Chapter 9
Huaqing Palace.

Lin Jian put Li Longji on the couch, and tried to call out a few words.

The only answer to him was grunting.

"Leave him alone!"

Yang Yuhuan poured two cups of tea, one for himself, and the other for Lin Jian, and said, "Brother, why do you have to retire?"

To Yang Yuhuan, Lin Jian had nothing to hide, and sighed: "It's not that I want to retreat, but if I don't, Princess Lingnan will kill me!"

Yang Yuhuan asked in surprise, "Where did you say that?"

Lin Jian took a sip of his tea, and briefly explained how Lingnan Princess sent someone to assassinate him.

Yang Yuhuan was thoughtful after hearing this, and said: "In this way, the Princess of Lingnan really cannot marry; but why do you want to marry the little princess?"

Lin Jiandao: "If we really resign, Princess Lingnan will probably kill me because of face. But if I marry His Majesty's favorite little princess, will Princess Lingnan dare to touch me?"

"I see!"

Yang Yuhuan suddenly realized.

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, you have to help me with this matter! Your Majesty listens to you the most!"

Yang Yuhuan said quietly: "When you marry the little princess, will you forget about your sister?"

"how come!"

Lin Jian smiled "hehe", gently hugged Yang Yuhuan's waist, and said, "The imperial concubine will always be my good sister!"

Yang Yuhuan broke free lightly, wanting to catch him and said: "How do you plan to thank him?"


"So horny?"

Lin Jian took a step forward, and a princess hugged Yang Yuhuan by the waist.

Yang Yuhuan let out a coquettish cry and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Lin Jian said with a smirk: "Sister's Tiankui should go?"

Yang Yuhuan nodded first, then shook her head severely: "Not tonight, His Majesty is still here!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Longji warily.

Lin Jian thought for a while, carried Yang Yuhuan into the secret door of the north wall, and said, "Your Majesty rests here, let's go inside to rest!"

Yang Yuhuan was speechless for a while.

But at the same time, looking forward to it.

After all, Lin Jian's massage skills are indeed superb!

After being pressed by him last time, the whole body is so comfortable that the pores of the whole body are about to relax!
Not to mention how beautiful it is!
Bath water is ready.

Lin Jian peeled Yang Yuhuan clean, and carried her into the water.

After soaking for a while, I started to press it...

It took a full half an hour to take a shower.

Lin Jian wiped Yang Yuhuan's body clean, carried her back to the bedroom, and put her on the bed.

After Lin Jian's massage, Yang Yuhuan looked satisfied and said, "Okay brother, it's getting late, you should go back soon!"

"The matter of retiring..."

"My sister will tell His Majesty if she finds a chance!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed, got up and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

Yang Yuhuan said: "What's the matter?"

Lin Jiandao: "Almost forgot, there is a small gift!"

Yang Yuhuan asked curiously, "What little gift?"

Lin Jian took out a pair of black stockings from his bosom, and said, "Sister, do you recognize these?"

Yang Yuhuan took the stockings, looked left and right, and asked tentatively, "rag?"


Lin Jiandao: "This thing is called stockings!"


Yang Yuhuan was even more surprised, and said, "How do you wear such socks?"

"I teach you!"

Lin Jian sat back on the bed, picked up a stocking, wrapped it into a tube, and said, "Sister, stretch out your legs!"

Yang Yuhuan lifted a jade leg as she said, and stretched it over.

Lin Jian picked up Yang Yuhuan's snow-white and tender feet, put the stockings on, and slowly stroked them up...

All the way to the thigh.

Yang Yuhuan looked down and was immediately amazed.

These silk stockings are inconspicuous in the hand, but I didn't expect that they would have such a miraculous effect when put on the legs!

Silky, firm and light!
It not only shows long legs and thin legs, but also adds a sense of mystery and temptation!

Don't talk about men, even if I am a woman, I can't put it down, I want to rub it a few times.

Soon, both stockings were put on.

Yang Yuhuan walked to the bronze mirror and looked left and right in front of the mirror, unable to hide his joy.

"How about it?"

"Like it?"

Lin Jian walked behind Yang Yuhuan and hugged her tightly again.

Yang Yuhuan nodded fiercely, turned around, stood on tiptoe, and offered to kiss Lin Jian...


Royal Garden.

The two princesses waited and waited, it was almost early morning, and Lin Jian hadn't come out yet!

Li Xiaolu rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "Sister, why is that Lin Jian still inside?"

Li Changning was also very confused, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Li Xiaolu said: "How about... let's go in and have a look?"

Just as he was talking, Lin Jian swaggered out from inside.

The face is full of pride!
Li Changning pulled Li Xiaolu to squat down quickly, and when Lin Jian left, he got up and said, "Go, follow!"

"Princess, where are you going so late?"

The two sisters had just moved when a guard suddenly ran over.

The person who came was Chen Xuanke, the younger brother of Chen Xuanli, the leader of the Forbidden Army. He himself was also a small leader of the Forbidden Army, and he was in charge of patrolling the Huaqing Palace area today.

"It's General Chen!"

Li Changning said: "My sister and I went out to do something!"

Chen Xuanke was secretly happy, and volunteered: "It's so late, it's not safe outside! I will escort the two princesses!"

It turned out that Chen Xuanke had always been secretly in love with Li Changning.

However, the two monarchs and ministers are different, and they don't have many opportunities to contact each other.

Chen Xuanke could only bury this love deeply in his heart.

Li Changning said: "Thank you General for your kindness, it's just a small matter, don't bother the General."

Chen Xuanke finally came across an opportunity to be courteous, so he was not willing to give up, and knelt down on one knee and said, "It is our duty to protect the princess! Please think twice, princess!"

Li Xiaolu secretly pulled Li Changning, and said, "Sister, why don't you take him with you! That way, in case of accidents, there will be someone to take care of you... Oh no, there will be someone to take care of you!"

Li Changning looked Chen Xuanke up and down, and said: "The general is so eye-catching when dressed like this!"

Without further ado, Chen Xuanke took off his armor and threw it aside, saying: "How about this?"

Li Changning frowned slightly, and said unhappily, "Follow if you want!"

"As ordered!"

Chen Xuanke was overjoyed, and followed behind the two of them...

Leave the palace and enter Suzaku Street.

On the spacious street, only Lin Jian walked in front.

Li Xiaolu said: "Sister, can we do it now?"


Li Changning thought in his heart, it was just a showdown with him, who said he was going to fight!
It is strange to say!
Ever since he met Lin Jian himself, Li Changning's killing intent towards him has inexplicably decreased a lot.

At this time, Chen Xuanke interjected: "Your Highness, who is that person in front?"

Li Xiaolu said: "His name is Lin Jian, and he is my sister's fiancé."

Hearing the name "Lin Jian", Chen Xuanke was sour and angry.

Although Li Changning has not yet held the engagement ceremony, there are already rumors in the palace that the emperor betrothed the Lingnan princess to Lin Jian.

In other words, Lin Jian is his number one rival in love!

"Do you want to do it?"

Chen Xuanke said: "Your Highness, please stop, I will move this hand!"

After finishing speaking, he drew a short knife from his waist and went straight to Lin Jian to kill him!

Li Changning was shocked, and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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