Chapter 74 Let me ask you something
Hutou raised his knife and dropped the two guards.

I tried to push the door first, and found that the door was locked from the inside, so I slowly inserted the knife into the crack of the door, and swiped downward!
The deadbolt was cut off.

Hutou pushed the door and entered, tiptoed to Lin Jian's bed, raised his big knife, and slashed at the bed!
A crisp sound rang out.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jian sat up in shock and shouted, "Who?"

The tiger head was shocked!

He never thought that when he went down with the knife, he didn't split the opponent into two pieces!
It turned out that Lin Jian was wearing an iron shirt, which saved his life at a critical moment!
The tiger's head was shaken until its mouth was numb, and when it came back to its senses, it slashed again!

Although Lin Jian woke up at this time, his head was still in a daze, he didn't know what happened, he only felt a dull pain in his waist.

Seeing that the tiger's head was about to hit Lin Jian with a knife!
At this time, a slender figure suddenly fell from the top of the head, firmly blocking the attack of the tiger's head.

"Moon slave..."

Seeing the person coming, Lin Jian was greatly surprised.

Yue Nu turned back and said angrily: "What are you still doing in a daze, and you don't help!"


Only then did Lin Jian come to his senses, and hurriedly dealt with the tiger head together with Yue Nu.

I saw him cast Nanshan Wuying Kick, and came behind Hutou like a ghost, and then took the big sword of Hutou with a move of 72 Yin-Yang hands!

At this time, the soft sword in Yue Nu's hand was also placed on Hutou's neck!

Lin Jiandao: "Miss Yuenu, what's going on...?"

Yue Nu said: "He is the royal family of Taiyuan!"

Hearing this, Lin Jian immediately understood.

The other party is here for an assassination!

Look carefully, this guy seems familiar!

He seemed to be one of the people who encouraged the victims to rebel during the day!
Lin Jian found a rope and tied the tiger's head, looked at Yue Nu and said, "Girl, why are you here?"

Yue Nu said: "In the afternoon, I was planning to go to Wang's house to inquire about the situation, and I happened to find that this person came out sneakily, so I followed all the way!"


Lin Jiandao: "So, you have been hiding here for a long time? Why didn't you remind me in advance?"

Yue Nu said: "I owe you my life, I said I would pay you back, now we are settled!"

After saying that, he turned to leave.

Lin Jian quickly followed and said, "Where are you going now?"

Yue Nu said: "You and I have settled our debts, now, it's time to go to the Wang family to settle my own affairs!"

After being tossed like this, Lin Jian lost sleepiness and said, "Wait a minute, I'll change clothes and go with you!"

"I'm not with you!"


After finishing speaking, Yue Nu flew over the courtyard wall and went all the way away.

Lin Jianzheng was worried about how he found the Wang family's headquarters in Guangji County, and how could he miss this opportunity!
So, he didn't have time to change his clothes, so he hurriedly followed in his pajamas.


Stuff pawn shop.

Arriving here, Yue Nu stopped, looked back at Lin Jian, and said coldly: "We have settled our relationship, what are you still following me for?"

Lin Jiandao: "This pawnshop is not run by your family, you can come, but I can't?"


Yue Nu said: "When there is danger later, I will not care about you!"

Lin Jiandao: "You are in danger, I will definitely take care of you, don't worry!"

Yue Nu snorted coldly, stopped talking, and flew to the roof.

Lin Jian continued to follow.

Soon, Yue Nu came to a room, drew out the soft sword at his waist, and opened the door latch.

Afraid of danger, Lin Jian continued to hide on the roof.

Yue Nu entered the room, went straight to the head of the bed, and pointed the soft sword at the bed.

Almost at the same time, the lights in the room came on.

Yue Nu only felt a chill in his neck, and his heart was not good!

Just about to turn around to check the situation, Wang Yu's voice came from behind, saying, "Yue Nu, you are back!"

It turned out that after Wang Yu dispatched the tiger head, he had been waiting for news.

Even though it was late at night, he still didn't fall asleep.

When Yue Nu opened the door bolt with a soft sword, Wang Yu noticed it, so he hid behind the door secretly.

Then, the present scene appeared...

Soon, Yue Nu calmed down, turned around slowly, and said, "My lord, I'm here to ask you something!"


Wang Yu sneered.

Yue Nu looked into Wang Yu's eyes and said, "You sent Uncle Shao to kill me?"

Wang Yu said: "That's right!"

Although he already knew this was the result, but hearing Wang Yu say it so casually, Yue Nu still felt chills.

After a while, Yue Nu said again: "Why?"


Wang Yu said: "From the moment you were caught, you should have known that you shouldn't be alive! Facts have proved that my decision was correct!"

Yue Nu asked, "What do you mean?"

Wang Yu said: "If you hadn't betrayed me, that little boy Lin Jian would not have found our hiding place! It's a pity that I have been working so hard in Chang'an City for so long, and I was destroyed by you!"

Yue Nu blushed and said, "I didn't betray you, let alone the Wang family!"

Wang Yu said: "When death is imminent, what is there to argue about!"

Yue Nu said: "I am not afraid of death, but I have always been loyal to the Wang family, you can't treat me like this!"

"Loyal to the Wang family?"

Wang Yu said: "Then you ran to my room with a sword in the middle of the night, what's going on?"

Yue Nu was at a loss for words for a moment, but didn't know how to answer.

Wang Yu said: "For the sake of what you have done for the Wang family, I will try my best to keep your whole body! Do you do it yourself, or should I do it for you?"

Yue Nu said: "I want to see my adoptive father!"

Wang Yu shook his head and said, "It seems that I want to help you!"

After speaking, the blade moved forward!
Seeing that this sword was about to wipe Yue Nu's neck off!
At this moment, there was a sudden "whoosh" from the roof, and a small stone was shot down!

The stone hit the sword!
Wang Yu only felt his hands tremble, and the sword's momentum was a little off!
Originally, this sword was intended to wipe Yue Nu's neck, but in the end it only left an inch-long bloodstain below Yue Nu's collarbone!
This came too suddenly!
Yue Nu and Wang Yu couldn't help looking up at the same time.

However, it was pitch black above, and nothing could be seen clearly.

In the end, Wang Yu was the first to react!

He suddenly realized that Yue Nu might not have come by himself, there must be a helper!
If you let the opponent attack you, you may not be able to get any benefits at that time!

Therefore, one must be solved first!
Thinking of this, Wang Yu swung his sword again!

At this time, Yue Nu was still looking up at the roof.

She knew that it was Lin Jian who saved her again, and she felt mixed emotions.

Just as I was thinking about it, a white light flashed in front of my eyes!
Yue Nu hurriedly dodges to dodge!

However, the reaction was still half a beat slow, and a bloody mouth was drawn in front of him again!
"Come on, there are assassins!"

Wang Yu shouted loudly while continuing to attack.

Lin Jian originally wanted to go down, but Wang Yu yelled, and soon, seven or eight people gathered in the yard!

Lin Jian frowned secretly.

He picked up a small stone again and catapulted it downwards!

This time, turn off the oil lamp!

Suddenly, the room was pitch black!
Lin Jian stepped on the bricks and fell down.

He hugged Yuenu, tapped his toes on the wall a few times, and flew to the roof with his strength!

Wang Yu lit the lamp again.

But the room was empty, and Yue Nu had disappeared!
"Follow me!"

Wang Yu was very angry.

Some people climbed to the roof, and some chased out of the courtyard.

However, the night was vast and silent, and it was unknown where the two fled to...

(End of this chapter)

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