Chapter 75 Wild Boar Forest

Let's say that Lin Jian hugged Yue Nu and ran all the way in the direction of the post station.

After running for a while, I felt my hands were sticky.

Look down, good guy!
My hands and arms were covered with blood, and my clothes were also stained a lot!
Looking at Yue Nu again, his breath was free, he was sweating profusely, and his face was as white as a piece of paper!

Lin Jian stopped immediately.

Yue Nu frowned, and said, "Why don't you leave?"

Lin Jian said: "You have lost too much blood, you must deal with it immediately, otherwise you will die!"

Yue Nu looked back and saw that no one was chasing him, so he didn't speak, which was a tacit consent.

Lin Jian put Yue Nu on the grass, looked her up and down, and said, "Can you do it yourself?"

Yue Nu said: "Turn around!"

"I won't!"

Lin Jian squatted there, looking very interested.

Seeing Lin Jian like this, Yue Nu was ashamed and angry, and said anxiously: "You..."

With this anger, the wound in front of him collapsed more and more, and blood gushed out!

"Don't be angry, I'll just turn around!"

Lin Jian could only turn around reluctantly, and said, "If you need help, just squeak!"

There are as many as six injuries on Yue Nu's body!
But the most serious ones are the thighs and the front of the body.

The injury on the thigh is longer, and the injury on the front is deeper!
Yue Nu took out a bottle of Jinchuang medicine from her arms, gritted her teeth and sprinkled it on the wound on her thigh.

With this movement, the wounds all over his body were pulled up, and he almost passed out from the pain!
Fortunately, Yue Nu persisted.

Taking a few breaths, Yue Nu undid his belt, lifted the skirt of his clothes that had already been stained red with blood, and with trembling hands, poured the gold-creating medicine in front of him...


This time, Yue Nu let out a scream!
Sprinkle the medicine on the legs, and the posture is smooth!

But throwing it in front of you is not so neat!
Hearing Yue Nu's cry, Lin Jian couldn't help turning his head.

Then, I saw the scenery in front of Yue Nu...


Yue Nu was shocked and wanted to cover her clothes, but this movement pulled the wound again!
This time, Yue Nu couldn't hold on, only felt convulsions all over, and fell down on the grass.

Lin Jian took a few steps forward, picked up the Jinchuang medicine that fell on the ground, and said, "I'll do it! This is a cure, it has nothing to do with gender, don't feel embarrassed!"

Saying that, point the mouth of the bottle at the front of Yue Nu, and sprinkle it on the wound.

Yue Nu didn't know what was thinking in his heart, his eyes turned red and tears flowed down.

Lin Jian didn't say anything, fearing that what he said would make too many mistakes.

After sprinkling the golden medicine, he tore his pajamas into long strips, wrapped them around Yuenu's body, and bandaged the wound.

During the whole process, although Yue Nu did not say that he actively cooperated, he did not resist anyway.

So Lin Jian aimed his gaze at Yue Nu's thigh again, patted it lightly, and said, "Lift it up, wrap it here too."

This time, Yue Nu hesitated for a moment, and actually took the initiative to lift her leg slightly.

"That's right!"

Lin Jian also bandaged Yue Nu's thigh wound, and sprinkled some medicine on other relatively minor wounds, and said, "Let's do this for now."

After doing this, Lin Jian lay down on the grass and looked at the moon.

After a while, Yue Nu couldn't help but said, "Are you still leaving?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your wound has just stopped, so don't move around!"

Yue Nu said: "Go on your own, I...don't care about you."

"That's what I said!"

Lin Jiandao: "Since the two of us came out to do things together, we are colleagues and comrades-in-arms. There is no reason to leave our companions and run away!"

Yue Nu said: "If I survive by chance, I will tell you everything I know about the Wang family; you go, really, there is no need to take risks with me here!"

"Women are really long-winded!"

Lin Jian put his arms behind his head and said, "Go to sleep, you need to rest now, I will take care of you for you!"

The bright moonlight spreads down.

Yue Nu looked at Lin Jian, and for a moment, felt that there seemed to be some light on him, and fell asleep unconsciously...

At this time, it is the darkest time before dawn.

Lin Jian entered the sign-in system.

I don't know what good things will be rewarded today!

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - wild boar forest in Guangji County! 】

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered the wild boar forest in Guangji County, do you want to sign in now? 】

"It turns out that this is a wild boar forest!"


[Congratulations to the host, you got a duvet! 】

A soft blanket appeared in front of him.

Lin Jian moved towards Yue Nu, pushed hard, covered both of them, and slept together with Yue Nu.

The late autumn night is already very cold.

But there is a corner in the wild boar forest, but it is extremely warm...

It's not that Lin Jian likes being a dog.

There is a reason why he is good to Yue Nu.

This woman has a close relationship with the Taiyuan Wang family and knows too many of their secrets!

If this woman can be taken down, it is equivalent to taking seven inches of Taiyuan Wang's family!
Therefore, this woman wants to be licked, and if she is not given a chance, she will be licked even if she creates an opportunity!

And it's licking to death!
I feel sorry for licking her!


Before I knew it, it was dawn.

Yue Nu opened her eyes misty.

Feeling better after a night of rest.

Although the wound is still aching.


"It's so warm!"

Yue Nu felt very strange.

Didn't I sleep on the grass in the wild boar forest? Why is it so warm?

When he lowered his head, he realized that his body was covered with a quilt; and Lin Jian was lying beside him, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

Yue Nu was very surprised and said, "You...haven't slept all night?"


Lin Jian nodded, and said: "This is a wild boar forest, if a wild boar comes and beats you up, it will be a waste of money!"

"Thank you!"

Yue Nu looked serious.

Lin Jiandao: "How do you feel now?"

"much better!"

Saying that, Yue Nu tried to sit up.

Lin Jian quickly held her down and said, "Let's wait a little longer! If the wound is involved, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

As soon as Yue Nu thought about it, she didn't insist, paused, and said: "By the way, where did you get this quilt?"

Lin Jiandao: "I got it by signing in!"

"Sign...sign in?"

Yuenu is an ancient woman, so she has never heard of such a novel vocabulary.


Lin Jiandao: "Wherever you go every day, you can check in and get rich rewards!"

Yue Nu was naturally confused, but didn't delve into it.

As for Lin Jian, it was precisely because Yue Nu couldn't understand that he told her the truth, otherwise there was no way to explain it.

An hour later, the sun has risen high.

There are occasional pedestrians nearby.

Seeing a man and a woman lying under the quilt, they all blushed and cursed: "Bah! Shameless!"

Every time Yue Nu heard scolding, she was so ashamed that she could only bury her head in the quilt.

On the other hand, Lin Jian had a cheerful face and greeted passers-by from time to time.

"Master Wang, good morning!"

"Where is Grandma Li going? Is she dating an old man from the neighboring village?"

"Auntie, I don't want to work hard!"


(End of this chapter)

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