Chapter 83: One Shot Broke You
Seeing Lin Jian go out, Wang Yu sneered and said, "You see, sister! Lin Jian is such a wimp. He heard that the governor of Jizhou was coming, and he left us to scare him away! He didn't take any responsibility! I just Say, you can't marry this useless little boy!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Yu kept winking at the others.

"That's right, miss, you can't marry Lin Jian! This person is too shameful, and he can't be entrusted to him for life!"

"Running away is for deserters! On the battlefield, you will be beheaded!"

"This guy is plotting against the power of our royal family, miss, think twice!"


Everyone you say, I say, in short, it is one sentence: You can't marry Lin Jian!
Wang Jiao was disturbed for a while, and said: "Can you say something useful? What's the point of saying this now?"

Seeing that the eldest lady got angry, everyone was too frightened to speak out.

Wang Jiao calmed down and said, "Hutou, go outside and gather good people, get ready for war!"


Hutou quickly led the order and went out.

When Hutou and the others left, Wang Yu whispered, "Sister, if we can't do it, let's withdraw!"

Wang Jiao opened her almond-shaped eyes, and her brows stood upright, "What did you say?"

Wang Yu said: "It's obvious now, we don't have enough manpower! If we stay here, we will die!"

Wang Jiao was silent.

Wang Yu said again: "Although the potato business is profitable, there is no need to lose your life! And now we have a lot of arable land, or we can give up some of it to the governor Zhang Wensheng!"

Wang Jiao said: "Xiao Yu, I finally know why you lost to Lin Jian!"

Wang Yu said, "Why?"

Wang Jiao said: "You have a lot of self-confidence, but you lack confidence! Before the war started, you were already thinking of retreating!"

Wang Yu was not convinced: "Lin Jian is not as good as me, he was the first to scare away!"

Wang Jiao said: "Who said he was scared away? Don't tell me, I'll be right back!"

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yu smiled and said, "Sister, are you overwhelmed by love? At this point, do you really think he will come back?"

To be honest, in Wang Jiao's heart, she really didn't have the slightest confidence.

But hearing what Wang Yu said, she was unhappy, and said, "Why can't he come back?"

Wang Yu said, "Why don't we make a bet, sister?"

Wang Jiao said, "How do you bet?"

Wang Yu said: "I bet within an hour, Lin Jian will definitely not come back!"

Wang Jiao raised her eyebrows and said, "What if you come back?"

Wang Yu said: "Then I will be the first to agree to your marriage! Besides, I will personally undertake the dowry for your marriage!"


Wang Jiao said: "What if he really didn't come back?"

Wang Yu said: "Then you have to listen to our persuasion, draw a clear line with him, and don't mention marriage anymore!"

Originally, Wang Jiao did not decide to marry Lin Jian.

But speaking of this, she couldn't accept this bet.

If Lin Jian hadn't come back, there was nothing wrong with drawing a line with such a person.

And if he comes back...

It means that everyone has misunderstood him!

It shows that this person is still worth entrusting for life.

Most importantly, Lin Jian didn't know the existence of this bet.

Even if you win, you don't have to marry him, there is still a lot of room for manipulation!
All in all, this bet, you can bet!
Seeing that Wang Jiao didn't speak, Wang Yu smiled and said, "What's the matter, sister? Don't you dare to gamble?"

Wang Jiaosi thought about it, nodded and said, "I'll just bet with you once!"

Hearing this, Wang Yu was overjoyed, and said, "Sister, you have finally enlightened!"

Wang Jiao said: "Let's put Lin Jian's matter aside for now, what good idea do you have now?"

Wang Yu said: "Give up the cultivated land voluntarily, and shake hands to make peace."

Wang Jiao shook her head and said, "It's already become like this, how can you make peace just by talking about it!"


Let's say that Lin Jian left the field and ran all the way in the direction of Xu Village!
【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered Xu Village, do you want to sign in now? 】


[Congratulations to the host, you got a pistol! 】

"Depend on!"

Lin Jian was very excited as he looked at the pistol in his hand.

In the Tang Dynasty, owning a pistol was like a god!

Lin Jian fiddled with it briefly, learned how to use it, confirmed that there were eight bullets in it, and hurried back...


Wang Jiao and brother discussed for a long time, but they still couldn't come up with an idea.

At this time, the subordinates came to report: "Miss, Zhang Wensheng and Wu Gengxian have arrived!"

Wang Yu said, "How many people are there?"

The subordinate said: "Report to the second son, there are about 1000 of them!"

Wang Yu's face turned pale with fright, and he said, "Sister!" His voice trembled a little.

Wang Jiao took a deep breath, got up with a calm face, and said, "Let's go!"

Not a moment later, Wang Jiao led her men and some victims to the scene.

There were more than 1000 opponents, lined up in ten teams, and the person at the front of each team held a torch, illuminating the field like daylight.

The subordinate pointed to the middle-aged man in the front and said, "Miss, that is Zhang Wensheng!"

Wang Jiao nodded, took a step forward, and said, "Minister Wang Jiao, I have met Lord Inspector!"

Zhang Wensheng put on a condescending look, and put on airs: "Bold and unreasonable, you dare to occupy the cultivated land, are you guilty?"

Wang Jiao said: "This piece of land was assigned to me by the local yamen according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty. The purpose is to relieve the victims of the disaster. Please check it, sir!"

Zhang Wensheng said: "My officer has completed the inspection! Guangji County is the largest county in Jizhou. For such an important matter, it should be reported to the state government in advance, otherwise it will be deemed invalid! Wang Jiao, this officer orders you to give up the cultivated land immediately, otherwise Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Wang Jiao was at a loss for words.

Because what Zhang Wensheng said also has some truth.

With so much arable land, it is generally true that the county government must report to the higher authorities.

But because of the special circumstances and Lin Jian, the Minister of Disaster Relief, this procedure was exempted.

Now that the opponent grasps this point, it not only takes advantage of the law, but also takes advantage of the troops...


Seeing that his sister didn't speak, Wang Yu said: "This matter was decided by the Minister of Disaster Relief, you have to find him!"

Zhang Wensheng snorted coldly, and said, "I don't care who the disaster relief minister is, as long as I'm on the border of Jizhou, I have to follow my rules!"

The Wang family looked at Wang Jiao eagerly.

Hutou said: "Miss, as long as you give an order, Hutou is willing to be the first to rush up and die for the Wang family!"

As soon as the words were finished, Cao Renmeng came to support with a hundred forbidden troops, and said, "Master Lin told his subordinates before leaving that there are 100 forbidden troops, and they are willing to obey Miss Wang's orders!"

Wang Jiao was moved in her heart.

But the more this happened, the more reluctant she was to let these people die.

In any case, she is still a girl after all.

Wang Yu whispered: "Sister, the time is almost up! There's no way Lin Jian will come back! It's useless to leave a hundred people for us!"

Wang Jiao was still hesitating.

As for Zhang Wensheng, it seemed that he couldn't wait any longer, and said, "Wang Jiao, I order you to go back now and give up the cultivated land! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Just as Zhang Wensheng finished speaking, a loud voice sounded in the distance, saying, "Who is uttering wild words? Report your name!"

Hearing this voice, everyone was surprised.

Lin Jian is back.

(End of this chapter)

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