Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 67 Willing to gamble and admit defeat

Chapter 67 Willing to gamble and admit defeat
The old man said: "My lord, Miss Yuenu should be here soon, what should we do?"

Wang Yu said: "Even if this is Lin Jian's plan to alienate us, we must fall into this plan! This is a conspiracy that we cannot refuse and dare not take risks! Send me an order to retreat immediately!"


The old man said: "Miss Yuenu..."

A trace of sternness crossed Wang Yu's face, holding a folding fan, made a gesture of wiping his neck, and said, "I will leave it to you to deal with the aftermath! If I can survive, we will meet in Guangji County!"



Let's say that Yue Nu came to the stronghold of Ping'anfang.

She pushed open the door happily, walked in quickly, and called out, "Master?"

Called twice, no one answered.

Not only that, the entire yard was pitch black, as if there was no one there.

Just wondering, an old man came out from the darkness.

"Uncle Shao?"

Seeing the old man, Yue Nu was pleasantly surprised and said, "Where is the young master?"

Uncle Shao was expressionless and did not speak.

Yue Nu said: "That dog official is so stupid, he let me go! Uncle Shao, what's my next task?"

Shao Bo slowly pulled out a three-edged knife about one foot long from his sleeve, and said, "Death!"

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and the three-edged knife was already in front of Yue Nu.

This change came too suddenly!

Yue Nu was shocked, flung back in fright, and said, "Uncle Shao, do you doubt me?"

Shao Bo didn't speak, just kept attacking.

Yue Nu retreated three steps in a row, and the situation was already dangerous.

If you go any further, there is only one dead end!

Helpless, Yue Nu could only start to fight back.

After more than ten moves in the blink of an eye, Yue Nu was injured in three places!

But compared to flesh and blood wounds, Yue Slave hurts her heart more!
Unexpectedly, in the mind of the young master, he is actually the same as Yang Guozhong, Bukong Sanzang and others!
At a certain moment, they are all pawns that can be discarded at will!
Yue Nu's heart was crying blood.

This distraction resulted in another stab wound to the forearm!

The two were fighting fiercely, when suddenly, the door was kicked open.

Shen Yao led the arresters from the six doors and rushed in.

It turned out that just as Yue Nu left, Lin Jian informed Shen Yao.

The hopeful building in Chang'an City can be used to convey information.

After receiving the message, Shen Yao immediately locked on to Yue Nu's location and followed her all the way here...

Yue Nu looked back and complained endlessly!

One Shao Bo made him overwhelmed, let alone the beasts of the Six Doors!
This time, he was stabbed in the body again!

Yue Nu let out a scream, and her heart was ashamed.

She didn't want to live at first, but she was holding back her breath again!

I worked so hard for the Taiyuan Wang family, and finally ended up like this!

Not reconciled!
"No, I can't die!"

"I can't just die like this!"

Thinking of this, Yue Nu rekindled his fighting spirit, and the speed of his sword suddenly became faster, forcing Shao Bo to retreat again and again!

Shao Bo thought that the other party was going to die with him, so he couldn't help cheering up.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yue Nu tapped her toes and suddenly jumped onto the sycamore branch.

Immediately afterwards, she bent her knees slightly, and with the help of the elasticity of the branches, she jumped and left the courtyard...

Shao Bo wanted to chase after him.

However, Shen Yao's six doors have already surrounded her.

Uncle Shao looked up to the sky with a long sigh, and said, "I'm sorry, my lord, but this old slave failed to complete the last task you gave me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his wrist and stabbed the triangular knife into his heart...


Let's say that Yue Nu left the courtyard and Ping'an Square.

Looking around, Chang'an City is so big, there is no place for him to live in!
The people from Six Doors followed the blood trail, getting closer and closer, and could even hear their footsteps surrounding them from all directions.

Find yourself, just a matter of time!

Moon Slave is not afraid of death.

But right now, she doesn't want to die yet.

"Could it you really want to go back there?"

"He actually guessed it!"

"Ha ha!"

Although Yue Nu hates Lin Jian, but now, only he can save herself.

In order to survive, she no longer hesitated, and ran towards the direction of Dali Temple...


Lin Jian sat in front of the gate of Dali Temple, looking at the hourglass from time to time.

Seeing that an hour has passed, Yue Nu has not returned yet!


"Did I lose?"

"Shouldn't be!"

Just as he was worried, Yue Nu appeared in front of him covered in blood, staggering, his complexion was pale due to excessive blood loss.

Lin Jian was overjoyed.

On the surface, he put on an indifferent expression of "I'll be there long ago" and said, "You lost!"

Yue Nu smiled wryly, and said, "I would like to accept the bet!"

After finishing speaking, he fell to the ground with a "boom"...

When I woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

Yue Nu found that she had changed into clean clothes and her wounds were bandaged, and she was lying on a soft and comfortable bed.

"He saved me?"

Just thinking about it, Lin Jian came in and said, "Girl, you're awake."

Yue Nu reluctantly sat up and said, "I will pay you back the life I owe you! In addition, the previous bet is still valid! Tell me, what do you want to know?"


"I like!"

Lin Jian pointed to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone beside the bed, and said, "It's very simple, write down Wang Yu's crimes truthfully."

Yue Nu was completely disappointed with the Wang family and Wang Yu.

At this moment, she had the right to think that she had already died once.

Died for the royal family.

From now on, it's time to live for yourself.

After a while, Yue Nu put down the brush in his hand and said, "Do you need me to testify?"

Lin Jian picked up the paper and looked at it, shook his head lightly, and said, "With these alone, we can only bring down Wang Yu, but they can't shake the foundation of the Wang family! It doesn't matter whether you come out or not!"

When Yue Nu thought about it, it seemed reasonable, and said: "Then what are your plans? You want to be an enemy of the Taiyuan Wang family?"

Lin Jiandao: "Since I have offended you, there is absolutely no reason to retreat!"

Although Yue Nu hated Lin Jian, he had to say that this man was indeed quite courageous, and he kindly reminded: "Five surnames and seven Wangs can stand in the Central Plains for thousands of years, and it is not so easy to deal with!"

Lin Jiandao: "So, are you willing to help me?"


Yue Nu was slightly taken aback.

Lin Jian nodded and said, "What, is it surprising?"

Yue Nu smiled wryly, and said, "I've already died once, and I don't want to die a second time!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's okay, the bet is over, now you can leave anytime!"

"Thank you!"

"The grace of saving life will be repaid in the future!"

Yue Nu cupped her fists at Lin Jian, turned and left.

Seeing that this girl really wanted to leave, Lin Jian was still a little bit reluctant.

First of all, this girl is pretty!

If she hadn't lost too much blood and was injured too much last night, Lin Jian would have raped her by force!
Secondly, she knows the Taiyuan Wang family well!
If you want to deal with the Wang family, with her secret guidance, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!
However, twisted melons are not sweet!
Since people have no intentions, that's all!
Walking to the door, Yue Nu turned around again, clasped his fists and said, "Master Lin, we will meet later!"

"There will be a period later!"

Lin Jian also cupped his fists pretendingly, and said, "By the way, I helped you take a bath last night, and I also changed your clothes for you! You... are very white!"

"Officer Dog..."

Yue Nu's legs gave way and almost fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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