Chapter 64

Li Longji lighted a Huazi, and Meimei sucked it up.

After smoking a cigarette, Li Longji fell down on the couch with a "boom" and shouted: "I want to become a fairy, and my magic power is boundless!"


Lin Jian was startled suddenly.

At this time, Li Longji suddenly sat up again, and said earnestly: "Lin Jian, you have come out this time, you must be a good man! Don't be a demon anymore!"

After finishing speaking, he fell down again with a "boom", and fell asleep soundly.

Lin Jian: "???"

Yang Yuhuan sighed deeply and said, "Brother, don't talk to him!"

Lin Jian felt that Li Longji's mental state was not quite right, and said, "Sister, Your Majesty..."

Yang Yuhuan said: "Recently, His Majesty has always been like this, half crazy and half stupid. Especially when he just woke up in the morning, he spoke strangely and made people puzzled."

After a pause, Yang Yuhuan said again: "I see, that monk is a demon monk! Ever since His Majesty ate the golden elixir refined by him, he seems to have lost his soul!"


Lin Jiandao: "What?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "After you entered the prison, Bukong Sanzang claimed to have refined a golden elixir, and he would give one to His Majesty every morning, saying that eating it often can prolong life, and even immortality! But I always feel that Your Majesty The more you eat, the more confused you become!"

As soon as the words fell, the eunuch came.

Holding a jade plate in his hand.

There is a golden bowl on the jade plate.

Inside the golden bowl was a steaming black pill that exuded a slightly pungent smell.

"Your Majesty, the golden elixir has been refined today!"

The eunuch held the jade plate and knelt in front of Li Longji.

Seeing this so-called golden elixir and smelling the scent, Lin Jian immediately understood!

The golden pills eaten by ancient emperors were actually poisons, rich in heavy metals such as lead and mercury!

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, died of an overdose of Jindan; the same was true for Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty, who became dim-sighted and difficult to manage government affairs at the age of fifty.

In the Tang and Ming dynasties, as many as dozens of emperors died under the golden elixir!
After thinking this through, Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat.

Maybe we can start from the golden core and find a way to deal with Bukong Sanzang!
Li Longji yawned, sat up, and reached out to get the golden pill.

"and many more!"

Lin Jian stopped him.

Li Longji was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and said, "Lin Jian, you dare to stop me?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, this golden not clean!"


Li Longji was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said: "The golden elixir refined by the mage is made of gold, so how can it be unclean!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, this is not a golden pill at all, but a demon pill that can kill you!"


Li Longji said: "Lin Jian, have you lost your mind in the prison! Believe it or not, I will lock you up again?"

Lin Jian said: "Your Majesty, this matter is absolutely true! I, Lin Jian, can guarantee it with my own head!"

Seeing Lin Jian's words were so swearing, Li Longji hesitated and said: "Empty words have no proof, you have any proof?"


Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, your dragon body is the best evidence!"

Li Longji frowned and said, "Speak human!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, during the recent period, do you often feel headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and fatigue?"

The more Li Longji heard it, the more shocked he became, and said, " did you know?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, you have been poisoned by the demon pill and are dying!"

As he spoke, Lin Jian grabbed Li Longji's wrist and gave him his pulse.

There are 72 yin and yang hands, one of which can signal the pulse.

Lin Jian's diagnosis further verified his guess!
Li Longji was shocked and said: "But why did the imperial doctor see it and say that I am fine?"

Lin Jian sneered, and said: "Your Majesty, you are too fond of that demon monk. Do the imperial doctors dare to speak ill of him?"

When Li Longji thought about it, it seemed to make sense!
At this time, Yang Yuhuan said: "Your Majesty, that Bukong Sanzang is a demon monk who plotted against you! Lin Jian was also framed by him!"

Li Longji fell silent, obviously, his heart had been shaken.

Lin Jiandao: "How does Your Majesty feel now?"

Li Longji yawned and said, "Headache, dizziness, and nausea!"

Lin Jiandao: "If Your Majesty still trusts me, Lin Jian, why not... let me try?"

Li Longji was overjoyed and said, "Come on!"

Lin Jian rolled up his sleeves, stood behind Li Longji, facing his head, and used the 72-way yin-yang hand.

After a massage, Li Longji said he felt comfortable.

Yang Yuhuan said again at the right time: "Your Majesty, that demon monk has done a lot of harm, please arrest him immediately and return my brother's innocence!"


Li Longji was still hesitating.

After a long while, Li Longji suddenly said: "Lin Jian, do you have any other proofs that you say that this golden elixir is a demon elixir?"

Lin Jian thought for a while, and soon came up with a plan!
Modern people often use white mice in experiments, why don't I use them too!
So Lin Jian said: "Your Majesty, please let someone catch a mouse!"

Li Longji frowned and said, "What do you want a mouse to do?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty will see you later, so you will naturally know!"

Li Longji became interested and quickly ordered to go down.

After a while, the eunuch came with a cage, and there was a big fat mouse in it!

Lin Jian didn't talk nonsense, and forcibly fed the golden pill to the mice in front of everyone.

Then, open the cage.

As soon as the cage was opened, the mouse came out with a "chirp", trying to run into the corner.

However, before running a few steps, its figure slowed down.

He ran a few more steps, wobbled, wobbled, and finally fell to the ground, dying!

Li Longji was dumbfounded, and said: "Lin Jian, what...what's going on? Why did the mouse die suddenly after eating the golden elixir?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, you are the son of heaven. Although the demon pill is powerful, it needs to be taken for a long time before it will cause serious damage to your body! But other people are not so lucky! The same is true for mice!"

In fact, Li Longji had already understood it, and he just wanted to confirm with Lin Jian and confirm his guess.

"No reason!"

Hearing this, Li Longji couldn't bear it any longer, slapped the table heavily, and said, "Go, call that demon monk Bukong Sanzang!"

Lin Jian was secretly happy.

In his hand, he clenched the dry ice pellet tightly.

"Damn bald donkey!"

"If you can't beat me to death, I'll beat you to death!"


Soon, Bukong Sanzang came with a happy face, thinking that Li Longji was going to reward himself again.

However, when he saw Lin Jian was there, he felt a "thump" in his heart, and said, "Your Majesty, why did you let this monster out!"


With the lesson from last time, Lin Jian didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense this time, and said: "You monster monk, don't obediently show your original shape!"

After finishing speaking, he threw the dry ice at Bukong Sanzang's feet!
The wrapping on the outside was smashed, the dry ice heated up and quickly gasified, forming a thick mist around Fukong Sanzang!

"Monster... monster!"

Li Longji backed away in fright, and shouted: "Come on, quickly take down this demon monk!"

(End of this chapter)

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