Chapter 68 Double Ninth Festival

In a flash, it is the Double Ninth Festival.

The case of disaster relief materials was finally closed.

The stolen money and some food and grass were all found in Wang Yu's stronghold in Ping'anfang.

Wang Yu was listed as a fugitive and wanted nationwide.

Of course, it is estimated that this is just a formality.

No one believed that members of the Wang family in Taiyuan would really be arrested and brought to justice.

The most pitiful thing is Xie Yizhi, who as a scapegoat was charged with most of the crimes and was executed by all the families.

As for Yang Guozhong, he was dead, and he had a close relationship with the imperial concubine, so he didn't go into details; but his Yang mansion and hundreds of family members were all confiscated.

After this case, Lin Jian became famous.

Above the court, even Li Linfu had to avoid his edge.


At the end of the day, Li Longji called Lin Jian to stop, lit a Huazi, and sighed: "Lin Jian, the case of relief supplies has been solved, but the disaster situation in Guangji County and even Huainan Road is still not resolved." I have a headache!"

Lin Jian knew his implication, and he definitely wanted to send himself there.

It just so happens that my system task is to save the [-] disaster victims in Guangji County!
Lin Jian had already been prepared for this idea, so he took the initiative to invite Ying, saying: "I am willing to rush to Guangji County to help His Majesty solve problems!"

"it is good!"

Li Longji patted Lin Jian on the shoulder, and said: "I didn't misread you! The Ministry of Households is preparing supplies now, and you can leave in three days!"

Lin Jiandao: "I am determined not to disgrace the mission, complete the mission!"

Li Longji sighed for a while, and said: "Lin Jian, a while ago, I ate too many so-called golden pills and was blinded by that demon monk. I really blamed you; by the don't blame me in your heart, do you?"

Of course Lin Jian complained in his heart, but he didn't even dare to say it out of his mouth.

Li Longji said: "Go to Guangji County this time and work hard. There is still a vacancy for the position of prime minister! You know it!"

The Tang Dynasty practiced the group phase system.

Most of the time, there can be seven or eight prime ministers!

Of course, at present, the most powerful prime minister is Li Linfu.

Lin Jian suddenly became interested.

The prime minister, an extremely human minister!
If he can really be the prime minister, plus his status as a son-in-law, and his sibling relationship with Yang Yuhuan, he can really wrestle with Li Linfu!

Bukong Sanzang was recommended by Li Linfu.

Therefore, Lin Jian always had a feeling that the Taiyuan Wang family and Li Linfu must have some relationship!
It's a pity that Lin Jian has never found any evidence of Li Linfu's crime.

After a pause, Li Longji said again: "This trip to Guangji County, apart from disaster relief, I have one more thing that needs you to do it in secret!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, please give me instructions!"

Li Longji said: "The case of disaster relief supplies is closed, but Wang Yu is still at large. I received a secret report saying that Wang Yu had appeared in Guangji County recently. If there is a chance, you should arrest him and bring him to justice. Fa-rectification on the spot!"


Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, I have something to do..."

Li Longji said: "But it's okay to say!"

Lin Jian scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, "The marriage between me and the two princesses..."

Li Longji said: "We will get married when you come back!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, you said the same thing before the Cuju meeting!"

Li Longji laughed and said, "This time it's true! I can't lie to you with my golden words!"

Lin Jianxin said, I will give you one last chance!
If I delay after I come back, I will deal with your two daughters first!

With the identity of the son-in-law, after all, there is an extra layer of insurance!
God knows what will happen next!
What if he was taken to prison again?

After leaving the palace, Lin Jian came to Pingkang Square.

I'm leaving in three days, and I still have one thing to do!
I promised Zhang Guolao that I would buy tea for him; as a human being, you can't break your word!
In the northeast corner of Pingkangfang, there is indeed a tea shop.

There is a plaque on the door, with the words "Tea Classic" written on it.

But what was strange was that the door of the tea shop was closed tightly before noon.

Lin Jian walked up to him, knocked on the door, and tried to shout: "Is anyone there?"

Called for a long time, but no one answered.

Lin Jian was about to leave, or change to another tea shop.

At this time, the door suddenly opened.

An eleven or twelve-year-old boy stood at the door and said, "Guest officer, please come in!"

Lin Jian walked in and said, "Bring me a box of good tea!"

The young man said: "The small shop has Biluochun, jasmine, Tieguanyin, Pu'er tea, oolong tea, Dahongpao...all kinds of teas, I don't know which one do you want?"

Lin Jiandao: "Let's also get a box!"

The young man pointed at the chair and said: "Guest officer, wait a moment, it will be ready soon!"

After speaking, he opened the screen and entered.

Through the screen, two figures could be vaguely seen sitting opposite, judging from their stature, they should be women, drinking tea and playing chess.

Lin Jian was idle and bored, ready to go in and watch.

At this time, the young man suddenly stood in front of him and said, "Guest officer, please wait a while in the lobby, the tea will be ready soon!"


Lin Jian could only sit back resentfully.

Soon, the tea leaves were packed.

After Lin Jian paid the money, he took the tea and came to the prison of Dali Temple.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here to see you!"

Lin Jian opened the cell door and walked in.

Zhang Guolao sat up, took the tea, opened a box and smelled it, and said intoxicated, "Premium Biluochun, not bad!"

After speaking, he picked up a piece of tea and chewed it in his mouth.

Lin Jiandao: "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave!"

"Wait!" Zhang Guolao called to stop him, "Who sold you tea?"

Lin Jiandao: "A boy in his teens, what's wrong?"


Zhang Guolao was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Is there anyone else in the store?"

Lin Jian thought for a while and said, "It seems like there are two women playing chess!"

Zhang Guolao nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Lin Jian faintly felt that this tea shop is not simple, there must be some secret hidden!
Otherwise, Zhang Guolao wouldn't let himself make such a trip!
Lin Jian couldn't help but said: "Old Zhang, what is the relationship between that tea shop and you?"

Zhang Guo said: "It's better to ask less! Knowing too much is not good for yourself!"

The more Zhang Guo said so, the more curious Lin Jian became, and tentatively said: "Okay, you don't need to say anything, I'll have someone seal up that tea shop right away!"

Zhang Guolao said with a smile: "If you are not afraid of death, you can try it!"

Lin Jiandao: "You old man, you can play tricks! By the way, last time you gave me that donkey's tears, it was useless!"

Zhang Guo said: "It's useless, you should be lucky! Otherwise, you've seen something dirty, and you might lose your life!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to the ground and said, "Sleep!"

Soon, Zhang Guolao began to snore.

Lin Jian felt bored for a while, so he had to leave.


At night, Huaqing Palace.

He was about to leave Chang'an City and go to Guangji County. Lin Jian was going to say goodbye to Yang Yuhuan.

When I entered the bedroom, I saw three beautiful beauties wearing light veils, dancing to the music.

One of them is Yang Yuhuan, and the other two are her sisters, Mrs. Han and Mrs. Guo.

Although the two wives are not as stunning as Yang Yuhuan, they each have their own merits.

After all, she is the emperor's concubine, so she must not be so bad!

(End of this chapter)

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