Chapter 70 Welfare
On the big bed, Mrs. Han was still unconscious.

Yang Yuhuan was already in tears.

During this period of time, my cousin had an accident first, but now my sister has an accident too!
Li Longji was also very sad, and said: "Doctor Wei, is there nothing you can do?"

Doctor Wei and the other imperial doctors looked at each other and shook their heads.

Li Longji felt a chill in his heart.

Lin Jian also came in together.

At this moment, everyone is sad and lonely, only him, his eyes are wide open.

Because, he could actually see nine worms crawling around inside Mrs. Korea's body, sucking flesh and blood while crawling, and even biting meridians.

Lin Jian pulled Imperial Physician Wei and said, "If we drive out the nine bugs, Mrs. Han can survive?"

Hearing this, Imperial Physician Wei nodded first, then shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Master Lin, in theory! But, if you want to drive out the nine-star Gu worms, it's a fantasy, this... is impossible at all! "

Although the two spoke in a low voice, it also attracted the attention of others.

Yang Yuhuan looked at Lin Jian obsessively, his heart moved, and he said, "Brother, do you have a way to save sister?"

Everyone looked at Lin Jian, waiting for his answer.

Lin Jian said truthfully: "I can't guarantee it, I can only say...try!"

Try it, there is still hope!

It's better than waiting to die like this!
Yang Yuhuan wiped away his tears, wept with joy, and said, "Brother, let's start!"

The reason why Lin Jian said that was naturally because of the yin and yang hand of Route 72!
One of them is dedicated to exorcising evil spirits!
Nine-star Gu worms, to a certain extent, should also belong to the category of Yin and Evil.

Otherwise, your own donkey tears before will not work!
Lin Jian walked to the bed, lifted the thin quilt covering Mrs. Han's body, looked back, and said, "Men, get out!"

Li Longji quickly waved his hand, motioning for the men to leave.

Soon, only the concubines and maids were left in the room; as for the men, only Lin Jian and Li Longji were left.

To get rid of yin and evil, there is a prerequisite: no clothes can be worn on the body!
Among the five elements, clothes have the attribute of "wood", which will have a certain impact on the healing effect.

Lin Jian stretched out his hand to untie Mrs. Korea's belt, and then continued to take it off...

Li Longji's face turned green immediately, and he shouted, "Lin Jian!"

Lin Jian was unmoved and said without turning his head: "If you want to save Mrs. Han, you have to do this!"

Although Li Longji was unhappy in every possible way, he could only endure it.

Soon, all obstacles on Mrs. Korea's body were removed.

Lin Jian washed his hands, took off his shoes, came to the bed, and used the Yin-Yang hand of No. 72, pressing on Mrs. Han's body!
I saw that his fingers were nimble and quick, dazzling!

All the concubines and maids in the court were red-faced when they saw it!

Not to mention that Mr. Lin is so handsome and handsome, but his fingering alone makes people... people can't stop!

It's just... Can it really cure a disease by pressing it like this?

Lin Jian held his breath and concentrated his attention. He turned Mrs. Han upside down and pressed it three times!

Stimulated by the yin and yang hand of No. 72, the nine-star Gu worm did not dare to stay in the body any longer, and they all searched for a way out, and fled towards Mrs. Korea's mouth, nostrils, ears, etc...

"Come out, come out!"

Seeing this scene, all the women in the venue cheered.

Soon, Mrs. Han's seven orifices, namely two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and mouth, each escaped a Gu worm.

Everyone stared intently and counted silently.

"one two three four five six seven……"

Yang Yuhuan frowned and said, "Brother, isn't it a nine-star Gu worm? Why only seven came out?"

Lin Jian pointed down at Madam Han Han and said, "There are still two exits!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Lin Jian's finger, and then suddenly realized!

Lin Jian picked up nine Gu worms and took out a lighter.

Li Longji thought he was going to smoke, so he offered one.

Lin Jian lit a flower seed, burned all the Gu worms to death, and said: "Your Majesty, there is something wrong with the Miao tea that Tubo paid tribute to!"

Li Longji was surprised: "Is it because of Mrs. Han's illness?"

Lin Jian nodded heavily, and said: "I told the imperial concubine as well, she almost drank it just now!"

Li Longji was scared for a while, but also very angry.

The local turtles in Tubo talk about peace, but secretly use some dirty tricks!
Therefore, Li Longji immediately sent an order to make the frontiers ready for war.

While speaking, Mrs. Han woke up leisurely.

Yang Yuhuan wept with joy, hugged her sister and cried again...


Mrs. Korea came to the rescue.

But Lin Jian couldn't be happier.

Tonight, just now, Yang Yuhuan was almost executed in Huaqing Palace!

Who knew something like this would happen again!
Now that Yang Yuhuan was going to accompany Mrs. Han, Lin Jian could only suppress his anger and leave angrily.

Back at Lin Guo Mansion, the old butler greeted him and said, "Young Lord, Zhao Changjia, the Chancellor of Dali Temple, has been waiting for you for a while."

The prime minister of Dali Temple is mainly in charge of various specific matters of Dali Temple, and is the main helper of Lin Jian, the Minister of Dali Temple.

Lin Jian nodded and said, "What about others?"

The old housekeeper said: "I'm still waiting in the living room."

Lin Jian came to the living room.

Zhao Changjia got up quickly and said, "I've seen you, my lord!"

Lin Jiandao: "Master Zhao, what's the important thing at this late hour?"

Zhao Chang added: "It is such an adult, tomorrow morning, the list of female family members of the Yang family will be reported to the Criminal Ministry. Now these people are locked in Dali Temple, take a look..."

"Yang family?"

Lin Jian didn't react for a moment.

Zhao Changjia hurriedly said: "It is the family members of the guilty minister Yang Guozhong!"

Hearing this, Lin Jian immediately understood.

The list has not yet been reported to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so if you have a crush on some young ladies and maids of the Yang family, you can directly get them to your side!

It is a benefit of Dali Temple!
Lin Jian became a little interested and said, "Go, have a look!"

Soon, the two came to the prison of Dali Temple.

This Yang Guozhong is really a corrupt official!

There are more than a dozen prison cells, all of which are female relatives of the Yang family!

However, these women are all dressed in prison uniforms, and they are sloppy, and there is nothing to see at all.

Lin Jian was dazzled. At this moment, a woman's excited cry came from a nearby cell, saying, "Young Master! I'm here!"

"What's it called!"

"Kill you!"

The two guards were afraid that the woman would frighten Lin Jian, so they waved the whips in their hands and stopped.

But the woman was not afraid at all, and continued to shout: "Young Master, you can't treat me like this!"

Lin Jian looked back and was taken aback.

Isn't this Pei Rou!

Although wearing a prison uniform and looking dirty, it is still difficult to hide the charm of that body.

(End of this chapter)

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