Chapter 72 Wang Yu's Sister

Three days passed in a flash.

Lin Jian set off with all the relief money and supplies.

Twenty carriages and one hundred forbidden soldiers can travel more than one hundred miles a day.

Seven days later, the convoy arrived in Guangji County.

At this time, in addition to the money and food distributed by the court, Lin Jian was also pulling potatoes in seven carriages!
During these seven days on the road, Lin Jian signed in along the way, and each time he got a wagonload of potatoes!
When he got it for the first time, Lin Jian didn't pay much attention to it.

However, when he brought the fried shredded potatoes to the dining table and saw the astonished eyes of other people, he suddenly realized that in this era, potatoes have not yet been introduced!
Historically, potatoes were introduced to China around the [-]th and [-]th centuries!

When he signed in for the second time and got a carriage of potatoes, Lin Jian faintly felt that things were not that simple!
Potatoes are a very easy food to sow.

The requirements for the natural environment are not as harsh as wheat or rice!
Most importantly, its maturity period is short!

Harvest in three months!

Before leaving, Li Longji specifically told Lin Jian that the money and supplies distributed by the court are only enough to last three months at most!
After three months, I have to find a way to deal with the disaster and the victims!

Lin Jian thought, if there are more potatoes, it can be popularized in Guangji County.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish!
By then, the disaster situation in Guangji County will be truly under control!

as predicted!

Signed in for seven days in a row, and got a full seven carriages of potatoes!

Lin Jian's heart was also placed in his stomach.

This mission is stable!

Guangji County, Dongxi pawn shop.

The pawn shop looks inconspicuous on the surface, but inside, it is hidden, sitting in an elegant courtyard; the pavilions, rockeries and waterfalls in the courtyard are like a landscape painting.

At this moment, in the Zhengbei room, there are about a dozen people sitting, including men and women, old and young.

Among them, on the main seat, sat a 28-year-old woman, like stars holding the moon.

Her skin is creamy, her face is bright and bright, her pair of beautiful eyes are dark and deep, as if hiding endless secrets, people can't help but want to find out.

Wearing a retro blue and white long dress with a slender waist and a beautiful jade neck, she is charming and charming.

Sitting on the left hand side of the woman is a charming young man with a fan in his hand.

It was Wang Yu!


Wang Yu looked at the hourglass and said, "Lin Jian's convoy has already entered the boundary of Guangji County, should we send some people to rob him again?"

It turned out that this woman was Wang Jiao, the eldest lady of the Wang family in Taiyuan.

Don't look at her young age, but she is very capable!
Now more than half of the Taiyuan Wang family's business is in her hands!

The end is that women do not give way to men!
Wang Jiao was silent and did not express her opinion.

Wang Yu said anxiously: "Sister, if you don't do anything, it will be too late! If you start now, you can catch them on the mountain road; if you wait another hour, they will arrive at the yamen! Then it will be too late if you want to do something!"

Wang Jiao seemed to be moved, and said, "How many people are there?"

Wang Yu said: "I've been checked by someone, and there are only a hundred forbidden soldiers! Even if he comes to force, we may not be afraid of him!"

"Come hard?"

Wang Jiao snorted coldly and said, "Xiao Yu, have you learned these things in the past few years outside?"

Wang Yu said: "No, sister, you don't know this Lin Jian, you are just a small person! There is no need to play so many tricks when dealing with this person, the most direct and most effective!"

Wang Jiao said: "Didn't you just lose once, and you were frightened like this? Does Lin Jian have three heads or six arms?"

Wang Yu said unconvinced: "Sister, on the contrary, I am not reconciled! Lin Jian was able to defeat me this time because of a gold medal for avoiding death! If it weren't for such a crap thing, I would have controlled the whole situation long ago! "

Wang Jiao shook her head and said, "All accidents are inevitable! Don't make so many excuses for yourself, if you lose, you lose!"

Hearing this, Wang Yu was even more dissatisfied, and said, "Sister, do you have a better way?"

Wang Jiao glanced around, and finally, her eyes fell on a burly man with a thick head and a thick head.

Wang Jiao said: "Hutou, take a few people with you and tell the victims that the money and food for disaster relief from the imperial court have arrived, and you will be at the Yamen immediately!"


The strong man named Hutou immediately stood up to take orders and obeyed Wang Jiaoyan.

Wang Jiao said again: "Remember to dress up and pretend to be a disaster victim. If the disaster victims dare not go up, you will take the lead!"

When Hutou came out, Wang Yu smiled and said, "Sister, you are the best! Using the victims is indeed much better than doing it ourselves!"

Wang Jiao sneered, and said: "Don't be so happy! Li Sanlang can let Lin Jian be the Minister of Disaster Relief, he must have something! Hutou and the others may not be able to deal with it!"


Wang Yu said: "This kid is a softie, and he will be a son-in-law soon. I heard that the two princesses will marry at the same time! I see, Li Sanlang asked him to do the gold plating!"


Wang Jiaomei's eyes flashed, and she said: "Hearing what you said, I seem to be more interested in this person! I hope that he is not a too weak opponent, otherwise it will be too boring. My trip will be in vain." coming!"


Let's say that Lin Jian led the convoy into the boundary of Guangji County.

Along the way, beggars could be seen from time to time, all skinny and dull-eyed, like walking corpses.

Seeing that they were about to reach the Yamen, at this moment, a large group of people suddenly rushed in front of them!
It was so dark, it looked like there were thousands of people, all of them were disaster victims!


Lin Jian signaled the convoy to stop, and said, "General Cao, protect the money and supplies on the carriage! Especially the potatoes!"

Cao Renmeng was the leader of the banned troops. Hearing the order, he lazily said, "Everyone listen to Lord Lin!"

It turned out that Cao Renmeng was killed on the battlefield!
Being Lin Jian's subordinate this time, he was completely unconvinced in his heart, thinking that he was just a badass!

Although he would obey Lin Jian's orders, they were against his will.

Soon, thousands of disaster victims gathered in front of them, blocking the road.

Lin Jian found a stack of paper, rolled it into the shape of a cone loudspeaker, and shouted at one end: "Folks, I know that you are starving and suffering, and many of you may not have eaten for several days! There is indeed food in my car, and I will indeed distribute it to everyone; but now, it is not the time yet!"

As soon as the words fell, the victims on the opposite side became restless.

One of them shouted, "Since it's food for disaster relief, send it to us quickly!"

Lin Jiandao: "There are so many of you, the distribution must be orderly, otherwise there will be chaos! I assure you that within three days, Guangji County will build no less than a hundred disaster relief sheds for food distribution! But the premise is that everyone must be orderly! If you stop me now, you will only waste time, so please leave the folks and elders, and don't cause unnecessary trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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