Chapter 61 Another Cell

Li Wan said: "These days, everyone is a little desperate, thinking that you will definitely not survive. When I go out and tell everyone the news, they will definitely think of a way!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jian was moved for a while, and said: "Princess, thank you, thank you."

Li Wan shook his head lightly, and said: "You and Chong'er are both my good children, it's your mother's incompetence that made you suffer!"

Lin Jian: "???"

How did you recognize your son?
I still have some nasty thoughts about you, don't look outside like this!
While chatting, the jailer came over to urge him, saying, "Princess, hurry up! It's almost dawn outside!"

Lin Jian was so frightened that he quickly lay down and continued to play dead.

Li Wan turned around and said with a straight face: "Understood! It will be ready soon!"

When the jailer left, Li Wan patted Lin Jian lightly and said, "Okay kid, they're leaving, get up quickly!"

Lin Jian sat up and said, "Eldest princess, why don't you go back first!"

Li Wan also wanted to tell everyone the good news as soon as possible, so he nodded.

As soon as she got up, she stopped again and said, "By the way, there is one more thing that might save you!"

Lin Jian's heart moved, and he said, "What's the matter?"

The eldest princess said: "A few days ago, Shen Yao and Lord Shen from Six Doors came to me and said that if I have the chance to meet you, I must ask you one thing!"

Lin Jiandao: "What's the matter?"

Li Wan blushed slightly, and said: "Master Shen wants to ask, where is your chicken hidden!"


Lin Jian looked down subconsciously.

Li Wan was also extremely embarrassed.

But soon, Lin Jian figured it out!
What Shen Yao wanted to ask should be the camera!

It contains videos of Yang Guozhong, Xie Yizhi, Bukong Sanzang and Wang Yu!

Thinking of this, Lin Jian revived a glimmer of hope.

This video might be really helpful!
So he said: "Go back and tell her that the chicken is hiding in the sofa in my bedroom!"

"it is good!"

Li Wan nodded heavily, thinking that it seemed that he was wrong.

Li Wan bent down to put away the shroud, and said, "Son, hold on a little longer, I'll find a chance to bring you some food."

"No need!" Lin Jian said, "It's too dangerous, and besides, I won't starve to death for the time being!"

Li Wan patted Lin Jian's dog's head and said, "Stop talking about this! Son, I'm leaving, you must take care of yourself! We'll wait for you to come back!"


Watching Li Wan leave, Lin Jian had mixed feelings in his heart.

Get dressed slowly.

After wearing it, Lin Jian suddenly felt something hard at his waist.

I took it out and saw that it was the gold medal for avoiding death.

Obtained in the Cuju Competition!

Lin Jian was taken aback at that moment!
"Ni Ma!"

"Why did you forget such an important thing!"

Lin Jian felt annoyed for a while, and patted his forehead hard.

In fact, it is not his fault.

In the imperial study that day, everything happened so fast that there was no time to react.

And after entering the sky prison, he completely lost contact with the outside world!
Just now Li Wan just took off Lin Jian's top, without touching the bottom.

Lin Jianxin said, it would be great if he took off his pants just now!

The eldest princess will definitely find this gold medal, maybe it will be useful!
Lin Jian didn't want Li Wan to come again.

But now, I just beg her to come again as soon as possible, to see if this death-prevention gold medal can work...

This night, I stayed up all night.


The day passed in a daze.

Lin Jian continued to sign in and got a beggar chicken.

It tastes delicious!
Suddenly, an old voice came from the opposite cell: " smells so good!"


Lin Jian was taken aback suddenly!
I stayed in the sky prison for more than ten days, and I didn't know that there were people in the opposite cell!
And it's still alive!

This is so unscientific!
Lin Jian began to think that he was hallucinating.

Looking again, the thatch in the opposite cell suddenly moved.

After a while, a short, skinny old man emerged from the thatch pile.

He yawned for a long time, and said to himself: "It's so comfortable!"

Lin Jian: "..."

While speaking, the old man took a few steps forward, and shouted to this side through two prison doors: "Hey, little baby, what are you eating, why is it so delicious?"

With a chicken leg stuffed in Lin Jian's mouth, he said vaguely, "Chicken!"


The old man scratched his head and said, "I have lived for more than 100 years and have eaten thousands of chickens. What kind of chicken is this?"

Lin Jiandao: "Beggar chicken!"

"Beggar Chicken?"

The old man's eyes were shining, he swallowed and said, "Can you give me some to taste?"

Lin Jian looked down, he couldn't finish it anyway, so he broke the beggar chicken in half and threw half over.

The old man grasped the beggar chicken firmly, and said while devouring it: "Mmm... delicious... really delicious!"

The old man's appearance was so strange that Lin Jian was confused for a while.

After a long while, Lin Jian came back to his senses and said, "Old man, you... have been staying in this prison all this time?"


The old man wiped his mouth and said, "33 years!"

Lin Jiandao: "You don't eat or drink here, how did you survive?"

A hint of cunning flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said, "Didn't you live here for more than ten days without dying?"

Lin Jiandao: "We are different! I eat and sleep on time every day!"

The old man said with a mysterious face: "This secret is worth a lot of money, half a beggar chicken can't be exchanged!"

After finishing speaking, the old man stretched himself and lay down on his own.

Lin Jian didn't have enough brains, and he didn't know if what the old man said was true or not.

However, he thought of another irrelevant thing!

Li Longji once told himself that in the sky prison of Dali Temple, a Tibetan felon was imprisoned, and there were many secrets hidden in this person!

Therefore, Li Longji was afraid that the gold medal for avoiding death would be obtained by the Tibetans, so he rescued this person!
Could it be... this old man is the Tubo criminal?
What secret is hidden in him?

Lin Jian threw a chicken bone at it and said, "Old man, are you from Tubo?"


The old man turned over and continued to sleep.

Lin Jian pondered, this is also possible.

What Li Longji said about "a repeat offender in Tubo" may be just a cover!
Lin Jian said again: "Have you really lived to be more than 100 years old?"

The old man said: "This can still be false!"

Lin Jiandao: "Dare to ask the old man's name?"

"Zhang Guo!"

The old man said impatiently: "Eating half of your beggar chicken has answered so many of your questions! What a loss, what a loss! Don't chat anymore, I'm going to sleep!"

After speaking, he snored immediately.

"Zhang Guo..."

Lin Jian muttered something, then slapped his thigh fiercely, and called, "Zhang Guolao?"

Zhang Guolao, one of the famous Eight Immortals, is said to have lived in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Unofficial rumors say that when Wu Zetian came to the throne, Zhang Guolao was already over a hundred years old, and was summoned by Wu Zetian several times to ask about the art of immortality.

However, Zhang Guolao would pretend to be dead, and died in front of Wu Zetian many times, and then was found thousands of miles away, riding his sickly donkey upside down.

Wu Zetian had nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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