Chapter 60

The sun and the moon cannot be seen in the prison, so Lin Jian can only rely on the daily check-in to guess the time.

In such a flash, ten days passed.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host, the task is completed! 】

[Bonus skill: 72 ways of yin and yang hands! 】


Good guy!
Lin Jian looked at his dirty hands and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After so many days in the sky prison, he actually easily completed the second system task - to maintain his virginity for a month!

Now the fists and feet are complete!
The skills rewarded by the system seem to be innate and do not require any learning.

Lin Jian was surprised to find that these 72 ways of Yin-Yang hands are really amazing!

It not only includes exquisite palm techniques, boxing techniques, grappling techniques, boxing techniques, etc., but also has the functions of massage and exorcising evil spirits!

A total of 72 types and 72 channels!
Every way is beneficial!
【Ding! 】

[System tasks are being updated, please wait...]

Lin Jian withdrew his thoughts.

It will take a certain amount of time to update the system task, so don't worry about it for now.

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - Dali Temple Sky Prison! 】

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered the prison of Dali Temple, do you want to sign in now? 】


"Another day has passed!"

Lin Jian ushered in another early morning, so hurry up to sign in.

[Congratulations to the host, you got a piece of dry ice! 】

In Lin Jian's hand, there was an extra ball.

It is believed that after opening, the dry ice inside will vaporize and produce a large amount of water mist.

Just like what Bukong Sanzang did before.

Lin Jian held the dry ice, his heart skipped a beat.

With this thing, it can be proved to a certain extent that Bukong Sanzang was lying before!

At the same time, it is also a self-proving innocence!

Lin Jian couldn't hold back his excitement.

Just as I was excited, at the end of the corridor, there was a sudden "rustle" sound of footsteps stepping on the wet straw.

"what's the situation?"

"someone is coming?"

After a while, two jailers appeared in front of the prison door.

Behind him, followed by a gentle lady in white clothes with a haggard face, was unexpectedly Li Wan, Princess of Taihua.

Lin Jian was surprised.

To be honest, he had imagined that Yang Yuhuan would come to find him, and that Princess Lingnan and Princess Xiangxiang would come to visit him, and even Shen Yao.

But unexpectedly, the first person to appear here was actually Li Wan!
According to common sense, if I was trapped in the prison for more than ten days, I must have died long ago!

Lin Jian didn't want the jailer to know that he was still alive, so he went up to the thatch and pretended to be dead...


The jailer took out the key, opened the cell door, and said with a puzzled expression, "Eldest princess, you know that visiting the prison is not allowed in the sky prison. If this matter gets out, both of us brothers will die!"

"Thank you, both of you!"

Li Wan had already prepared two gold bars, and secretly gave them to the two jailers.

The two accepted the gold bars and said, "Princess, hurry up!"


Li Wan looked at the two guards and saw them at the door, hesitantly said: "I have some private matters, you..."

The two jailers looked at each other, hesitated.

But on second thought, this Lin Jian has been imprisoned for more than ten days, without eating or drinking, he must have died long ago!

Then secretly weighed the gold bar, the weight is very large!
The two left contentedly.

As soon as the jailer left, Li Wan walked in with red eyes.

She rolled up her skirt, squatted in front of Lin Jian, reached out and gently touched Lin Jian's bearded face, tears fell unconsciously.

"Mr. Lin, you have saved Chong'er and me many times, and you are the savior of our mother and son! But now that you are in trouble, I can't do anything!"

"Great kindness and virtue, I can only repay it in the next life!"

"Young Master Lin, let's go!"

"The widow sent you here!"

As he spoke, Li Wan took out some paper money from the package he was carrying and burned it beside Lin Jian.

Lin Jian wanted to sit up a long time ago.

However, he didn't know the situation outside and wasn't sure if the two jailers had gone far, so he could only continue to pretend to be dead.

After burning the paper money, Li Wan sighed and said, "Mr. Lin, in fact, I have always treated you as my own child. Since Chong'er calls you big brother, you are my heart and soul just like him. As Mother, I can't rescue you, now I can only do some insignificant things for you after you die."

With that said, Li Wan took out a shroud from the package, then reached out to untie Lin Jian's clothes, ready to change his clothes.

Soon, Lin Jian's coat was untied.

Then the underwear was also undone.

Li Wan supported Lin Jian's body, trying to turn him around and take off his clothes completely.


With this touch, Li Wan suddenly felt something was wrong. seems to be a little warm?
Shouldn't the body of a dead person be cold?

Lin Jian only felt his body soften.

Li Wan's soft little hands touched her body, making her itchy and very comfortable.

Lin Jian reckoned that the jailer had to go far away, and he couldn't pretend anymore, so he sat up and said, "Princess!"


Li Wan was so frightened that he "clicked", his mouth was slightly opened, and his face was full of disbelief.

Lin Jian had already guessed the consequence.

So he leaned forward and tightly covered Li Wan's small mouth to prevent her from screaming. At the same time, he leaned into her ear and said, "Princess, don't scream, I'm not dead!"

This came too suddenly!
After a while, Li Wan came back to his senses.

She looked deeply at Lin Jian, nodded fiercely, tears flowed down again, and fell on Lin Jian's hands, warm.

Only then did Lin Jian take his hand away and grinned.

Li Wan took a deep breath, touched Lin Jian's face, and said, "My child, you have been wronged!"

"Hey, don't be wronged!"

Lin Jian smiled and shook his head.

With Lin Jian's smile, Li Wan completely broke his guard, hugged Lin Jian tightly, and held him in his arms.

"Good guy!"

"Should I take advantage of this bargain?"

Lin Jian sniffed a few times, felt the fullness and warmth in front of Li Wan, and said, "Eldest princess, why are you here?"

Li Wan slowly let go of his hand, and said: "I asked someone to find out that the prison officer in charge of the sky prison was Xue Yao's former subordinate. The deceased husband had saved this man's life, and I told him several times , and finally let me in."

"I see!"

Lin Jian suddenly realized.

Li Wan wiped away his tears and said with a smile, "By the way, kid, these did you get through it?"


Lin Jian didn't know how to explain it, so he said nonsense, "I just dig up some moss and eat it with thatch."

"My wretched child!"

Li Wan caressed Lin Jian's messy hair like a chicken coop, and said, "It's good if you don't die, and you have a chance if you don't die! These days you are inside, the imperial concubine and the two princesses have done a lot for you Things! But you also know that Brother Huang is now bewitched by that monstrous monk, and he can't listen to anyone's words!"


Lin Jian said with emotion: "I don't know, when will I be able to go out!"

(End of this chapter)

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