Chapter 73 Assassination
"Three days? You put it lightly! Wait another three days and we'll all starve to death!"

"that is!"

"Are you trying to rely on not giving it to us?"


The victims of the disaster talked to each other, but no one left, and more and more gathered.

Seeing this, Cao Ren was aggrieved for a moment, and couldn't help but said, "My lord, please give me a horse, and I promise to kill a bloody road for my lord!"

Lin Jiandao: "General Cao, be safe and don't be impatient, I have my own way!"

Cao Ren was so angry that he could only stare blankly, wondering what you, a little boy who eats the princess' soft food, can do, I'm afraid you are about to pee your pants in fright!
Lin Jian discovered that the group of disaster victims on the opposite side was obviously instigated.

There are more than a dozen of them, all of them are strong and strong, they don't look like half disaster victims!
There must be someone behind this incident of blocking the car!
It was a planned and premeditated action!
I believe that as long as the people who take the lead are dealt with, the other real disaster victims will be destroyed by themselves!

The quarrel continued.

However, everyone looked at the Mo knife in the forbidden soldier's hand, and dared not do more excessive behavior.

The group of people who took the lead in instigating it was naturally Hutou and others sent by Wang Jiao.

Hutou saw that this stalemate was not an option, so he took the initiative to squeeze to the front, shouted, and said, "Folks, go! Take our food back!"

After the sound, more than a dozen people led by Hutou rushed forward.

Seeing that someone was taking the lead, other disaster victims also swarmed forward.

"Good guy, you really dare to come hard!"

Lin Jian rode on the horse and took a step forward.

With the Mo knife in his hand, he threw it viciously at the ground in front of the horse!
Mo Dao sank into the soil.

Lin Jian roared, and said: "Anyone who dares to cross this knife will be killed! A hundred guan and a bag of food will be rewarded!"


Because the throw was too hard, the handle of Mo Dao was still buzzing and vibrating.

Hearing Lin Jian's words, Hutou and the others stopped immediately in fright.

These disaster victims are all hungry and crazy. If they keep rushing forward, maybe some disaster victims will attack from behind!

For a moment, Hutou and the others were so frightened that they stopped in front of Mo Dao, hesitating.

The two sides continued to be deadlocked.

After a while, Hutou rushed to the person beside him and said, "Go ahead, we will take care of the aftermath for you!"

The man flinched for a long time and tried to take one foot.

Lin Jian snatched Modao from Cao Renmeng's hand suddenly, and threw it at the man's feet!

Just hear a scream!
The Mo Dao pierced through the man's instep, nailing his entire foot to the ground!
For a while, neither lifting it, nor not lifting it!
Lin Jian roared again, and said, "Whoever kills this person will be rewarded with a hundred coins and a bag of food! What are you waiting for?"

All the disaster victims looked at me and I looked at you, and finally a few bold ones rushed over, pressed the man on the ground and rubbed it, beating him to death!
As promised, Lin Jian immediately ordered someone to take out a hundred copper coins and a bag of grain, and distribute them to those who did the work.

Several people took the copper coins and left happily.

The rest of the disaster victims are all envious and jealous!
Lin Jiandao: "You have all seen what happened to this person! If anyone blocks the convoy, kill him! Open the way!"

With that said, Lin Jian patted his horse forward.

Hutou saw that the general situation was over, so he could only move away from the left and right.

All the remaining disaster victims also lined up on the left and right, giving way to a passage in the middle...

The team finally got through this difficulty.

Cao Renmeng took the initiative to go to Lin Jian's side, and said with a silly smile: "Master Lin, you can do this trick!"

Lin Jian smiled and said, "It's good that Mr. Cao agrees!"

"Approved! Very approved!"

Cao Ren nodded his head like a rattle drum, and said, "Master Lin, you literati are still insidious! If you don't waste a single soldier, you will take care of these disaster victims!"

Lin Jiandao: "This is wisdom!"

When he arrived near the Yamen, the county magistrate, county lieutenant, and county magistrate brought a group of officials to greet him.

The next step is to understand the specific situation of the victims in Guangji County and build disaster relief shelters.

Lin Jian handed over these trivial matters to his subordinates.

As for himself, he began to study potato planting techniques in the station...


Stuff pawn shop.

After Hutou reported the situation to Wang Jiao, he blushed and said, "Miss, this subordinate is incompetent and failed to complete the task you gave me!"

Wang Jiao waved her hand and said, "Go down!"

When Hutou went out, Wang Jiao looked at her younger brother and said, "Are you convinced now?"

Wang Yu was stunned for a moment, and said, "What do you serve?"

Wang Jiao said: "Do you still think that Lin Jian is a little boy who eats soft food?"

Wang Yu looked disdainful, and said: "This idea must have come from someone else, I don't believe he can come up with it!"

Wang Jiao smiled and said nothing.

Wang Yu said: "Sister, this is our territory, and there are not many people under Lin Jian's leadership, why don't you find an opportunity to kill him directly!"

Wang Jiao shook her head, and said: "He is the Minister of Disaster Relief specially appointed by the imperial court, and he is also a quasi-horse son-in-law. He has a special status! Unless it is absolutely necessary, you can't make such a bad move! Otherwise, if Li Sanlang is offended, our entire Taiyuan royal family will be implicated! "

Wang Yu didn't say anything, but he was very disdainful in his heart, and said, "Then what should we do next?"

Wang Jiao pondered for a moment, then said: "We have three months, don't worry, let me think about it..."

Wang Yu said: "Then I'll go out first!"

When he arrived in the courtyard, Wang Yu waved at the tiger head.

"Second son!"

Hutou said: " didn't blame me, did you?"

Wang Yu said: "It's useless to say that now! Let me ask you, do you want to make up for your mistakes?"

Hearing this, Hu Tou nodded fiercely, and said, "Of course! Does Second Young Master have any ideas?"

Wang Yu said: "Then Lin Jian lives in the station! Do you dare to kill him tonight?"

Hutou twisted his neck and said, "Why don't you dare!"

"it is good!"

Wang Yu said: "As long as you take Lin Jian's head, it will be a great achievement! All of us will look at you high!"

Hutou was very excited, and said: "Second Young Master, don't worry, just watch mine!"

Wang Yu said: "The post station is an important place in the yamen! In this way, I will contact the people in the yamen later, and I will give you an identity to get in! At midnight, you sneak to Lin Jian's room and come back after chopping off his head!"


Flickered into the night.

After tinkering with potatoes all day, Lin Jian returned to the bedroom after washing.

After running around for seven days, I can finally sleep well now!
Before I knew it, I fell into dreamland...

So it's three o'clock.

A fat and disheveled man came to the yard.

This person is the tiger head who came to assassinate Lin Jian!
In the afternoon, he entered the post station disguised as a butcher delivering meat, and never went out.

Wait, this is the moment.

There were two guards at the gate, but no one came to the station for many years, and they rarely worked the night shift, so they were already drowsy.

(End of this chapter)

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