Chapter 62 Release from Prison
Not only Wu Zetian, but according to unofficial historical records, Tang Xuanzong was also very interested in Zhang Guolao.

However, no matter what high officials and rich salary Xuanzong bestowed on Zhang Guolao, they were all rejected.

Tang Xuanzong had a daughter, Princess Yuzhen, who was very interested in things like Buddhism and Taoism.

Xuanzong wanted to marry Princess Yuzhen to Zhang Guolao, but in the end, he was rejected!

No one does not dream of being immortal!
Including Lin Jian.

However, at this moment, Zhang Guolao was in a deep sleep, no matter how much Lin Jian called out, he didn't respond at all.

Soon, Lin Jian was relieved.

Li Longji imprisoned Zhang Guolao for 33 years without any progress. He had only known him for a long time, so how could he obtain the secret of longevity so easily!


Flickered into the night.

Li Wan came with a lot of food.

Lin Jian ate voraciously.

Li Wan was relieved and distressed at the same time, stroked Lin Jian's head lightly, and said softly: "Child, eat slowly, don't choke."

After eating for a while, Li Wan said: "Master Shen found your chicken and presented it to Brother Huang."

Lin Jiandao: "What did the emperor say?"

Li Wan sighed and shook his head.

Lin Jian guessed that this would be the result.

Now Li Longji is as if he has been hit by a Gu, and he obeys Sanzang's advice!
With just one video, that bald donkey can't be brought down at all!

Li Wan said: "However, don't be too discouraged. Everyone knows that you are still alive and are trying to find a way!"


Lin Jian untied the death-preventing gold medal from his waist, and said, "Eldest Princess, try this!"

Li Wan took the gold medal, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily, "Gold medal to avoid death?"


Lin Jiandao: "I almost forgot what I got at the Cuju Conference last time! Eldest princess, do you think this gold medal is really useful? Will your majesty admit it?"

Li Wan looked excited and said: "It should be! The gold medal for avoiding death was set up by Emperor Taizong to commemorate the 24 founding heroes of Lingyan Pavilion! Without these people, there would be no Tang! If you can overturn the boat, Your Majesty will not fail to understand this truth!"

Lin Jiandao: "I hope so!"

Holding the gold medal, Li Wan was so happy that he got up and said, "I'm going to find Brother Huang right now!"

To be honest, Lin Jian didn't have that much hope for the death-free gold medal.

But seeing Li Wan speak so confidently, he couldn't help becoming nervous!

If the gold medal does work, what happens after you get out?
Even if he escaped death with a gold medal, he still has a criminal record!
Only by bringing down Wang Yu, Bukong Sanzang and the others, can he really see the light of day again!

After Li Wan left, Lin Jian began to meditate.

After a long while, the prisoner on the opposite side spoke, saying: "Little baby, congratulations, you are about to be released from prison!"

Lin Jian cupped his fists and said, "Congratulations, congratulations!"

Zhang Guo looked at Lin Jian anxiously, hesitant to speak.

Lin Jian picked up a chicken leg from the food Li Wan brought, and said, "Are you hungry?"

Zhang Guolao shook his head.

Lin Jian picked up another glass of water and said, "Thirsty?"

Zhang Guolao still shook his head.

After a pause, Zhang Guo said: "Little baby, after you go out, can you do me a favor?"

Hearing this, Lin Jian was very curious.

Aren't you an immortal fairy, come and go freely!

I am an ordinary person, what can I do for you?

Is it...

He just knows that he can live forever, and he is not omnipotent?

That's why he was imprisoned here like an ordinary person?

Lin Jian tentatively asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Guolao said: "In the northeast corner of Pingkangfang, there is a tea shop called 'Cha Jing', you can go there when you have time, and buy me two taels of tea, and give it to me if you find a chance."

"That's it?"

Lin Jian was surprised.


Zhang Guolao said with emotion: "I have been imprisoned for so long, I haven't had tea for a long time! Greedy!"

Lin Jiandao: "This matter is quite simple, but why should I help you for no reason?"

"That's right!"


Zhang Guolao thought for a while and said, "In this way, I have a bottle of donkey tears. After dripping, I can see things that ordinary people cannot see. How about I exchange this with you?"

"make a deal!"

Lin Jian readily agreed.

Although he didn't know whether the donkey's tears were really useful.

Zhang Guolao scraped open the thatch under his body, searched for a long time, and finally found a thumb-sized ceramic vase, and threw it across the cell door.

Lin Jian caught it steadily, and uncorked the bottle impatiently.

All of a sudden, a pungent smell came to my face!

Zhang Guo said: "It seems that there is not much in it, but it is enough for you to drip once!"

Lin Jian retched for a while, wrinkled his nose and said, "Is this thing really useful?"

Zhang Guolao shrugged his shoulders and said, "You'll know if you try it! Anyway, you have promised me just now, and now you want to go back on it!"

Lin Jian thought about it, Zhang Guolao didn't need to harm himself, so he raised his head and dripped a drop in each of his eyes like eye drops.


With this drop, Lin Jian felt a burning pain in his eyes and couldn't open them at all.

Zhang Guo said: "It's a bit uncomfortable at first, just bear with it! In this world, the more you want, the more you have to bear! It's fair!"

After a stick of incense, Lin Jian slowly recovered.

At this time, I felt that my eyes were extremely clear and very comfortable!

However, other than that, there were no other abnormalities, and nothing special was seen.


There was a dead silence in the dungeon.

Lin Jian waited desperately.

I don't know if Li Wan met Li Longji, and if the gold medal for avoiding death worked...

I am anxious and impatient.

Zhang Guo said: "You are going out, remember to buy tea for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Two jailers came.

An excited Li Wan followed behind.

When they arrived, the two jailers opened the cell door.

Seeing that Lin Jian was still alive, both of them were surprised, but they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Leaving the prison, Lin Jian looked up at the moon above his head, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

This level is more than ten days!
It feels so good to be free again!
Li Wan was also very emotional, and said, "Next, what are your plans?"

Lin Jiandao: "Continue to investigate the case and prove your innocence!"

Li Wan looked worried, and said: "That demon monk is not easy to deal with, if he is locked up again, we won't have a gold medal next time!"

Lin Jian touched the dry ice pill in his arms secretly, and said, "Don't worry, the princess, I will definitely expose his tricks this time!"


Li Wan said: "After you were imprisoned, Lin Guofu was also sealed up. Although you are now free, but..."

Lin Jiandao: "It's okay, I'll just find an inn to stay for one night."

Li Wan covered his mouth with a smile and said, "With your appearance, would any inn dare to take you in?"

Lin Jian looked himself up and down and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Indeed, after being imprisoned in the sky for more than ten days, his whole body was rotten!
Li Wan took Lin Jian's hand, walked towards the carriage parked by the roadside, and said, "Go to Tianxin Pavilion, Chong'er must be very happy to see Eldest Brother tomorrow morning!"


PS: Readers, 740171223, come and cultivate immortals together when you have time~~~
(End of this chapter)

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