Chapter 63

Tianxin Pavilion was already extremely deserted, and it was even more so now that it was late at night.

Li Wan took Lin Jian to the shower room in the side courtyard.

The tub was already filled with hot water.

Li Wan said: "I prepared it before I went to the prison, try to see if it's cold."

Lin Jian dialed it with his hand and said: "It's just right, neither hot nor cold!"

"That's fine!"

Li Wan said: "You wash it first, and change the water later."

Lin Jiandao: "Don't bother the eldest princess, just wash it once, go and rest!"

Li Wan said: "You are so dirty, I'm afraid you have to wash it at least three times. Come in quickly, and I will change the water for you later."

Originally in the prison, Lin Jian was already used to that environment.

After coming out now, he felt uncomfortable everywhere, so he stopped talking nonsense, walked to the bathtub, and started changing clothes.

Li Wan closed the door gently and went out.

Sitting in the tub, Lin Jian felt emotional again.

In ancient times, being an official was good for everything, but it was easy to lose your head!

It seems that my roots are not deep enough!
Lin Jian thought wildly for a while.

【Ding! 】

[The system task has been updated! 】

【Do you want to enter mission mode? 】

The system tasks have been updated, so Lin Jian hurried in to check.

【Ding! 】

[Current task: save [-] disaster victims in Guangji County! 】

[Mission Reward: Revive once in place! 】


Lin Jian was surprised for a while.

The first is the difficulty of this task!

Save [-] disaster victims!

This is not an easy task!

Guangji County belongs to Jizhou; and Jizhou belongs to Huainan Road.

The relief supplies last time were going to be sent to Guangji County.

There is no need to ask about the difficulty of the task, it can be called hell level!

But this reward is also very attractive!
Resurrection in situ once!
Good guy!
I believe that no one can refuse this reward!

This task must be completed!
Speaking of the task, Lin Jian couldn't help but think of the previous one - to remain a virgin for a month!

I was in the dungeon and completed this task in a daze.

just now……

I can finally think about women openly!

After washing it again, change a bucket of water.

After washing it for the second time, Lin Jian felt refreshed, and the pores all over his body felt so comfortable!
Li Wan originally wanted to change the water again, but saw that Lin Jian had been washed clean, so he gave up; brought clean clothes, put them next to the tub, and said, "Try to see if it fits you well."

Lin Jian dried himself off, put on new clothes, and Meimei went out.

Sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard, Li Wan saw Lin Jian coming out, looked left and right, nodded and said: "Well... the size is just right, it's quite suitable."

Lin Jiandao: "Princess, thank you! If you hadn't risked your life to enter the dungeon to see me this time, maybe I would never be able to get out!"

Li Wan said: "One family doesn't talk about two families, so go to bed early, and I'll take you to your room."


While speaking, Li Wan led Lin Jian to a room next to Xue Chong.

The room had obviously been carefully cleaned, and the bedding was neatly stacked. Standing by the bed, one could faintly smell the sunlight on the bedding.

Li Wan bent over and spread out the quilt.

This bend, the buttocks are raised high, the perfect buttocks are fully wrapped by the dress, which is very visually impactful!

People can't help but want to squeeze it!
Lin Jian's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help but start dreaming...

After a while, Li Wan finished tidying up the quilt, turned around and wiped the sweat from his forehead, he hesitated to speak, "Son, I..."

Lin Jian hurriedly said: "The eldest princess has something to say, but it's okay to say it!"

Li Wan said: "I know that you are a poor child without father and mother, do you... want to be Chong'er's big brother?"


Lin Jiandao: "What the eldest princess said, I am Chong'er's big brother!"

Li Wan said: "That's not what I meant! I mean, I want to recognize you as a foster son, look..."


Lin Jian stared, shook his head fiercely, and said, "Princess, you absolutely must not do it!"

Li Wan was puzzled and said: "Why? You are the future husband of Princess Lingnan and Princess Xiangxiang, and I am their aunt, so my seniority is not bad..."

Lin Jiandao: "That's not the reason!"

Li Wan became even more curious, and said, "What's the reason? Could it be that you... don't like me, the eldest princess who has no power at all?"

Lin Jian thought, I can't do this because I have a crush on you!
Of course, you can only beep in your heart, but you can't say it out!
Li Wan was very puzzled.

She took a step forward, faced Lin Jian directly, and said, "My child, do you have something to hide? Tell me, it's okay!"


Lin Jian faltered and couldn't speak, his face turned red.

Just peeking at Li Wan tidying the bedding, Lin Jian hasn't recovered yet!
Now that Li Wan was so close to him again, he could even clearly smell the blue breath from her mouth, Lin Jian was in a bad mood!
"Why is your face so red?"

Li Wan frowned slightly, took another step forward, and reached out to touch Lin Jian's forehead.

As soon as he stepped forward, Li Wan suddenly sensed that something was wrong with Lin Jian!
But, it's not that the forehead is wrong!

Li Wan looked down and blushed with embarrassment!

Only now did she know why Lin Jian refused to promise herself!
Lin Jian was embarrassed for a while.

But the more I tried to hide it, the more I couldn't control it!

Helpless, he could only go to bed quickly, covered his body with the quilt, and said, "Princess, go back and rest!"

Li Wan felt that Fang's heart was beating wildly!

When he came back to his senses, he escaped as if he had escaped.


The night passed.

It was quite awkward with Li Wan last night, Lin Jian was embarrassed to stay in Tianxin Pavilion and went out early in the morning.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered Huaqing Palace, do you want to sign in now? 】


[Congratulations to the host, you got a Zhonghua cigarette! 】

Today's sign-in place is Huaqing Palace.

Lin Jian took a cigarette and walked towards Yang Yuhuan's bedroom.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the bedroom door opened.

Yang Yuhuan was wearing a tulle, standing inside the door; seeing Lin Jian, he was stunned for three seconds, and then ran out quickly.

"younger brother!"

Yang Yuhuan hugged Lin Jian tightly, and said with red eyes: "My poor brother, you finally came out! My sister is so worried about you!"

Lin Jian smiled "hehe", and instead comforted her, he said, "I'm fine, sister, don't cry!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "It's my sister who is useless and caused you to suffer!"

Lin Jian patted Yang Yuhuan's beautiful back and said, "Don't catch a cold if you wear so little, let's go in and talk!"


Yang Yuhuan wiped away her tears, and pulled Lin Jian into the bedroom.

In the room, Li Longji was also there.

However, he was sleeping on a soft couch on the floor.

Ever since Lin Jian entered the prison, Yang Yuhuan never let Li Longji touch him, not even a single finger.

The siblings were chatting, and soon, Li Longji also woke up.

Seeing the cigarette in Lin Jian's hand, Li Longji's eyes lit up, he snatched it away, and said, "Come here, come, what gift do you bring!"

"Li Longji, I don't like Ni Ma!"

Lin Jian was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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