Chapter 79 Scars
That night, Yue Nu suddenly said: "My lord, I plan to move out tomorrow."


Lin Jian was dumbfounded at that moment.

Yue Nu was injured before, so she didn't dare to touch her, for fear of making her bleed!
Good guy!
Now, after finally waiting for her to recover from her injury, she has to move out again!

Lin Jiandao: "Why?"

Yue Nu said: "The cultivated land is very busy, many workers like to be lazy, I have to keep an eye on it!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's fine to leave these trivial matters to the Wang family. When you go there, it's just a show."

"That won't work!"

Yue Nu looked serious, and said: "As long as the young master tells you, Yue Nu will try my best to do my best!"

Lin Jian was speechless for a while.

If I had known that Yue Nu was so serious in doing things, I wouldn't have sent her to supervise it!
Seeing that Lin Jian didn't speak, Yue Nu said, "My lord, are you... unhappy?"

"Ah? No, no!"

Lin Jian flatly denied it.

"That's good!"

Yue Nu said: "Speaking of which, thanks to the young master's care these days, now that my injury is healed, it's time to move out."

Lin Jianxin said, it's fine to move out tomorrow!

Tonight, hey...

After eating and taking a shower, Lin Jian waited and waited on the bed!
But wait and wait, Yue Nu hasn't come in yet!


"Is it so slow to take a shower today?"

Lin Jian came to the bathroom, but found it was empty.

It was strange, and suddenly found that the room next to him was lit.

"its not right!"

"Isn't that room empty? Why is the light on?"

Lin Jian came to the door and knocked on it.


The voice of Yue Nu came from inside.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian was a little embarrassed, and said, "It's me!"

"Young master, wait a moment!"

There was a rustling sound from inside, probably Yue Nu got up.

After a while, the door opened.

Yue Nu was wearing a red dress and said, "My lord, what's the matter so late?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's nothing, I'll just come over and have a look, I thought the station was recruiting thieves!"

Seeing Lin Jian's duplicity, Yue Nu said: "My lord, is there something wrong with you?"


Lin Jian didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Can't say I want to sleep with you!
Yue Nu said: "It's so late, it's windy outside, son, come in and talk!"

Entering the room, the two sat side by side on the bed.

Yue Nu said: "Son, if you have anything to say, just say it, as long as Yue Nu can do it!"

Lin Jiandao: "I'm just curious, don't look outside, let alone think too much!"

"Well, Yue Nu knows!"

Yue Nu nodded fiercely.

Lin Jiandao: "Actually, it's nothing serious, I just feel that you seem to be hiding something from me..."

Yue Nu said, "You mean foster father?"

Hearing this, Lin Jian was taken aback.

Originally, he was just looking for something to say, but he never thought that Yue Nu would admit it!
Unexpectedly, Yue Nu made it so straightforward!

Therefore, Lin Jian nodded.

Yue Nu said: "Actually, I have wanted to tell Young Master about this matter for a long time. When I left the Wang family and went to Chang'an City, my adoptive father secretly told me one thing, and asked me to find a tea shop."

tea shop?

From Chang'an City?

Lin Jian's heart moved, and he said, "Is that tea shop called the Classic of Tea?"


Now, it was Yue Nu's turn to be surprised, and said, "My lord also knows?"

Lin Jian took off his shoes, lifted the quilt, and said, "It's getting late, let's go up and talk slowly."

Yue Nu was speechless for a while.

However, she had been sleeping with Lin Jian before, so it wasn't that embarrassing, so she returned to the bed.

Under the quilt, Lin Jian turned sideways, looked at Yue Nu and said, "Why did Wang Sheng ask you to find the tea scriptures?"

Yue Nu said: "Father asked me to find two women, but there is only a ten-year-old child in the tea shop, and there are no women."

two women...

Lin Jian had seen them in the tea shop, but he didn't see their real faces through the screen.

Lin Jiandao: "Why are you looking for those two women?"

Yue Nu shook his head and said, "I don't know about that. My foster father didn't tell me, and I didn't ask."

Lin Jian pondered, there must be some secret hidden in these two women!
Otherwise, Zhang Guolao wouldn't have let himself buy tea back then!
It's over.

Yue Nu said: "My lord, it's getting late..."


Lin Jian took advantage of the situation and put his arm on Yue Nu's body, saying: "Blow on the lamp, it's time to sleep!"

Moon Slave: "..."

Holding the beauty in his arms, or the beauty who just took a shower, Lin Jian naturally didn't feel sleepy.

He looked at the charming Yue Nu and her big red dress, and asked, "Why do you always wear red dresses?"

Yue Nu said: "In our hometown, girls who have never been married must wear red skirts; although I was adopted by clothes after I was seven years old, I still maintain this habit."

"Is that so..."

Lin Jiandao: "Don't say it, you look so good in a red dress!"

As he spoke, Lin Jian lifted the corner of Yue Nu's skirt and peeked inside.

Yue Nu only felt that Fang's heart was beating wildly.

She faintly felt that something was wrong tonight, Young Master!

It wasn't until now that I knew what he was thinking...

Yue Nu was nervous and shy at the same time.

Ever since she decided to follow Lin Jian, she gave her whole body to him.

Yes, wholeheartedly.

Not only the heart, but also the body!
Therefore, Yue Nu closed his eyes and let Lin Jian do whatever he wanted...

Seeing this, Lin Jian was so excited that he died!

It's been more than half a year, and today I'm finally going to become a real man!

Lin Jian reached out to untie the belt around Yue Nu's waist.

But because I was too excited, my hand shook, and I hit a dead button, and I couldn't untie it!

Lin Jian was in a hurry, grabbed the skirt and pulled it violently!

The red dress was torn apart!

Yue Nu felt a chill all over her body, and subconsciously opened her eyes.

Looking down, Yue Nu was shocked!

I saw two shocking scars on my collarbone and in front of my body!

Although the wound has healed, there are two scars left, which are even more glaring!

For a while, Yue Nu felt inferior!
She suddenly pushed Lin Jian's head away, at the same time covered her skirt in front of her body, shook her head and said, "My lord, you can't!"

After a while of aftertaste, Lin Jian slammed his mouth and said, "What's wrong?"

Yue Nu clasped her arms tightly in front of her body, and said: "Yue Nu is an ugly and dirty woman, Yue Nu is not worthy of the young master treating Yue Nu like this..."


Hearing this sentence, Lin Jian was surprised for a while, thinking that Yue Nu had been treated by someone, and said, "When did it happen?"

Yue Nu was slightly taken aback, and said, "It was the last time, when I was stabbed by Wang Yu at the pawn shop!"


Lin Jiandao: "What do you mean by being ugly and dirty?"

Yue Nu was also dumbfounded, and said, "What do you think, Young Master?"

Lin Jiandao: "I thought you didn't take a bath!"

Yue Nu still refused to let go of her arms, saying: "My lord, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."


Seeing Yue Nu insisted so much, Lin Jian had no choice but to give up.

Women, the scars on the body are small things, but the scars on the heart are the key!
It seems that only by healing the scars in Yue Nu's heart can we continue with her...

(End of this chapter)

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