Chapter 80 Scar Cream

Lin Jian didn't leave.

If she leaves now, the trauma in Yue Nu's heart will be even more serious!
So, Lin Jian hugged Yue Nu tightly, and said, "Blow out the lamp, sleep!"

Yue Nu's body warmed up.

At the same time, my heart is warm.

Blow out the light at the bedside, snuggle into Lin Jian's warm embrace, and fall asleep happily...


the next morning.

Lin Jian opened his eyes and found that his arms were empty.

Yue Nu has already gone to supervise the work, and a lot of clothes have been taken away from the room.

It seems that they are really planning to live on the side of the cultivated land.

Lin Jian was bored for a while, and entered the sign-in system.

【Ding! 】

[Today's sign-in has been opened! 】

[Sign-in location - Niutou Village! 】

Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat.

Niutou Village is the place where the Wang family is planning to grow potatoes, so Yue Nu naturally works there.

Lin Jian washed up and left quickly.

The land planned for the Wang family is nearly a thousand acres!

And, that number continues to grow!
Because every day, Lin Jian will get a certain amount of potatoes when he signs in, which requires more arable land to complete the homework.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered Niutou Village, do you want to sign in now? 】


[Congratulations to the host, get a scar ointment! 】

"Scar cream?"

Lin Jian was surprised.

The reward for signing in today is not potatoes!
Lin Jian looked at the instructions for use of the scar ointment, and said that it should be applied to the scars on the skin every morning and evening.

Continuously for one month, it can effectively dilute the scars.

For three consecutive months, the scars can be completely removed!

"Tsk tsk, artifact!"

Lin Jian was so happy that he took the scar ointment and found Yue Nu who was in the field.

"Young master, why are you here?"

Seeing Lin Jian, Yue Nu was full of surprise.

Lin Jiandao: "Let me come and see where you live."

Yue Nu pointed to a small thatched house at the end of the field, and said, "It's right there!"

Lin Jiandao: "Go, take me to have a look!"

After entering the thatched house, Lin Jian looked around, frowned and said, "How can people live in this kind of place! Why don't we go back to the inn!"

Yue Nu shook his head fiercely, and said: "Young master, Yue Nu is not with you for pleasure!"

Lin Jian sighed and said, "I didn't take you in because I wanted you to do hard work!"

Yue Nu had nothing to say, but still refused to agree.

Lin Jian knew that he couldn't persuade her, so he didn't say much, instead he took out the scar ointment and said, "I'll give you a gift!"

Yue Nu took the scar ointment, with a confused face, and said, "My lord, what is this?"

Lin Jiandao: "Didn't you say last night that the scars on your body are ugly and dirty? Apply it on the scar every morning and evening. For a month, the scar will fade away! If you persist for three months, the scar will disappear completely. !"

Yue Nu obviously didn't believe it, and said, "My lord, you...don't lie to me, do you?"

Lin Jiandao: "What are you lying to, if you don't believe me, you will know if you try it from today!"

Yue Nu was right when he thought about it.

But holding the scar ointment, but don't know how to use it.

"I teach you!"

Lin Jian unscrewed the bottle cap, peeled off the plastic film on the mouth of the bottle, and said, "Come on, lie down, I'll paint it for you for the first time! You can do it yourself in the future!"


Yue Nu looked outside, feeling embarrassed for a while.

Lin Jian closed the door, pointed to the crude wooden bed, and said, "Lie down quickly, take off your clothes!"

The voice just fell.

The door that had just been closed suddenly opened again.

Wang Jiao opened the door and came in.

Seeing Lin Jian and Yue Nu in the room, thinking about Lin Jian's words "quickly lie down and take off your clothes", Wang Jiao blushed, turned around and walked out: "Sorry to bother you..."


Yue Nu blushed and chased after her, saying: "Miss, it's not what you think..."

"Cough cough..."

In the room, only Lin Jian was left alone in embarrassment.

After a while, Lin Jian chased him out.

Yue Nu may be afraid of Lin Jian, and has mixed up with the farmers who are farming.

Wang Jiao looked at Lin Jian with great interest, and said, "Master Lin, you can do it!"

Lin Jian scratched his head and said, "Miss, don't be joking, Yue Nu should have explained everything to you!"

Wang Jiao said: "Yue Nu grew up in our Wang's family since he was a child. Unexpectedly, he has only known you for a few days, and he is so devoted to you!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then I have to thank your brother for sending me such a good helper!"

Wang Jiao said: "Be nice to Yue Nu, she is always a younger sister in my heart!"

After chatting with Wang Jiao, Lin Jian came to the field.

Seeing Lin Jian, Yue Nu blushed and said, "My lord, why did you come down?"

Lin Jiandao: "Well said, why did you run away?"

Yue Nu still couldn't help but say, "Young master, why don't you come back at night, it's inconvenient now."


Lin Jiandao: "I'll bring you food tonight."


It was getting dark, Lin Jian couldn't wait to bring food and came to the field.

In the fields, there are still many farmers working.

Seeing Lin Jian coming, Yue Nu shyly said, "Master."

Lin Jiandao: "Let's go, eat first!"

In the thatched cottage, the lights were dim.

After eating, Lin Jian had a smirk on his face and said, "There is no one left now!"

Yue Nu looked down at herself and said, "Master, why don't I do it myself, my body is too dirty."

Lin Jiandao: "Then go back to the station and wash it!"

Back to the station?
Yue Nu couldn't accept it even more, and said: "Then... let's stay here."

"That's right!"

Lin Jian pointed to the wooden bed and said, "Come on, apply it early, and remove the scar early."

Yue Nu lay on the wooden bed with a blushing face, closed her eyes and said, "My lord, is this ointment really effective?"

Lin Jiandao: "When did I lie to you? By the way, don't close your eyes and watch how I smear it! You can do it yourself in the future!"


Yue Nu could only open her eyes shyly.

Lin Jian lifted off Yue Nu's red dress, opened the scar ointment, applied some on his fingertips, and spread it evenly on the scar on Yue Nu's collarbone.

First at the collarbone, then at the front of the body, on the thighs... and at the back, some places that Yue Nu can't see.

When it was applied to the back, Lin Jian slightly increased the force, and said, "Remember these positions!"

Finally, the plaster was applied.

Lin Jiandao: "Don't put on clothes, stand up to dry for a while, otherwise the plaster will be rubbed off by the clothes."

Yue Nu stood in front of Lin Jian without a trace.

Although the lights had been blown out, my heart was still beating wildly.

After hanging out like this for about a quarter of an hour, Lin Jian put the red skirt on Yue Nu and said, "It's almost ready."

Yue Nu fumbled to find the skirt and tied it with her head bowed.

At this time, I suddenly felt a tightness in my body.

Lin Jian's voice came from beside my ear, saying: "Yuenu, actually, I want to tell you that I really don't care whether those scars on your body can disappear or not!"

Yue Nu was moved for a while.

In the dark, they hugged Lin Jian tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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