Chapter 7 Mission Impossible
Three rounds of wine.

Yang Guozhong suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Brother, you are not curious, who is deliberately trying to kill you?"

Lin Jiandao: "Does elder brother know?"

Yang Guozhong didn't speak, dipped his fingers in the wine, and wrote "Princess of Lingnan" on the table.

Lin Jian was shocked when he saw it, and said, "It's her?"

Yang Guozhong asked back: "Are you surprised?"

Lin Jian thought so too.

Among Xuanzong's many daughters, Princess Lingnan is first-class in terms of figure, appearance, literary skills and military strategy!
Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but everyone else said so, I think it's not too bad.

The other party can look at me...

No, it's strange to see a cheap man!
Lin Jiandao: "Brother, what should I do?"

Yang Guozhong said: "Actually, Princess Lingnan is nothing to worry about. It is the crown prince who is in trouble. After all, the two of them have one mother. And the crown prince's biggest supporter is Li Linfu, the prime minister of the left. Li Linfu originally supported Shouwang, but Shouwang was cold. After that, he immediately fell into the embrace of the prince. This person is the most hateful!"

Hearing this, Lin Jian suddenly realized: "It turns out that Li Linfu is behind the scenes!"

Yang Guozhong sighed, and said: "The old thief deceives the top and the bottom, covering the sky with one hand in the court, I have endured him for a long time!"

Lin Jiandao: "Brother, we will fight side by side in the future! As long as the elder brother says a word, the younger brother will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!"

"it is good!"

Yang Guozhong patted Lin Jian's shoulder hard: "I knew it, I didn't see the wrong person!"


At this moment, Qingxin Pavilion.

A man and a woman are playing chess.

The girl is Li Changning, Princess of Lingnan.

The man on the opposite side, about ten years older than her, is the current crown prince——Li Heng!
"This is a dead move!"

Li Changning looked at the chessboard with a look of disappointment.

As soon as the words fell, Zhang San came in.

Li Changning put the chessboard together and said, "Did you get it?"


Zhang San was expressionless.


Li Changning opened his almond eyes.

Zhang Sandao: "Lin Jian is defenseless on the surface, but he has unique skills!"

"Possess unique skills?"

Li Changning asked, "What stunt?"

Zhang Sandao: "His kung fu of golden bell cover and iron cloth shirt has been practiced to the point of perfection! I can't hurt him!"

Li Changning had no idea, so he could only look at the prince.

Li Heng said: "And then?"

Zhang Sandao: "After I missed, Yang Guozhong led an iron cavalry to support, and his subordinates had no choice but to retreat."

Li Heng said: "Go down!"

As soon as Zhang San left, Li Changning said anxiously: "Brother Prince, what should I do?"

Li Heng said: "Lin Jian, I'm afraid he won't be able to move for the time being!"


Li Changning was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, and said: "I can't marry him!"

Li Hengdao: "This person has been in the limelight recently. Not only has he cured the disease of the imperial concubine, but he has even recognized the imperial concubine as a god-sister! It is too risky to kill him forcibly; killing a thousand enemies will hurt you eight hundred!"

Li Changning said aggrievedly: "Then why don't you just have the heart to watch your sister go into a tiger's mouth?"

Li Hengdao: "Let me discuss with Prime Minister Zuo to see if there is a better way."

"Then you must hurry up!"

Li Changning snorted coldly, and said, "Anyway, this person must be killed! If you don't kill him, I will do it myself!"


Another four days passed in a flash.

Lin Jian checked in at Lin Guofu on time.

I checked in twice in the kitchen and got a bottle of Chili Noodles and a box of Erguotou respectively.

Sign in at Guanfeng Building and get a pair of binoculars.

Sign in in the West Wing and get a pair of black stockings!
With chili noodles and Erguotou, Lin Jian's food conditions have been greatly improved!

Because in the Tang Dynasty, there was no such seasoning as chili.

As for the drinks in the Tang Dynasty, the alcohol content is too low, and it can only be comparable to modern beer.

That's why the ancients dared to say "cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure, and you will have to drink three hundred cups at a time".

Chili noodles and Erguotou can improve material life.

And the telescope can enhance the spiritual level!
Every day after eating, Lin Jian would come to the highest viewing tower in Lin Guo Mansion.

Appreciate the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

Looking at the busy traffic on Suzaku Long Street, and people coming and going.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you can see young women and young ladies from nearby mansions taking a bath!
As for the black stockings...

Every time he saw it, Lin Jian couldn't help but think of Yang Yuhuan.

Imagine Yang Yuhuan wearing black silk and dancing in front of her!
Not to mention the temptation!

"Speaking of which, Sister Yuhuan's Tiankui is almost gone."

"It's time to find a chance to see her!"

In the early morning of this day, Lin Jian signed in at a martial arts gym and got a dagger that cuts iron like mud.

Getting ready to go home.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host, you have signed in for ten consecutive days and started the mission mode! 】

【Do you want to enter mission mode? 】

"There is also a mission mode?"

Lin Jian was pleasantly surprised.


【Ding! 】

[Current task: Get engaged to Princess Xiangxiang! 】

[Task Reward: Nanshan Shadowless Feet! 】

Seeing this, Lin Jian felt mixed feelings.

The good news is that the rewards of the mission mode are no longer real objects!

It seems to be one level higher than the rewards for ordinary sign-in!
The worry is that the difficulty of this task can be called hell level!
Ni Ma!

I already have Lingnan Princess!

How to get engaged to Princess Xiangxiang again?

Dog system, dog system, are you sure you didn't do something on purpose?
Princess Xiangxiang, whose boudoir name is Li Xiaolu, is only 15 years old.

She is the youngest daughter of Li Longji.

It is also the most beloved.

Lin Jian felt dizzy for a while!
I want to give up, but I don't want to.

After all, the system rewards are so attractive!

Nanshan Shadowless Feet!
It's awesome to hear!
The most important thing is that if you don't complete this task, the subsequent tasks will not be updated!

and so!
Little princess, she is definitely married!

Conditional to marry!
If there are no conditions, create conditions and marry!

Lin Jian made a rough plan.

To be engaged to Princess Xiangxiang, you must first withdraw!
Break off the engagement with Princess Lingnan!

Will Li Longji agree?

That night, Lin Jian came to the palace anxiously.

At that time, Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan were admiring the moon in the imperial garden. The old couple and young wife envied others.

"Lin Jian, you came just in time, I have something to discuss with you!"

Seeing Lin Jian, Li Longji waved enthusiastically.

Lin Jian took a few steps forward and said, "What orders does Your Majesty have?"

Li Longji said: "Speaking of which, you and Chang Ning are both grown up. Do you want to find a time to hold the engagement ceremony first?"


Lin Jian was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Li Longji said again: "What do you think on the first day of next month?"

Lin Jian still ignored it.

He took out a cigarette and handed it over, and said flatteringly: "Brother smokes a Huazi to relieve boredom!"


Li Longji took the cigarette, lit it and took a deep breath: "Excellent!"

Lin Jian then took out a bottle of Erguotou, and said mysteriously: "Your Majesty, let's see what this is!"


Li Longji took the wine bottle, looked left and right, and said uncertainly: "This it wine?"


"Not only wine, but also fairy wine!"

"Do you want to taste it, Your Majesty?"

Before coming, Lin Jian had already thought of countermeasures.

It would definitely not work to tell Li Longji directly about renouncing the marriage.

The best way is to get him drunk!

(End of this chapter)

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