81 Marriage
Before you know it, a month has passed.

Potatoes are growing well.

Lin Jian tested some at random, and each potato seedling can grow 4-5 potatoes!
With the current amount, it is more than enough to wait until the harvest and disaster relief!
Not only Lin Jian was happy, Wang Jiao also had a smile on her face every day.

This cooperation, bet right!

In the future, the Wang family in Taiyuan will have a stable source of income in Huainan Road!

And the economy is the basis for the development of power!

Last time, my younger brother Wang Yu tried to use a series of actions to support the Wang family to the position of Jiedushi of Huainan Road, but failed in the end.

In the final analysis, there is still a lack of foundation in Huainan Road!


In the past month, Lin Jian signed in every day and continued to get potatoes!
Cultivated land had to be expanded.

This also leads to new problems.

At noon that day, Lin Jian was settling accounts at the inn, and Yue Nu ran back in a hurry, saying: "My lord, it's not good!"

Lin Jian put down the ledger and said, "What happened?"

Yue Nu said: "Miss expanded the cultivated land, and there was a conflict with Wu Yuanwai's family, and now they are about to fight!"

"Go, take a look!"

On the way, Lin Jian said: "What is the background of this member of Wu? Even the Wang family of Taiyuan dare to move?"

Yuenu said: "Wu Yuanwai's real name is Wu Gengxian, and the former minister of the provincial government, Wailang, returned to his hometown; the governor of Jizhou is his nephew, and Cai Tong, the governor of Huainan Province, is related to him as a cousin."

Lin Jian was startled, and said: "This relationship can be called the emperor of a land!"


Yue Nu said: "The Taiyuan royal family wanted to expand their influence to Huainan Road and support their own people to sit on the position of Jiedu envoy. The biggest resistance they encountered was also from the Wu family!"

"No wonder!"

Lin Jian laughed dumbfounded.

Originally, I was going to deal with the Wang family, but now, it has become to help the Wang family deal with the Wu family together!

It's unpredictable!

As far as the matter is concerned, it is definitely necessary to help the Wang family now.

The point is, if the Wang family becomes a coward, will they kick themselves away?

Seeing Lin Jian's strange expression, Yue Nu said, "My lord, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Jiandao: "The Wang family has coveted the position of Huainan Road Jiedushi for a long time. If I help them now, I'm afraid it's a farmer saving a snake!"

"It's not easy!"

Yue Nu said: "My lord, you can make a condition!"

Lin Jiandao: "For example?"

Yue Nu blurted out: "Marry with the Wang family, and then become a Jiedu envoy!"


Lin Jian's heart skipped a beat.

Marriage is indeed the best way to maintain stability and consolidate power.

And if you are a Jiedu envoy, you will have the military power!

The key is to be a son-in-law. How can this marriage be connected?
People with five surnames and seven Wangs think highly of themselves, even the royal family!

Can they promise themselves?
Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the Wang family agreed to marry me, who would be the big and who would be the youngest between the two princesses and the young lady of the Wang family?

Yue Nu said again: "Young Master, speaking of it, Missy is not bad! If you can marry her, you will have your own influence in Huainan Road in the future!"

"Wang Jiao?"

Lin Jian secretly swallowed his saliva.

This woman is not only beautiful, but also very capable!
Marrying such a woman as a wife will definitely make her a good wife!

Cultivating his own power, and even gaining military power, Lin Jian has long had this idea, but he has been trapped in Chang'an City before, without a good chance.

In this day and age, no matter how big the official is, if he says he will lose his head, he will lose his head!

So what if he is Yang Yuhuan's younger brother, he was not imprisoned back then!
The most important thing is to have your own power and military power!

In this way, even if the emperor wants to deal with you, he has to think twice!

Lin Jian weighed left and right in his heart, vacillating, like a mess.

But one thing is certain.

The cultivated land must be harvested!


Soon, the two came to the field.

I saw Wang Jiao leading a group of disaster victims, who were confronting Wu Yuanwai's servants.

The two sides held up all kinds of agricultural tools, and the mouth was flying, saying that they would fight!
"Master Lin is here!"

I don't know who shouted, and then everyone stopped their movements and looked back at Lin Jian.

Wang Jiao walked over first.

When he came to Lin Jian, he whispered: "Master Lin, the Guangji County Yamen promised to lease this land to us, but now the Wu family is refusing to give it to us!"

As soon as the words fell, Shu Fang, the county magistrate of Guangji County, also came, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Master Lin, look at this..."

Lin Jiandao: "I understand the situation! Master Shu, follow the rules!"

Shu Fang said: "Master Lin doesn't know something, this member Wu's family..."

Lin Jian stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and said: "I don't care who it is, I will act according to the regulations! Those who should be caught, and those who should be killed! If there is anything, I will take care of it!"

Hearing this sentence, Shu felt a chill in his heart!
It seems that the Wu family must be offended!

This Master Lin is also true, you patted your ass and left after you finished the disaster relief, but I am a small county magistrate, what can I do if I stay here!

Soon, the county lieutenant came with people from the yamen, and arrested more than [-] people who led the riots from the Wu family!
Seeing that the yamen was really serious, the servants of the Wu family didn't dare to do anything wrong, so they had to obediently give way.


Lin Jian came out and forcibly resolved the conflict.

However, it is only temporary.

Everyone knows that the Wu family will not let it go!
After lunch, Wang Jiao found Lin Jian and said, "Master Lin, what are you going to do next?"

Lin Jiandao: "The Wu family dares to be so arrogant, after all, there are still people!"

Wang Jiao said: "You mean... Jiedushi and Cai Tong of Huainan Road?"

Lin Jian nodded.

Wang Jiao said: "Master Lin and I have thought of one place! As long as Cai Tong is solved, the Wu family will have nothing to worry about!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Wang family has long wanted to deal with him, right?"

Wang Jiao smiled awkwardly.

Lin Jiandao: "Cai Tong went to Chang'an City to participate in the Qianqiu Festival before. He encountered the epidemic of hydrophobia and stayed in Chang'an City. I will return to the post station and write a letter to go to Chang'an City to temporarily detain Cai Tong. .”

Hearing this, Wang Jiao was overjoyed, and said: "As long as Cai Tong is not here, the Wu family will have nothing to worry about!"

Lin Jiandao: "Miss, I will help your Wang family solve Cai Tong, how do you plan to repay me?"

Wang Jiao said: "Master Lin is really good at joking! Both of us will benefit from solving Cai Tong, how can we help our Wang family!"

Lin Jiandao: "We Ming people don't speak dark words, I know that your Wang family has always wanted your own person to be in power, so don't hide it!"

"All right!"

Wang Jiao said, "What does Lord Lin want?"

While the two were talking, Wang Yu came and said, "Sister, I heard that we have fallen out with the Wu family?"

Wang Jiao nodded, and said: "I guess they will make trouble at night, you ask Hutou to bring more people!"

"it is good!"

Wang Yu gave Lin Jian a weird look.

Originally, he had a little disdain for Lin Jian.

But I heard that it was he who forcibly arrested the Wu family just now!
This guy, the tiger is a real tiger!

In any case, he and Lin Jian are now on the same front.

Wang Yu nodded at Lin Jian, as a greeting, and said, "Master Lin, then I'll call for someone first!"

"and many more!"

Lin Jian suddenly called to stop him.

Wang Yu wondered, "What else is there for Mr. Lin?"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't call me your lord, call me brother-in-law!"

(End of this chapter)

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