Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 6 Extrajudicial Madman Zhang 3

Chapter 6
Half an hour passed.

Li Longji ordered the maid to go in to check the situation.

Soon, the maid came out happily: "Your Majesty, the imperial concubine has woken up! I stopped coughing and my spirits are much better!"


"My dear concubine, you have suffered!"

Before the maid could finish speaking, Li Longji rushed in.

A group of imperial doctors also hurriedly followed in, scrambling to get Yang Yuhuan's pulse.

After taking the pulse, all the imperial doctors were amazed.

In just half an hour, Yang Yuhuan's pulse became stable.

Sure enough, it is still a powerful fairy medicine!

All the imperial doctors were full of praise, and they praised Lin Jian to the sky!

On the other hand, Li Linfu's old face turned into a pig's liver.

"Lin Jian, you have made great achievements this time, what reward do you want?"

Li Longji Longyan Joy.

Lin Jiandao: "It is Lin Jian's blessing to heal the concubine's illness, I dare not ask for a reward!"

Li Longji laughed loudly: "When will you learn duplicity!"

At this time, Yang Yuhuan interjected, "Your Majesty, I have a request."

"Aifei just speak up!"

Li Longji wished he could give the other party his whole heart.

Yang Yuhuan took a deep look at Lin Jian, and said: "The concubine felt that he was destined to meet this young master when she first saw him, and then learned that he was lonely and alone, so pitiful! So... the concubine wants to recognize him as righteous Brother, please allow Your Majesty to complete it!"

Hearing this, Li Linfu was shocked.

Now that Lin Jian is the prospective son-in-law, it is already very difficult to kill him.

If he and the imperial concubine become relatives again, he can simply walk sideways in Chang'an City!


Li Longji was also a little embarrassed.

If it's someone else, it's definitely fine.

But Lin Jian will soon become a son-in-law!

The son-in-law wants to call himself father!

And the imperial concubine's adopted brother should call himself the emperor's brother!

Isn't this a mess!

Seeing that Li Longji didn't speak, Yang Yuhuan's eyes turned red, and said, "Your Majesty, you are not willing to agree to such a small request from my concubine?"

"do not!"

"My concubine, don't cry!"

Li Longji quickly wiped Yang Yuhuan's tears and said, "I promise you!"

Only then did Yang Yuhuan smile through tears.

The son-in-law is his younger brother!

Li Longji was really a little dumbfounded.

However, it is not unacceptable.

Datang is an extremely open and inclusive society.

The Li family of the royal family has Hu blood.

In the customs of the Hu people, marrying a sister-in-law or a sister-in-law is a routine operation.

Don't say far.

The delicate beauty in front of her——Yang Yuhuan, was originally her daughter-in-law and the wife of the birthday king Li Mao.

After figuring this out, Li Longji no longer struggled.


Qingxin Pavilion.

A long-legged beauty in a white dress is practicing swords in the martial arts arena.

She has a slender figure and crisp movements. Under the sunlight, the long sword in her hand is dotted with stars, like a silver snake writhing in the air.

A gust of wind came.

The beauty in the white dress let out a soft shout, soared into the air, her robes fluttering, it was so beautiful!

The reputation of Princess Lingnan is indeed well-deserved!

"Princess, something happened! It's not good!"

A court lady hurried in.

Li Changning put away his long sword and said, "Why are you so flustered?"

The maid was out of breath and said, "Lin Jian... Lin Jian is not dead!"


Li Changning opened his almond eyes and said, "What's going on?"

The maid continued to pant, and said intermittently: "Then the young master just... was still in Huaqing Palace just now, treating the imperial concubine and empress!"

"To see a doctor for the imperial concubine?"

Li Changning thought about it, how can a cheap man see a doctor because he is ignorant, so he smiled lightly and said, "Did you read it wrong?"

The maid shook her head fiercely: "Your servant carefully read it back and forth three times, absolutely right!"

As soon as the words fell, an eunuch came over and confirmed what the maid said.

"This bastard, he was stabbed eight times and didn't die!"

Li Changning's face was full of murderous looks, with a "ding", he nailed the long sword firmly to the bluestone board, and said, "Go, call Mr. Zhang!"


Not a moment later, the court lady led a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance in.

This person is about 1.7 meters tall.

He has an ordinary appearance and a thin body, which belongs to the kind that will disappear immediately when thrown into the crowd.

Don't look at this man's appearance.

Speaking of his name, the entire city of Chang'an turned pale when he talked about it!
Zhang San, an outlaw lunatic!

The famous assassin in Chang'an City!

No one who was targeted by him could survive twelve hours!

Traitors are everywhere, and assassins are everywhere in the capital!
It is common practice for Datang to keep assassins.

There is nothing that an assassination can't solve!
Twice if you have!

Li Changning said: "Mr. Zhang, I have encountered some trouble this time, and I have to trouble you to take action."

Zhang San expressionless, said: "Name?"

Li Changning said: "Young Lord of Lin Guofu, Lin Jian!"

"it is good!"

Zhang San didn't say a word of nonsense, he turned around and left with a knife in hand.


It was dark.

Lin Jian bid farewell to the emperor and imperial concubine, and headed back home.

When they arrived at Lin Guofu, the bearer put down the sedan chair and was about to call the door.

At this time, a person rushed out of the darkness.

He holds a ritual knife in his hand, doesn't speak, and cuts anyone he sees!

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

Four in a row!

Four bearers were killed one after another!

For one of them, the body was dumped into the sedan chair!

This person is naturally Zhang San, an outlaw maniac!

Lin Jian was so frightened that he opened the sedan door and ran wildly.

Zhang San raised his knife and chased after him.

After chasing close, Zhang San raised his knife and dropped it!
With a knife down, Lin Jian was safe and sound.

On the other hand, Zhang San's arm was numb from the shock, and the knife in his hand almost fell off!

Look down, good guy!
The blades are all dry rolled!

"What a powerful golden bell-covered iron cloth shirt!"

Zhang San sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Shirt is a very common form of Qigong for body protection.

But it was the first time Zhang San met someone who carried a knife with his body and survived!
After recovering, Zhang San continued to chase.

Lin Jian continued to run!
Seeing that he was about to be caught up by the opponent again!

At this time, a group of cavalry galloped towards them!

The leader is about 40 years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

He blocked Zhang San with a horse, and shouted: "At the foot of the Son of Heaven, in the important place of Chang'an, who did the murder?"

After finishing his sentence, a group of iron cavalry surrounded Zhang San.

"It looks like I'm going to miss today!"

Zhang San didn't dare to fight, he swayed a few knives, and fled in a panic.

The leader got off his horse, held Lin Jian's hands tightly, and said, "Brother Yu, Brother Yu came late, which surprised you!"

"You are……"

Lin Jian was at a loss.

The man said: "Supervising Censor, Yang Guozhong! By order of the imperial concubine, I am here to protect my virtuous brother!"

"It is you!"

Lin Jian was surprised.

Yang Guozhong wondered, "Your brother, do you know me?"

Lin Jiandao: "Master Yang's reputation, that is... everyone knows, everyone knows!"

"Hey, don't call me an adult!"

Yang Guozhong said: "I am the cousin of the imperial concubine, and you are the righteous brother of the imperial concubine. You and I should be called brothers!"

"it is good!"

In any case, the other party saved his life.

As far as the matter is concerned, Lin Jian is still very grateful to Yang Guozhong.

Yang Guozhong said: "My dear brother, don't you usually go out with a guard?"

Lin Jian sighed, and said: "The Lin Guofu is so poor now, how can it afford guards!"

Yang Guozhong said: "Brother Yu has a hundred dead men under his command, and they won't need them for the time being, why don't they give them to my virtuous brother to look after the house."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed and said: "It's getting late, brothers, come in and have a home-cooked meal."

The ancients had two meals a day.

But high-ranking officials and dignitaries usually eat supper.

As for the curfew, it is for people who gather and make trouble after drinking in the street.

Eating and drinking at home, the government just turned a blind eye.

(End of this chapter)

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