Chapter 59
Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide.

Put dry ice in a prayer bead, throw it under your feet, break the outside, and the dry ice will vaporize.

Vaporization absorbs a large amount of heat, and the air temperature suddenly drops, causing the water vapor to liquefy.

That is the so-called demon fog!

Lin Jian knew this principle, but others didn't know it, and couldn't explain it to them.

You know, it wasn't until the nineteenth century that humans began to understand dry ice!

"Isn't this stuff only manufactured in the nineteenth century? Why is it now?"

Lin Jian was very unbelievable at first.

But soon, I figured it out.

Although the history books are vast, what is recorded is only a drop in the bucket!
More history has been buried invisible with the long river of time!

Only by going back to the past in person can we have a chance to know the truth.

Zhang Heng in the Eastern Han Dynasty also invented the seismograph, which can effectively measure and calculate earthquakes in advance!

Who dares to guarantee that this must be fake?

When the "monster fog" dissipated, Bukong Sanzang looked at the surrounding guards and shouted: "Hurry up and take down this monster!"

As soon as the words fell, the guards rushed up and grabbed Lin Jian directly.

Lin Jian said "Damn" again.

This change came too fast.

It took a while for everyone to realize that they looked at Lin Jian with extremely strange eyes.

In the end, it was Yang Yuhuan who spoke first, stumbling anxiously, and said, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this is impossible! My brother can't be a monster! Impossible!"

Li Longji looked extremely pale.

He didn't want to admit it in his heart, but...could there be fake mages?
And just now, everyone saw the monster fog, so how can this be explained?

Bukong Sanzang said: "Your Majesty, this demon is powerful, please make an order immediately to kill it!"

"His Majesty!"

Yang Yuhuan's tone changed, and her face turned pale with fright.

Li Longji was still hesitating.

At this time, Bukong Sanzang said again: "Your Majesty, the hydrophobia a few days ago was also caused by the monster! Otherwise, why are the imperial doctors helpless, but he can cure hydrophobia patients? The poor monk even heard , this son once contributed so-called fairy wine, fairy medicine, and cigarettes to His Majesty. May I ask, which of these things can be produced by Datang? Your Majesty, Lin Jian is a demon!"

"Depend on!"

Lin Jian frowned tightly.

This Bukong Tripitaka has done a lot of homework!

At present, if you want to clear the suspicion quickly, it seems that the possibility is very small.

The most ideal state is to save your life first, and then make plans!


Will Li Longji let himself go?
Lin Jian knew that Li Longji was old and confused, and he couldn't explain it to him now, so he looked deeply at Yang Yuhuan and said, "Sister, I'm not a demon!"

Yang Yuhuan bit her lip and nodded fiercely, tears came out, and said, "Sister...Sister naturally knows!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Yuhuan knelt down with a "plop" and said, "Your Majesty, if you kill Lin Jian, kill me too!"

Bukong Sanzang frowned secretly, and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine was temporarily blinded by monsters! When dealing with monsters, you must not be soft-hearted, otherwise it will cause serious trouble!"

Li Longji looked at Sanzang Bukong and Yang Yuhuan, unable to make a decision.

Yang Yuhuan is eager to protect his younger brother.

Seeing Li Longji's delay in expressing his opinion, she was so anxious that she was dizzy, and she gave a final "嘿咚", her body softened, and she passed out.


Li Longji was shocked, and pointed at Lin Jiandao: "Put this person down first, and send him to the prison of Dali Temple, waiting for his release!"


The guards quickly escorted Lin Jian away.

Lin Jian secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time was very lucky.

If it wasn't for Yang Yuhuan, I would definitely be doomed this time!
"Good for you bald donkey, good for you Wang Yu!"

"Let's see!"

"The fun has only just begun!"


The fact that Lin Jian was taken to the prison soon shocked the entire government and the public.

It was even more shocking than Yang Guozhong's sudden death.

There are those who sigh and sigh, and there are also those who gloat.

Most people are watching the fun.

Only a few people are running around for this.

Among them, the Wang family of Taiyuan, headed by Wang Yu, and even Qiwang of the five surnames are intensively producing all kinds of evidence to confirm the fact that Lin Jian is a demon.

The other group of people all pleaded for Lin Jian.

Of course, Yang Yuhuan, who was crying to death, and Shen Yao, who had worked with Lin Jian, and other officials were indispensable.

Princess Lingnan and Princess Xiangxiang also knelt in the imperial study for a whole day.

Even the eldest princess Li Wan, who had always lived in seclusion, pleaded with the emperor many times.

With the efforts of so many people, Li Longji did not order Lin Jian to be executed for a long time, but he did not let him out either.


The Heavenly Prison of Dali Temple is the most eerie place in the entire Chang'an City.

Here, it is more than ten meters deep underground, and the sun has not been seen for many years!

In the air, there was a thick rancid and damp smell, which was disgusting.

In the cell, you can see dense white bones from time to time, and even some corpses that have not completely decomposed, covered with eating mice, centipedes, cockroaches and other things.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Jian had mixed feelings in his heart.

This used to be where I went to work, but now it has become my execution ground!

What a black humor!

Things have come to this point, it is definitely useless to blame others.

We must find a way to get out as soon as possible!
Through the long corridor, Lin Jian was sent to the deepest prison.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for entering the dungeon, do you want to sign in now? 】

It is also a coincidence.

The place where Lin Jian signed in today is the prison.

Originally, he was busy with the case and never had a chance to come over. He planned to come back to sign in after he was busy.

Unexpectedly, now by accident, it still came.


[Congratulations to the host, you got a bottle of Liushen toilet water! 】

"Good guy!"

Lin Jian quickly sprayed toilet water on his body.

I don't know whether it was frightened by humans or stimulated by the smell. The surrounding mice and other things were frightened and immediately ran away.

The cell suddenly fell silent.

Lin Jian closed his eyes and rested his mind, and began to think about countermeasures...

The most urgent task at the moment must be to get out!
Only by going out can you prove your innocence and expose Bukong Sanzang's tricks!
However, Li Longji has been fooled by Bukong Sanzang recently, can he let himself out?
Lin Jian lived in a muddle in the prison.

Only now did he know that there was no food delivery in the prison!
In other words, once imprisoned in the sky prison, it is the death penalty!
Even without being questioned and beheaded, without eating or drinking, it would be difficult to survive three days!

No wonder the cells along the way were full of fucking dead bodies!

Lin Jian has a sign-in system.

Sign in on the first day and get a bottle of toilet water.

Sign in the next day and get a bucket of mineral water.

Sign in on the third day and get a spicy chicken leg pot.


The problem of survival is temporarily solved, but it is still the same problem!

How to get out?

PS: I'm going on a business trip tonight, and I'm going to the company headquarters for a meeting, so I'll post today's manuscript first.

I am currently saving the manuscript, and hope to get tomorrow's manuscript out as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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