Chapter 69 Donkey Tears

Seeing Lin Jian coming in, Yang Yuhuan danced extraordinarily hard.

While twisting his waist, from time to time he gave Lin Jian a glance.

This feeling of openly expressing affection in public is really exciting!

After dancing for a while, the three beauties were dripping with sweat.

Yang Yuhuan stopped first, and said, "You two sisters, come here first, let's dance another day!"

As he said that, Yang Yuhuan took the incense towel to wipe his sweat, and then asked the maid to bring two jade plates with a box on each.

Yang Yuhuan said: "This is a Miao tea tribute from Tubo. It is said to have the effect of self-cultivation and self-cultivation. The two sisters took it back and tasted it."

Mrs. Han and Mrs. Guo Guo left with Miao tea.

The eunuchs and maids in the palace also retreated consciously.

In the room, there were only two siblings left.

Yang Yuhuan took out a box of Miao tea, brewed two cups himself, and said, "Brother, you should try it too!"

Looking at the two cups of tea, Lin Jian's expression changed!
Because, he found that there were more than a dozen bugs floating in the tea water.

At first, Lin Jian thought he had misread it, so he went closer to confirm, and it was true, there were bugs!
Seeing that Lin Jian's expression was wrong, Yang Yuhuan said, "What's wrong, brother, what's wrong with this tea...?"

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, have you ever drunk this tea?"

Yang Yuhuan shook his head and said: "Your Majesty just sent someone to send it today, saying it is a gift for the Double Ninth Festival of Tubo's tribute."

Lin Jiandao: "Why are there so many bugs in the tea?"


Yang Yuhuan glanced at it and said, "No!"

Lin Jian pointed to the cup and said, "Sister, you can't see so many bugs?"

Yang Yuhuan still shook her head blankly.

Seeing Lin Jian's seriousness, Yang Yuhuan was also very surprised, and quickly called the eunuch and maid in.

However, everyone also saw the so-called bugs.

Lin Jian's heart moved!
No one else can see it, only you can see it!

Could it be... is this the dirty thing Zhang Guolao said?
Did the donkey tears work?
For a moment, Lin Jian was a little dazed.

Looking back, Yang Yuhuan had already picked up a teacup and was about to drink it.

"do not want!"

Lin Jian was so frightened that he grabbed Yang Yuhuan's wrist.

Yang Yuhuan smiled and said, "Brother, what's the matter with you today?"

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, there are bugs in this tea! I suspect that there is something wrong with the tea!"

Yang Yuhuan laughed and said, "Everyone can't see it, but you said yes, it must be because you read the official documents all day and your eyes are blurred!"

Lin Jian didn't know how to explain to her, but he just refused to let go.

Yang Yuhuan said: "Forget it, if others don't believe you, I should always believe my brother! I won't drink this tea!"

After finishing speaking, I really asked someone to take it out and throw it away.

Only then did Lin Jian heave a sigh of relief.

Yang Yuhuan said: "By the way, brother, I heard from His Majesty that you are going on a business trip soon?"

"Yes!" Lin Jian said, "Go to Huainan Road for disaster relief!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "How long will it take to come back after leaving?"

Lin Jian couldn't be sure, and said, "Why... it will take a month or two!"

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan was reluctant for a while, and complained: "Your Majesty is really, I sent you to such a far place without telling him in advance!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's okay, I'm going to do gilding! Your Majesty said that you will make me a prime minister when you come back!"

Only then did Yang Yuhuan smile and said, "My younger brother is capable! He's going to be prime minister at such a young age!"

Lin Jian smiled "hehe" and said, "Sister, you must be exhausted from dancing, shall I help you go in and take a bath?"

Yang Yuhuan nodded fiercely with a look of anticipation.

After entering the bath, Yang Yuhuan soaked for a while.

Soon, Lin Jian carried her out, placed her by the pool, and said while massaging, "Sister, do you know what day it is today?"

Yang Yuhuan was slightly taken aback, and said, "Double Ninth Festival?"

"Yes!" Lin Jian said, "What are the customs of the Double Ninth Festival?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Climbing, planting dogwood, and...appreciating chrysanthemums?"



We are going to part soon, and the siblings are very reluctant to part with each other.


After being intimate for a while, Lin Jian hugged Yang Yuhuan.

Yang Yuhuan asked, "Where are you going?"

Lin Jiandao: "Go to the bedroom!"

Yang Yuhuan shook his head and said, "Don't, it's right here! If His Majesty comes in, at least you can make preparations!"

Lin Jian thought so too.

From the bedroom to here, there is a long corridor.

This distance is enough for myself and Yang Yuhuan to make some preparations in advance.

The siblings are about to be together.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor.

The two were so frightened that they quickly stopped.

Fortunately, the person who came was not Li Longji, but a court lady.

The palace lady was also very sensible, knowing that it was not the place she should enter, she stopped a foot away, and shouted: "Your Majesty, it's not good! Something happened to Mrs. Han!"

Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan was shocked and said, "What's wrong?"

The maid said: "Mrs. Han is in a coma. There are many imperial doctors here. Go and see!"

Yang Yuhuan had to go because her sister had an accident.

Along the way, Yang Yuhuan was in a hurry, and said, "I was dancing well just now, why did I suddenly become unconscious!"

Lin Jian was startled, and said, "I know! Mrs. Han must have drunk that tea!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Brother, is there really something wrong with the tea?"

Lin Jian nodded fiercely, and said, "Let's talk about it later!"


Soon, the siblings came to Mingxiu Palace, the residence of Mrs. Han.

At this moment, more than a dozen imperial doctors gathered inside, including Li Longji.

Seeing Yang Yuhuan's eager expression, Li Longji comforted him, "Don't be afraid, my concubine, there are so many imperial doctors here, Mrs. Han is sure to be fine!"

As soon as the words fell, another imperial doctor came out from inside, shaking his head and sighing.

Li Longji said: "Doctor Wei, how are you?"

Doctor Wei said: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Han is suffering from a nine-star Gu, and she is already dying of illness and unable to recover!"

Hearing these words, Yang Yuhuan's body softened and almost fell down!
Lin Jian hurriedly supported her.

Li Longji frowned and said, "What is the Nine Star Gu?"

Doctor Wei explained: "Nine-star Gu is a kind of Gu insect, produced in the generation of Tubo. This Gu has a strong concealment and can often escape human eyes. However, once it enters the human body and sees blood, they will show up. Out of the real body, eroding the nine major meridians of the human body!"


Li Longji didn't know if he understood, but he was confused anyway.

Imperial Physician Wei sighed, and said, "Although the Nine Star Gu is powerful, it is not contagious; Your Majesty, you can go in and see Mrs. Han for the last time."

"elder sister!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Yuhuan ran in crying.

(End of this chapter)

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