Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 76 Women Are Sensual Animals

Chapter 76 Women Are Sensual Animals

It was noon in a flash.

Yue Nu really couldn't bear the feeling of being surrounded by people, and said, "Hey, can we go?"

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Jian lifted the quilt, put his head inside for a look, and said, "The wound hasn't healed yet, it's best to wait!"

Yue Nu said: "Then change the place, people come and go here, too..."

Lin Jian stood up and took a look, wrapped Yuenu in the quilt, picked him up and walked forward.

Soon, came to a lake.

Lin Jian stopped and said, "There is no one here!"

Saying that, put Yue Nu down.

Autumn breeze blows.

Leaves are flying by the lake.

Looking at the colorful lake surface, Yue Nu moved in her heart and said, "It's so beautiful!"

"It's beautiful!"

Lin Jian looked down at Yue Nu and swallowed.

It turned out that Yue Nu was hugged and released in such a way that a lot of her body was exposed outside.

Yue Nu was shy for a while, stretched out her hand to cover her body with the quilt, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Jian smiled and said, "Don't call me a dog official anymore?"

Yue Nu was speechless for a while.

After a long while, Yue Nu said: "I have no father or mother since I was a child, and I was adopted by my adoptive father. It was the Wang family who taught me martial arts and raised me. I always thought that I was a Wang family, but I never expected..."

Seeing Yue Nu's sad look, Lin Jian knew that he had already moved her, and said, "How can we bring Wang Yu to justice?"

Yue Nu shook his head and said: "With what happened last night, I'm afraid it will not be easy to catch him again!"

Lin Jiandao: "This kid is definitely not reconciled, even if we don't look for him, he will probably take the initiative to look for us!"

Yue Nu thought for a while and said, "That's right!"

After a pause, he said again: "Actually, Second Young Master is nothing to worry about. The ones you need to beware of are Missy and Wang Jiao."

"Wang Jiao?"


Yue Nu said: "Now many things in the Wang family are managed by the eldest lady; after the second son's accident, the eldest lady came here."

Lin Jiandao: "Is she also in Guangji County?"

"Yes!" Yue Nu said, "I live in that pawn shop!"

Lin Jiandao: "I don't care if she is the eldest lady or the second lady, as long as she obstructs my disaster relief, as long as she breaks the law, I will punish her according to law!"

After chatting for a while, Lin Jian's stomach was growling with hunger, and then he remembered that he hadn't eaten for a long time. He looked at Yue Nu and said, "Are you hungry?"

Yue Nu said: "Fortunately, I'm just a little thirsty, why don't you help me go to the lake to drink some water."

"You better stop moving, I'm coming!"

Lin Jian walked to the lake, took a handful of water with both hands, squatted in front of Yue Nu, and said, "Come, drink!"

Yue Nu tried hard to stretch her head over, but when she moved, her brows were wrinkled in pain.

"Don't move, let me feed you!"

Lin Jian put his hands above Yue Nu's mouth, his hands slightly showing a slit.

Yue Nu hurriedly opened his mouth to catch it, and finished drinking it in a while.

After feeding three handfuls of water in a row, Yue Nu said, "Okay, I'm not thirsty anymore."

Lin Jian saw that her face and neck had been splashed with a lot of water, so he reached out to help her wipe it off, and said, "You rest for a while, I'll go catch a fish and grill it to eat!"

Lin Jian broke a branch in the woods, sharpened one end of it with a dagger, and came to the shore again.

The water of the lake is clear.

Standing on the shore, you can clearly see the swimming fish inside.

Lin Jian watched for a while, but didn't move.

He is waiting for the black fish.

Black fish meat is rich in protein, fat, fish oil and vitamins A and C, which can not only promote wound healing, but also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects!
Modern people who have just finished surgery usually eat black fish to assist in healing.

Finally, a two-foot-long big black fish appeared in the field of vision.

Lin Jian made a decisive decision, and the branch stabbed fiercely into the water!
The big black fish was pierced through its body, struggling desperately.

However, one end of the branch was cut with barbs by Lin Jian, no matter how hard Heiyu struggled, it would not slip down!
Lin Jian scraped off the scales of the fish with a dagger, opened the belly, washed the inside carefully, and finally inserted a twig through the mouth of the fish, lit a fire, and roasted it.

After roasting for a while, Lin Jian touched his body.

Fortunately, I have a box of condiments on my body, including chili noodles, pepper noodles, salt, etc.

Since time travel, Lin Jian has always prepared these things on his body, just because he was afraid that the food would not taste right.

Soon, the black fish was roasted so that it "sizzled" and smoked.

Yue Nu was not very hungry at first, but when she smelled the meat, she couldn't help swallowing secretly.


Lin Jian extinguished the fire, picked a piece of fish with a dagger, pulled out the fishbone, brought it to Yue Nu's mouth, and said, "Taste how good my skills are!"

"Thank you son!"

Yue Nu opened her small mouth and bit down lightly.


Yue Nu was greatly surprised by this entrance.

It seems that I have never eaten such delicious fish since I was a child!

"How does it taste?"

Lin Jian looked forward to it.

Yue Nu nodded, and said, "I never thought that you are so good at cooking!"

Lin Jiandao: "You mean I'm also excellent in other aspects?"

Yue Nu smiled slightly, as a tacit consent.

"Eat more if it's delicious!"

Lin Jian fed Yue Nu a few mouthfuls.

Yue Nu ate a small half of the fish in one go, recovered, and hurriedly said: "My lord, you should eat quickly, I'm full!"

"it is good!"

A two-foot-long black fish was wiped out by the two in the blink of an eye.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Jian continued to accompany Yue Nu to recuperate by the lake...

Before you know it, it's getting dark.

Yue Nu is a martial arts practitioner with excellent physical fitness. With Lin Jian's support, he can barely stand up.

However, that's all, and I still can't do much movement, such as walking independently.

Lin Jiandao: "Be patient first, I'll take you back to the station, find a room and have a good rest."

Moon slave nodded.

Seeing that Lin Jian was about to hug him, he suddenly blushed and said, "Master, wait!"

Lin Jiandao: "What's wrong?"


Yue Nu hesitated for a long time, and said: "I seem to have drunk too much water, son, can you..."

Lin Jian's eyes lit up, and he said, "Shall I pee for you?"

Hearing this, Yue Nu was ashamed and said: "No! What I mean is, can you turn around first, son..."

"Is that so..."

Lin Jian felt lost for a while, and said, "Can you do it yourself?"

Yue Nu said: "It should problem!"

Lin Jian turned around and said, "If you need help, just let me know, there's nothing to be ashamed of."


Yue Nu supported the tree with one hand, and slowly squatted down.

clap la la...

After a while, the sound of running water disappeared, but Yue Nu remained silent for a long time.

Lin Jiandao: "Are you ready?"

Yue Nu was ashamed and anxious, and said, "My lord, I can't seem to stand up..."

Lin Jian turned around, grabbed Yue Nu's little hand with one hand, supported her waist with the other, and said, "Do you want me to wipe it for you?"

"Need not!"

Yue Nu shook her head in fright.


Lin Jian carefully helped Yue Nu up and hugged her in his arms.

Just as he was about to leave, clusters of torches suddenly lit up in the distance.

"grown ups?"

"Master Lin?"

"Are you here?"


After missing for a day and a night, the forbidden soldiers came to find him.

(End of this chapter)

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