Chapter 65 Female Assassin

Before Bukong Sanzang could react, a group of guards swarmed up and firmly controlled him.

Bukong Sanzang was pinned to the ground and shouted: "Your Majesty, you are wronged! You are wronged!"

Lin Jian snorted coldly, and said: "Go to the two of you, and bring up the alchemy furnace of this demon monk!"

Seeing Li Longji nodding, several guards immediately dispatched.

Soon, everyone brought a big alchemy furnace, which was filled with various heavy metals, saltpeter, etc., and there was still a fire underneath!
Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, since the demon monk said that the golden elixir is refined here, why not let him eat all these things himself!"

Bukong Sanzang said anxiously: "Your Majesty, absolutely not! These are only raw materials, they have not yet been refined into golden elixir!"

Lin Jiandao: "Since it is the raw material for refining golden elixir, it is not too far behind if you think about it! You are so scared, do you know that these things are poison?"

"You...fart! You spew blood!"

Bukong Sanzang is already out of words!
Li Longji frowned tightly, and said: "Feed him all the things in this stove!"


Two guards came out.

One pinches Bukong Sanzang's mouth, while the other grabs all kinds of heavy metals and saltpeter from the alchemy furnace and stuffs them into his mouth...

Where can Bukong Sanzang live.

After eating so many things, he was dying soon.

I don't know if it was supported or poisoned!

Li Longji naturally thought he was poisoned!

Thinking that he had eaten so much, he was afraid for a while, and waved his hand: "Take this demon monk to Yiningfang, and ask him to kill him immediately!"

"Wait a minute!"

At this moment, Lin Jian spoke again to stop it.

Li Longji was puzzled and said, "Aiqing, what's the matter?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, I have found out that the demon monk has a great relationship with the case of relief supplies; moreover, there must be accomplices! Why don't you save him for now, torture him, and find out his accomplices one by one!"

Li Longji was right when he thought about it.

Getting ready to speak.

At this time, a stone flew in mid-air, and with a "bang", it just hit Fukong Sanzang on the head!
Bukong Sanzang was already on the verge of death, and he was a monk with a bald head, so he had a hole in his head when he was hit like this!

The brains are bubbling out, there is no life left!

"There are assassins!"

Lin Jian looked in the direction the stone came from, and said, "Protect the emperor!"

For a while, the guards were divided into two groups.

One group protected Li Longji closely behind, while the other group chased in the direction the stone flew.

However, these guards are too slow.

Seeing that Lin Jian could not count on them, he simply dispatched himself!
You can guess it with your toes, this time the murderer must be Wang Yu again!
Just like Yang Guozhong last time!
Lin Jian used Nanshan Wuying Kick, and with a "crush", he flew to the palace wall!

Taking a closer look, there is a woman in a red dress running away in mid-air!

"Where to go!"

Lin Jian accelerated to chase after him.

Nanshan Wuyingjiao is extremely fast!

Soon, Lin Jian got closer to the opponent.

At this time, he finally saw the identity of this female assassin!

The stunning beauty beside Wang Yu!
That day at Daming Temple, she was also in the video I shot!

Lin Jian was overjoyed.

This woman has a very close relationship with Wang Yu, once she is caught, Wang Yu can be caught smoothly!


The woman in red looked back from time to time.

She didn't dare to run towards crowded places, so she could only lead Lin Jian to remote places as much as possible.

Leaving the palace, he ran for another distance and came to a lake.

The woman in red had to stop.

She stretched her hand into her waist, pulled out a soft sword in a "swipe", and stabbed at Lin Jian without saying a word!

In the past, Lin Jian must have only escaped!
But now, Lin Jian not only possesses the unique skill of Nanshan Shadowless Kick, but also possesses the Yin-Yang hand of Route 72!
I saw him using his hands as weapons, fighting back and forth with the woman in red!

Not only that, Lin Jian was also wearing an iron shirt!

Even if he was stabbed a few times by the woman in red occasionally, it was harmless.

The more the woman in red was beaten, the more frightened she became.

On the other hand, Lin Jian became more and more calm, as if everything was under control.

After a few more moves, Lin Jian grabbed the soft sword of the woman in red and flicked his fingers lightly!
The soft sword broke in two!

The woman in red was shocked, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pull back the soft sword!
Helpless, she had no choice but to let go, turned around and ran!
"Where to go!"

Lin Jian leaned forward and hugged the woman in red from behind.


The girl in red struggled desperately, but was held tightly by Lin Jian, and she couldn't break free no matter what!
Seeing that the other party had been struggling, Lin Jian put both hands into the arms of the woman in red!

The red-clothed woman let out a "wow", and suddenly softened, and she no longer had any strength!

Lin Jian felt proud for a while.

Tear off a corner from the dress of the girl in red, twist it into a rope, tie her hands behind her back, and said, "Speak!"

The woman in red asked, "What did you say?"

Lin Jiandao: "Tell me about the relief supplies case, what you know, and this assassination, who sent you here!"

The woman in red said: "I don't know about the case of disaster relief materials. As for the assassination this time, it was entirely my own act, and no one assigned it!"


Lin Jian pinched the woman in red's chin, and said, "I'm not a good man, I can do anything! As for you, you are quite pretty, don't force me to use unconventional methods to interrogate you!"

The woman in red snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Okay, have backbone!"

"It's a mustang!"

"I, Lin, like to ride wild horses!"

As he spoke, Lin Jian snorted, tore off the skirt of the woman in red, pressed her to the shore, and said, "Say it?"

The woman in red was so angry that she was dying, but there was nothing she could do!

She turned her head, stared at Lin Jian fiercely, and said, "If you dare to touch me, the Taiyuan Wang family will not let you go!"

"Depend on!"

"What happened if I touched it?"

Lin Jian went up and pinched it, and said, "And then?"


The woman in red was dumbfounded.

Ordinary people hear the name of "Taiyuan Wang Family", and their ass is so scared that they will piss!

After all, this is one of the five surnames and seven hopes!

Don't say that Lin Jian is the official of the imperial court, even the emperor himself, if he wants to take action against the five surnames and Qiwang, he has to think twice!

But who knew, this young dog official was actually a stunned young man!
"Yuenu, are you going to tell me or not?"

Lin Jian continued to threaten.

The woman in red was shocked when she heard this, and said, "How do you know my name?"

Lin Jiandao: "Not only do I know your name is Yue Nu, but I also know Wang Yu! Tell me, what is the relationship between you two?"

The woman in red said: "You kill me, I won't say anything!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's too cheap to kill you, and it's such a pity!"

The woman in red bit her lip and said, "Officer Dog, if you dare to touch me again, I will never let you go!"


Lin Jiandao: "I just want to experience what it's like to be a female ghost!"

The three views of the woman in red are completely destroyed.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people!
Looking closely, the woman in red was frightened to death.

Because, Lin Jian actually started to take off his clothes!

(End of this chapter)

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