Chapter 66 I bet with you

After a while, Lin Jian took off his clothes.

Cool all over!

Now without the shackles of system tasks, you can let yourself go!

Unexpectedly, the first time was in the wild!

Lin Jian sneered, looked at the bewildered Yue Nu, and said, "Today, take a look!"

Yue Nu was stunned.

I thought Lin Jian was just talking about it, but I didn't expect that he actually came for it!

For a while, Yue Slave screamed that the sky should not work, and the earth did not work. If he wanted to die, he didn't know how to die!
At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from the jungle behind him: "Lin Jian, hold on, we are here to help you!"

Lin Jian: "???"

Turning around, it turned out that it was Shen Yao, who was running towards this side, followed by a large group of six-door arresters!
"I go!"

Lin Jian had no choice but to get dressed quickly.

However, Shen Yao and the others moved too fast.

Just as Lin Jian picked up his clothes, Shen Yao had already arrived.

Looking at the picture in front of her, Shen Yao was stupefied at the time, and said, "Master Lin, what's going on...?"

Lin Jian put his clothes in front of him, and said, "I'm too tired from the beating, and I'm sweating all over. I'm going to take a bath in the lake, and it just so happens that you're here!"

"I see!"

Shen Yao said: "Master Lin, don't take a bath now, let's get down to business!"


Lin Jian put on his clothes slowly.

Shen Yao pointed to the Moon Slave on the ground, and said, "Has this woman recruited?"

Lin Jian shook his head, and said, "Your mouth is so hard, you won't say anything!"

Shen Yao said: "Master Lin, you just came out of the sky prison, and your body is weak. Let us handle the follow-up matters with the six doors!"

Lin Jian stared, and said, "Why, do you want to claim credit?"

Shen Yao was speechless for a while, and said: "Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs! If you think so, then you should take her back to Dali Temple!"

"do not want!"

Hearing this, Yue Nu was quite frightened, and said: "My lord, I am willing to follow you to the six gates!"

"Shut up!"

Lin Jiandao: "Where to go now, is it up to you to decide!"

Yue Nu gritted her teeth with hatred, and said, "Officer Dog, believe it or not, I'll tell you everything!"

Shen Yao asked curiously, "Master Lin, what does she want to say?"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't listen to her sowing discord!"

"It's taken care of!"

Shen Yao said: "Since that's the case, this person will be handed over to you Dali Temple! In fact, my original intention is the same. After all, Yang Guozhong went out at the six gates last time, which shows that there is a big problem in our system!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's still the big breasted sister who knows the truth!"

Shen Yao gave him a blank look, and said: "It's not too late, let's take him back as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jian personally escorted Yue Nu, and set off with the people from Six Doors.

After walking a few steps, Shen Yao suddenly said: "By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet! I finally got my wish and saw the sun again!"

"Hey, congratulations, congratulations!"


Lin Jian took Yue Nu to Dali Temple, and went home to sleep by himself.

When I woke up, it was already dark.

Lin Jian came to the prison again and asked about the situation.

As I guessed, Yue Nu still didn't speak.

Lin Jian looked around.

Among these colleagues, it is not clear how many people come from five surnames and seven Wang.

Trying to get Yue Nu to speak through a regular interrogation is like a fantasy!

Dealing with extraordinary people requires extraordinary means!

Thinking of this, Lin Jian came to the prison and retreated left and right.

Yue Nu was sitting in a corner wearing handcuffs and shackles, and when she saw Lin Jian coming in, she snorted coldly, with an aloof expression on her face.

"Are you still mad at me?"

Lin Jian walked over with a smile, and opened Yue Nu's handcuffs and fetters successively.

Yue Nu frowned and said: "You dog official, what kind of tricks are you playing?"

Lin Jiandao: "Girl's words are wrong! I just love you purely, and I feel worthless for you! How old are you, you should be in your early twenties, right? A great youth has just begun, there is no need to worry about it." I lost Qingqing's life! I, Lin Jian, assure you, as long as you bite Wang Yu out, I will guarantee you will be fine!"


Yue Nu spat on Lin Jian as an answer.

Lin Jian wiped his face and said, "Miss Yuenu, you don't think that Wang Yu will send someone to rescue you, do you?"

Yue Nu hesitated, but did not speak.

However, her expression has already betrayed everything!
Lin Jian knew that he had guessed correctly, and immediately laughed out loud!

Yue Nu was terrified by his laughter, and said: "You dog official, what's so funny?"

Lin Jiandao: "Girl, how about I make a bet with you?"

Yue Nu said: "What bet?"

Lin Jiandao: "I'll let you out now, betting that someone will kill you within an hour!"

"let me out?"

Hearing this, Yue Nu's eyes lit up.

Lin Jian nodded.

Yue Nu was puzzled and said, "Is this really true?"

Lin Jiandao: "Do I need to lie to you?"

Yue Nu couldn't hide her joy, and said, "How do you gamble?"

Lin Jiandao: "If no one assassinates you within an hour, you are lucky! From now on, you are free! But, if someone wants to kill you within an hour, you need to confess to me everything!"

"That's it?"

Yue Nu had an incredulous expression.

Lin Jiandao: "Do you dare to bet?"

Yue Nu thought about it, this deal has a lot of benefits but no harm, so he nodded fiercely and said: "Deal!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then come out with me!"

At that moment, Lin Jian led Yue Nu out of the prison.

Along the way, many colleagues looked sideways. After all, Yue Nu was a criminal wanted by the court, so it was against the rules to take her out like this.

However, Lin Jian is the Minister of Dali Temple!
Although they had doubts in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything more.

In this way, Lin Jian led Yue Nu and left Dali Temple.

Lin Jian moved a small bench, sat at the gate of Dali Temple, and said, "I'll wait for you here for an hour, you go!"

Yue Nu still couldn't believe it.

First, he tried to take a few small steps forward, but when he saw that Lin Jian was not following, he immediately sped up.


Soon, Yue Nu left the sphere of influence of Dali Temple and walked in the direction of Ping'an Square.

There is Gong Ziyu's stronghold in Chang'an City!

In the night sky, a white dove passed overhead, flew over one square after another, and finally landed on a plane tree in a courtyard of Ping'an Square.

Wang Yu grabbed the white pigeon, untied the letter from his lap, opened it and frowned.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, the old man next to him said, "My lord, is something wrong?"

Wang Yu said: "The Moon Slave is back."


The old man looked surprised and said, "Didn't she be captured by Dali Temple?"

Wang Yu nodded heavily.

The old man said: "My lord suspects that Miss Yue Nu has betrayed?"

Wang Yu was silent, still thinking.

The old man said: "Miss Yuenu is the master's adopted daughter, and she is like a brother and sister with the young master. She should...not be so?"

Wang Yu said: "You mean, this is a plan to alienate Dali Temple?"

The old man nodded fiercely.

Wang Yu raised his head to look at the moonlight, sighed, and said, "Good you Lin Jian, unexpectedly, I still underestimated you!"

(End of this chapter)

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