"

Lin Jian hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, what the imperial concubine said is not unreasonable! Lord Yang has always been loyal to the country and the people, and I can't believe that this case was done by him!"

Li Longji said: "If it wasn't for Guozhong, who did it?"

Lin Jiandao: "Yi Chen guessed that Master Yang must have obtained some evidence, so he was killed and silenced! We can check who has Master Yang had close contacts with recently; and these people are the most disgusted !"

Li Longji was noncommittal.


At this moment, Fukong Sanzang came in.

Li Longji was overjoyed, and quickly stood up, clasped his hands together and said, "Master, you came just in time! Help me analyze and analyze!"

Bukong Sanzang walked over slowly and said, "I would like to answer your majesty's worries and doubts."

Li Longji said: "Mage has heard about what happened last night, right?"

Bukong Sanzang said, "I have heard a little bit about it."

Li Longji said: "According to my master's opinion, is this case committed by Yang Guozhong?"

Bukong Sanzang lightly fiddled with the Buddhist beads hanging in front of him, and said: "This case was committed by Mr. Yang, but also not by Mr. Yang!"

Li Longji was puzzled and said, "What does the mage mean by this? Please explain it clearly!"

Not only Li Longji, Lin Jian and everyone else are also at a loss.

Bukong Sanzang said: "It's very simple. Mr. Yang Guozhong committed this case because he was possessed by a monster and confused his mind. Therefore, this case was committed by the monster under the guise of Mr. Yang!"

"Hiss... makes sense!"

Li Longji nodded if he realized something.

Even Yang Yuhuan was taken aback when he heard that.

After a while, Li Longji asked again: "Has the mage found out the whereabouts of that monster?"

Bukong Sanzang raised an evil smile, and said: "The poor monk spent a hundred years of mana, and finally found some clues!"

Li Longji was overjoyed, and said: "I also ask the mage to take action, subdue the monsters, and restore the peace of my Tang Dynasty!"

Bukong Sanzang shook his head.

Li Longji was puzzled and said: "Master, what... what does this mean?"

Bukong Sanzang said: "This monster is too deep. It has been in Chang'an City for many years, and it has been lurking beside Your Majesty. It has won the trust of Your Majesty and the imperial concubine! The poor monk is only worried. If he tells the whereabouts of this monster, not only will His Majesty not believe it, The poor monk will be punished by him!"

"He dares!"

Li Longji stared, and said, "Just tell me!"

Hearing this, Lin Jian was shocked!
Good guy!
This bald donkey is not trying to mess with me, is it?
Looking up, sure enough, Bukong Sanzang was looking at him with malicious intentions!
"It's over, it's over!"

Lin Jian felt bad.

He guessed that after Yang Guozhong died, the other party might take revenge on him.

It's just that I didn't expect that the opponent's speed was so fast, and I didn't give myself any time to prepare!

After a while, Bukong Sanzang said quietly: "This monster is born with water, so it committed this crime in the water flow under the bridge. And when this monster is active, there will be a thick cloud of water vapor around its body, this is the monster. Fog is also!"

Li Longji was in a hurry, and said: "Master, who is this monster?"

Bukong Sanzang was muttering words.

The speed at which the fingers moved the prayer beads became faster and faster.

In the end, he suddenly took off a Buddhist bead and threw it viciously at Lin Jian's feet!
The beads burst!

Immediately afterwards, a thick mist appeared under Lin Jian's feet, covering him completely.

"Protect the Emperor!"

The guards were already ready to go, and when they saw the demon fog, they quickly surrounded Li Longji.

Bukong Sanzang sneered, pointed at Lin Jian and said, "Monster, you can catch it if you don't let go!"

"Depend on!"

After a while, Lin Jian choked out such a word!

What monster fog, isn't it just Ni Ma dry ice!
(End of this chapter)

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