Chapter 8 Eavesdropping
"Immortal wine?"

"That must be tasted!"

Li Longji has seen the power of fairy medicine, but he never thought there would be fairy wine!

Li Longji ordered the imperial dining room to deliver the food immediately, placed it in the gazebo of the imperial garden, and said to him: "Lin Jian, they are all from my family, you should sit together."


Lin Jian filled Li Longji's glass and said, "Your Majesty, this fairy wine is very spicy, and you need to drink it slowly."

Li Longji didn't take it seriously, and said: "I just like spirits!"

After speaking, he raised his glass and drank it.


After drinking a glass of wine, Li Longji's face suddenly changed.

This is fairy wine?
It feels like a scalding fire dragon, burrowing into the stomach along the throat, turning the river and the sea, and the heat wave rises!
Li Longji opened his mouth wide, exhaled non-stop, and finally put the wine glass heavily.

Lin Jian was so frightened that he clicked, thinking that the other party was about to get angry.

Unexpectedly, Li Longji laughed out loud, full of praise.

"Good wine!"

"As expected of immortal wine, it really is strong enough!"

Only then did Lin Jian heave a sigh of relief.

Knowing that Yang Yuhuan also likes to drink, Li Longji personally poured half a glass for her and said, "My concubine, you should try it too!"

Yang Yuhuan stretched out her slender hand, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip.

Although I just tasted it, I was still very spicy. I fanned my mouth back and forth with my hand, and said with my tongue: "It's so spicy! It's so spicy!"

After saying a word, his face flushed.

Slightly drunk, charming and charming.

After three glasses of wine, Li Longji was obviously drunk.

An old face was as red as a monkey's butt, and he spoke with a bit of a big tongue.

Lin Jian felt that the time was almost up, and said: "Your Majesty, apart from offering wine, I actually have one more request for this audience."

Li Longji said: "But it's okay to say!"

Lin Jiandao: "I have told His Majesty about this matter before."

Li Longji said: "Your son, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, if you have something to say, say it, if you have a fart... hiccup... just let it go!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's like this. After thinking about it, I feel that Princess Lingnan and I are still not a good match!"

"so what?"

Li Longji asked.

Lin Jiandao: "So, can you see if you can change the princess for me?"


Li Longji slapped the table heavily: "Lin Jian, what do you think of my daughter? Can you buy vegetables in the vegetable market, can you exchange them? Do you still have my Li family in your eyes?"

"Don't be angry!"

Lin Jian stuffed a Zhonghua cigarette into Li Longji's mouth, lit it with a "finger", and said: "Isn't this a discussion with your old man!"

"Negotiate what a fart!"

Two puffs of smoke came out of Li Longji's nostrils, he looked like an old smoker, and said: "There is no need to discuss this matter, your marriage with Changning has already been decided!"

Lin Jian said with a bitter face: "But, I don't like Lingnan Princess, our personalities don't match!"

Li Longji heard that he seemed to have something in his words, squinted his eyes and said, "Who do you like?"

Lin Jiandao: "I like the little princess! So, can you cancel my marriage with Princess Lingnan and let me marry the little princess?"

Li Longji snorted coldly, thinking about you, you kid will die!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Jian said again: "It's really not possible, I will be troubled, and I will marry you two!"


Li Longji couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled: "Lin Jian, Lin Jian, you are such a beast! Others can't even dream of marrying a princess, and you kid actually wants to marry two! What do you think you are? Xiangbo Boo?"

Lin Jian said with a flattering smile: "Special circumstances, special treatment!"

Li Longji said: "Lin Jian, do you know how many memorials you read every day? These memorials are all placed in the imperial study room! If I just take out any one, it will kill you eight times!"

Depend on!
threaten me?
Looks like it hasn't been drunk yet!
Lin Jian continued to pour the wine: "Your Majesty, let's not talk about these troublesome things for now; come on, our brotherhood is deep and we are bored!"


In the gazebo, the three of them drank like crazy.

In the flowers not far away, there are two beautiful girls squatting, staring at this side intently.

One of the beautiful girls in her early 20s is Li Changning, Princess of Lingnan, with long legs that are so long that she has nowhere to put them.

The other is only 15 years old, with delicate features, fair skin, collagen-filled face, and a little bit of baby fat. It is the Xiangxiang princess who has just reached the age of Ji - Li Xiaolu.

After Zhang San's assassination failed, Li Changning began to think of other ways.

She wanted Li Longji to take back his life, but felt that she was not sure enough to persuade him alone.

So, he abducted Li Longji's favorite little princess.

When I arrived at the Royal Garden, I found Li Longji drinking with Lin Jian.

There was no way, the two could only hide in the nearby flowers.

Although Li Changning had heard of Lin Jian's notoriety long ago, this was the first time he had seen him in person.

To be honest, it's a little bit different from what I imagined the cheap man to be like.

While in a daze, Li Xiaolu touched her lightly, pointed at Lin Jian and said, "Sister, is he your fiancé?"

"Not at all!"

Li Changning's face was slightly red, and he said, "I will definitely withdraw from this marriage!"

Li Xiaolu said: "Have you two discussed it? Why is Lin Jian also retiring from his father?"

What the little princess said was exactly what Li Changning was surprised by.

She thought it was Lin Jian who was crying and begging to marry her.

Unexpectedly, he was also forced!

Li Changning's hatred for Lin Jian instantly eased a lot.

However, she still refused to forgive, and said coldly: "What is he, he dares to withdraw the marriage! This marriage, if you want to withdraw, you can only withdraw from me!"

Li Xiaolu's eyes widened, and he said with a confused face: "What's the difference?"

Li Changning was a little embarrassed and couldn't answer.

At this point in the conversation, Lin Jian just told Li Longji that he likes little princesses!
Li Xiaolu suddenly felt like a deer.

She clenched her fists tightly and said angrily, "This guy is so bad! He has never seen him before, so he just said he likes him. How shameless!"

Li Changning smiled for a while, and said: "Lu Lu, I think you two are quite suitable, why don't you marry him!"

"No, no!"

Li Xiaolu shook his head in fright.

She lowered her head and took a sneak peek at herself, and said falteringly, "That...he's still young!"

Li Changning said: "You are young now, you will grow up when you get married!"

"Sister, you are so bad!"

Li Xiaolu was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it, and said: "If you continue to talk and laugh like this, I won't help you!"

The two are giving way to each other.

At this time, Lin Jian once again said something astonishing, saying that it is impossible, he married two!

Li Changning and Li Xiaolu looked at each other, both ashamed and angry, but helpless.


After drinking for a while, Li Longji was finally drunk.

Lie on the wine table, unable to wake up no matter what.

Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan had no choice but to help him to Huaqing Palace to rest.

As soon as the three left, Li Changning and Li Xiaolu stood up quickly, twisting their waists and rubbing their legs.

Li Xiaolu looked in the direction of Huaqing Palace and said, "Sister, what should I do now?"

Li Changning said: "Father is so drunk, there must be no way to talk! Why don't you just have a showdown with that kid!"

(End of this chapter)

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