Chapter 77
Hearing the movement, Yue Nu was terrified.

In order to bandage the wound last night, Lin Jian tore almost all the clothes on her body, which could not cover her body at all.

I am used to being with Lin Jian, so it doesn't matter, but if someone sees...

Lin Jian also thought of this, so he put the quilt on Yue Nu.

Not a moment later, the forbidden soldiers found here.

Seeing that Lin Jian was safe and sound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Jian asked someone to find a carriage, and sat in it with Yue Nu...

When he arrived at the inn, Lin Jian carried Yuenu to his room, and said, "This place is no different than Lin Guofu, and there are no maidservants. With your current state, I can only take care of you myself."

Yue Nu let out a soft "hmm".

There is only one bed in the room.

The two naturally fell asleep together.

It's not the first time anyway.


A few days passed in a flash.

Under Lin Jian's care, Yue Nu's body recovered very quickly. Apart from not being able to do strenuous exercise, there is no big problem with taking care of herself in daily life.

After a few days of getting along, Yue Nu's impression of Lin Jian changed greatly.

However, Lin Jian always felt that Yue Nu seemed to be hiding some secret from him!

When it comes to Wang Yu and Wang Jiao, Yue Nu can be said to know everything and talk endlessly.

However, when it comes to her adoptive father, Wang Sheng, Yue Nu always talks about him half-hidden.

Lin Jian was not in a hurry.

Because that's what women are.

In any case, Yue Nu has lived in the Wang family for so many years, so she must have feelings.

It's impossible for me to let her completely surrender after only being with her for a few days.

To deal with women, in addition to having means, you must also be patient!

Especially beautiful women!

During this period of time, Lin Jian handed over all the disaster relief work in Guangji County to his subordinates.

Lin Jian himself has been studying the matter of potato sowing.

Sign in recently and get a lot of potatoes every day.

However, no matter how many potatoes you get from signing in, it is still not enough to feed [-] disaster victims!
These potatoes must be used as seeds and sown as soon as possible!
With so many potatoes, I have the technology, but I can't finish all the sowing.

It is best to let the victims move by themselves!
The problem now is that once the potatoes are distributed to the disaster victims, they will definitely eat them!

Who knows if it can be planted!
At noon that day, Lin Jian was worrying in the field.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, saying, "My lord, what are you thinking?"

Looking back, Lin Jian saw that it was Yue Nu who came, and said happily, "You can run so far!"

Yue Nu said: "Your Master is taking good care of you!"

Lin Jian pulled Yue Nu to sit by the field.

Seeing Lin Jian's frown, Yue Nu said: "Young Master, what's bothering you? Tell me, maybe I can help you!"

Lin Jiandao: "Do you have an impression of the hot and sour potato shreds we ate last night?"

Yue Nu nodded fiercely and said, "It's sour and spicy, delicious!"

Lin Jiandao: "As you can see, there are a lot of potatoes piled up in the station. I want to distribute these potatoes to the victims so that they can sow their own seeds. Only in this way can the disaster situation in Guangji County be completely cured!"

Yue Nu said: "How long will it take for these potatoes to mature?"

Lin Jian stretched out three fingers and said, "Three months!"

Yue Nu said: "The time is quite short, but I am afraid that the victims will not believe it!"


Lin Jian sighed with emotion and said, "This is what worries me the most! The disaster victims are like robbers, and trying to command them to do things is simply a dream!"

Yue Nu thought for a while, and said: "It seems that only one person can mobilize so many manpower and material resources in Guangji County to do such a big event!"

Lin Jian looked at Yue Nu, slightly startled.

Soon, he seemed to think of something, and said, "Wang Jiao?"

Yue Nu nodded, and said: "But, the eldest lady will definitely not help you! She never does things that are not beneficial!"

When Yue Nu reminded her, Lin Jian suddenly felt that maybe he could try Wang Jiao!
As for benefits...

You can allocate a piece of land for her in Guangji County. As long as you grow potatoes and solve the food problem for the victims, there is nothing wrong with letting her earn some money!
Thinking of this, Lin Jian immediately stood up and said, "I'm going to find her now!"


Yue Nu hurriedly called to stop him and said, "I've prepared lunch, and I'll go with you after dinner!"



After lunch, after a short rest, the two of them took a carriage to the pawn shop.

The shopkeeper was an old man, his eyesight looked dim, and he asked through the window, "What do you two guests want to do?"


As he said that, Lin Jian dragged the heavily tied tiger head from the car to him, and said, "As a human being, how much do you think the shopkeeper is worth?"

Seeing the tiger's head, the shopkeeper immediately cheered up and murmured something to the clerk beside him, obviously calling someone.

The shopkeeper calmed down for a moment, and said with a sneer: "It's against the law to be a human being, please forgive the small shop for not being able to!"

"Can't afford it?"

Lin Jiandao: "Alright then, let me try another one!"

Said, really turned around to leave.

At this moment, all the doors and windows of the pawn shop were closed, and then a dozen people poured out from behind, surrounding Lin Jian and Yue Nu.

Lin Jiandao: "If you can, then you can, if you can't, then don't! Manager, what do you mean?"

At this time, the tiger head had already been untied from the rope.

He took off the stinky sock stuffed in his mouth, cursed loudly, and said, "Lin Jian, I'll kill you! Brothers, fuck me!"

Seeing that a group of people were about to rush up.


A soft shout sounded from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a bright young woman came out, it was Wang Jiao.


Everyone stopped immediately.

Wang Jiao walked closer, looked Lin Jian up and down, and said, "This business has been accepted by the pawnshop! I don't know how much money you want to pawn?"

Lin Jian knew why and asked, "What's the name of this young lady?"

"Wang Jiao!"

"So it's Miss Wang!"

Lin Jiandao: "I won't take any money from this business!"


Wang Jiao was surprised for a while, and said: "The young master asked for something?"

Lin Jiandao: "You can also say that!"

Wang Jiao said, "Let's hear it!"

Lin Jiandao: "Ming people don't speak dark words! In Xialin Jian, the disaster relief minister of Guangji County! The tiger head just represents my sincerity. I came here this time to cooperate with the eldest lady on a project! Once the project is completed, It can be said to be a win-win!"

Wang Jiao was clearly interested, and said, "Looking at the tea! Please sit down, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Jian waved his hand and said, "You don't need to sit down! To show my sincerity, I have a second gift!"

As he said that, Lin Jian took out four potatoes and said, "Miss is well-informed, can you recognize this?"

Wang Jiao took a potato and looked left and right, but she couldn't recognize it. She could only shake her head and said, "Young girl has shallow eyes, she has never seen this thing before."

Lin Jiandao: "This thing is called a potato, also known as a potato. Missy, can I borrow the stove?"

Wang Jiao turned around and said, "Master Lin, please follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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