Chapter 78 Landing
Arriving in the courtyard, Wang Yu suddenly came out of a room.

Seeing Lin Jian, Wang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "Sister, kill this person quickly! To relieve my hatred!"

"shut up!"

With a cold face, Wang Jiao shouted softly, "It's not your turn to talk to the Wang family yet!"

Wang Yu was too frightened to say anything.

Lin Jian smiled and said: "If you are interested, Mr. Wang, you can come and have a look together!"

Wang Yu snorted, with a proud face.

But he was really curious in his heart, not knowing what the hell Lin Jian was going to do, so he followed silently in the end.

Come to the kitchen.

Lin Jian washed the potatoes first, scraped off the outer layer of skin, and then picked up a stone knife and cut them into shreds.

Heat up the fire and pour oil.

When the oil is hot, add scallions and ginger, and finally add shredded potatoes and stir fry...

Seeing Lin Jian's skillful movements, Wang Jiao said with great interest: "I never imagined that Mr. Lin is proficient in cooking!"

Lin Jiandao: "Slightly understand, slightly understand!"

When the frying was almost done, Lin Jian added vinegar and chili noodles to the pot, put them on a plate at last, and said, "Miss, please!"

Before the frying was finished just now, Wang Jiao smelled a tempting aroma. Although she had eaten lunch, she still felt very appetizing.

Now looking at the yellow shredded potatoes in the plate, Wang Jiao stepped forward and picked up the chopsticks.

"Sister, don't!"

Seeing this, Wang Yu was shocked and said, "Be careful, it's poisonous!"

Lin Jiandao: "If Missy has doubts, I can try it first!"

Wang Jiao expected that Lin Jian would not dare to act so boldly, and said, "No problem!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up a chopstick of potato shreds and put it in his mouth.


At this entrance, Wang Jiao's eyes lit up!
good to eat!

Fragrant, spicy and sour!

I have grown up so much, and I have eaten countless delicacies from mountains and seas in the Wang family, but I have never eaten such simple but delicious food!
Wang Jiao couldn't help eating a few more chopsticks, looked left and right and said, "Everyone, come and taste it!"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and finally picked up chopsticks and ate.

Everyone is full of praise after eating!

Wang Yu was drooling anxiously!

In the end, I couldn't help it anymore, and picked up the chopsticks; after tasting it, I didn't say anything about the poison in the dish, and I ate it more fiercely than anyone else...

A plate of shredded potatoes was quickly wiped out like a cloud in the wind.

Wang Jiao put down her chopsticks, looked at Lin Jian, and said, "It's really a delicacy in the world!"

Lin Jiandao: "As long as Missy likes it!"


Wang Jiao took the wet towel from the handmaid, wiped her mouth, and said, "Is the item Mr. Lin wants to discuss with me related to this potato?"

"Not bad!"

Lin Jiandao: "I have a lot of potatoes, which can be sown as seeds, but the project is huge, and it cannot be done by one person or in a day! Miss Suwen has a lot of energy in Guangji County. I wonder if we have the opportunity to cooperate in this project ?”

Wang Jiao didn't agree directly, and said, "How long does it take for these potatoes to mature?"

Lin Jiandao: "Three months is enough!"

Wang Jiao said: "Requirements for soil and moisture..."

Lin Jian said it briefly.

All in all, the cultivation of potatoes has extremely low requirements on the environment!
So much easier than wheat or something!
After hearing Lin Jian's words, Wang Jiao obviously dispelled her doubts, and said, "I don't know how we cooperate?"

Lin Jiandao: "Miss contributes manpower and material resources, and I contribute the land!"

Wang Jiao said, "What about the income distribution?"

Lin Jiandao: "For the first harvest, take out half of the potatoes for disaster relief, and we will share the other half equally."

Wang Jiao said, "What about after the first time?"

Lin Jiandao: "As usual, the income is divided equally, but there is no need to distribute half to the victims!"

Wang Jiao said, "I don't know how many potatoes we can plant?"

Lin Jian roughly calculated, and said: "The first phase must have hundreds of acres!"

"Hundreds of acres..."

Wang Jiao's heart skipped a beat.

Such a large amount is not a small sum!

Once it is sold to all parts of the country, the income is also very considerable!
The most important thing is that I don't need to leave the land yet!
This is the most important!
Wang Jiao knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

At that time, she wanted to agree!
However, looking at his younger brother, he suddenly said: "Master Lin's project is indeed very sincere! But, the little girl still has an unfeeling request. If Master Lin agrees, we can start now!"

Lin Jiandao: "Please tell me!"

Wang Jiao said: "My younger brother, Wang Yu, is young and mischievous. He may have done some outrageous things in Chang'an City, and he is still wanted by the government. Can Mr. Lin withdraw this arrest warrant? Because of future cooperation, my brother will also be wanted." It is inevitable that he has to contribute, so let him make up for his mistakes! What do you think, Mr. Lin?"


Lin Jiandao: "To be honest, the arrest warrant was issued by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and I am from Dali Temple. The most I can guarantee is that Dali Temple will not arrest your brother."

"make a deal!"

Wang Jiao didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately agreed.

If Dali Temple is settled, it is also one third of the way.

As for the Ministry of Justice and the Six Doors, you can talk to them slowly in the future and break them down one by one...

After reaching a consensus on cooperation, the next step is the details of the implementation.

For example, the location of cultivated land, such as the allocation of manpower, cultivation steps, etc.

The two sides kept talking about getting dark.

Lin Jian and Yue Nu ate at the pawn shop before going back.


Back at the post station, Lin Jian looked at Yue Nu and said, "You have worked hard today, you are still in good health, so you ran with me for a day."

Yue Nu said: "No hard work! You have saved me so many times, and it is Yue Nu's honor to help you share your worries."

"it is good!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then you need to heal your wounds quickly. I plan to hand over all the potato farming with the Wang family to you!"

Hearing this, Yue Nu was surprised for a while, and said, "My lord, is this...suitable?"

Lin Jiandao: "Why, you are not happy?"

"no no!"

Yue Nu said: "I... I'm flattered, son, you really trust me so much? I turned out to be... but a member of the Wang family."

Lin Jiandao: "Don't be suspicious of employing people, and don't be suspicious of people, I have already regarded you as one of my own!"

Yue Nu was moved for a while, and said: "Young Master, I will definitely complete the task well!"


Lin Jiandao: "You go to the shower room and take a bath first, we'll talk about it tomorrow."


In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

Yue Nu's body was fine, and he started to take over the work.

The Wang family is in charge of specific affairs, while Yue Nu is in charge of supervising a class of work.

From then on, Yue Slave left early and returned late every day, making her even busier than Lin Jian!

Things are going in a good direction.

According to this process, it is only a matter of time to complete the system task of rescuing the victims.

When people are idle, it is easy to think wildly.

Every day when he was alone in the room with Yue Nu, Lin Jian's heart began to stir again...

(End of this chapter)

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