Chapter 84

Everyone looked back at the same time.

In the darkness of night, a figure was galloping towards this side.

He is extremely fast!

After one sentence is finished, people have come close!
If it wasn't Lin Jian, there would be others!

Seeing Lin Jian, Wang Jiao was slightly taken aback.

To be honest, she no longer had any hope for Lin Jian just now!
Unexpectedly, he really came back!

Wang Jiao was fine, but Wang Yu was the most surprised.

He looked puzzled and said to himself: "Good guy, you really dare to come back!"

As for Cao Renmeng and the Hundred Forbidden Army, there were no surprises.

After what happened last time, they had already admired Lin Jian so much!
Lin Jian's sudden appearance caused a commotion in the venue.

Beside Zhang Wensheng, the elderly Wu Gengxian whispered, "Nephew, this person is Lin Jian! As long as he is dealt with, the Wang family will have nothing to worry about!"

Lin Jian came to Zhang Wensheng.

He was one man and one horse, about ten meters away.

Zhang Wensheng asked knowingly, "Who is here?"

Lin Jiandao: "I am the Minister of Disaster Relief sent by His Majesty, who are you?"

Zhang Wensheng said: "I am the governor of Jizhou, so Zhang Wensheng is! You claim to be the Minister of Disaster Relief, do you have proof?"

Lin Jian sneered and said, "You alone are not worthy of questioning me!"


Zhang Wensheng said: "If you pretend to be the Minister of Disaster Relief, I can kill you right now!"


As soon as Zhang Wensheng finished speaking, Cao Ren suddenly led a hundred forbidden troops, and they all took a step forward.

"Get out!"

Lin Jian waved his hand and said, "Zhang Wensheng, everyone is a sensible person, so don't pretend to be confused! This land is expropriated by the imperial court for disaster relief needs. I order you to take people back immediately. Don't ask for trouble! "

Zhang Wensheng said: "Forget it, let's treat you as the Minister of Disaster Relief! But in my territory of Jizhou, if you want to use the land, you must first ask me whether Zhang Wensheng agrees or not!"


Lin Jian took out his pistol, pointed it at Zhang Wensheng, and said, "A little governor of Jizhou dares to yell at me, I will kill you with one shot!"

Naturally, Zhang Wensheng had never seen a pistol before, let alone how terrifying it was, and said, "Master Lin, if you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lin Jian was also angry.

From the looks of it, it would be impossible not to get rid of Zhang Wensheng!

Lin Jiandao: "Bold Zhang Wensheng, dare to obstruct this official's disaster relief! I will kill you now on behalf of His Majesty and the imperial court! Within ten steps, I will take your life!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jian aimed at Zhang Wensheng's head and pulled the trigger!

A gunshot pierced the night sky.

Everyone had never heard the gunshots at all, and they were all shocked for a while!
When everyone came back to their senses, they saw Zhang Wensheng fell from the horse alive, motionless!
"grown ups!"

"Master Zhang!"

"Wen Sheng, what's the matter with you?"


There was a mess on the opposite side, and Zhang Wensheng was quickly helped up.

But he found that there was a terrifying bloody mouth on his forehead!
The bloody mouth was injured by some hidden weapon, but a hole was punched out of the forehead!
Lin Jian said, taking Zhang Wensheng's life within ten steps is really a matter of words!

Zhang Wensheng died just like that!

This came so suddenly that everyone was stunned for a moment.

Lin Jian knew the truth of capturing the king first when capturing the thief.

After one shot, he shouted to the opposite side: "Zhang Wensheng's obstruction of disaster relief is a personal act! Brothers on the other side, listen, as long as you go back now, I will let you go! Otherwise, Zhang Wensheng will be your end!"

As Lin Jian said.

The people on the opposite side came here at the request of Zhang Wensheng; before they came, they didn't know what they were doing.

But now, knowing Lin Jian's identity as the Minister of Disaster Relief, and seeing his superb "hidden weapon" skills, everyone retreated in their hearts.

Lin Jian asked again: "Brother on the opposite side, who can be in charge now?"

After asking twice, a middle-aged man in official uniform urged his horse forward.

When he got to the front, he took the initiative to step down, and said from the air: "Your official, Chu Ling, Sima of Jizhou, met Mr. Lin!"

"Chu Ling!"

Lin Jiandao: "Okay, I will remember! You can take people back now. When the disaster relief is finished and you return to Chang'an City, I will ask His Majesty to give you credit!"

"Thank you sir!"

Chu Ling was secretly happy.

This Chu Ling also belonged to the court and knew Lin Jian's identity.

Not only the disaster relief minister, but also the future son-in-law, and the younger brother of the imperial concubine!

If you climb up to this level of relationship, your career will definitely be smoother in the future!
Seeing that the situation was about to be reversed by Lin Jian, Wu Gengxian was startled and frightened, and said, "Master Chu, don't go!"

Chu Ling said: "Mr. Wu, this matter is related to disaster relief. The disaster is the worst. Please understand the difficulties of the Minister of Disaster Relief and stop embarrassing Mr. Lin."

Wu Geng said leisurely: "Cai Tong, the governor of Huainan Road, is my cousin! Chu Ling, if you dare to leave now, wait for Cai Tong to come back and see how he will deal with you!"

Hearing this, Chu Ling was startled.

But on second thought, what about the Jiedushi of Huainan Road?

Compared with Mr. Lin, it seems to be a lot less interesting!
Now that you have decided to follow Master Lin, you must show some sincerity!

So Chu Ling drew his sword out of its sheath, and said, "Wu Gengxian, are you threatening the court order?"


Wu Geng said leisurely: "You little Sima of Jizhou, how dare you touch me?"


"I'm the one who moved you!"

Chu Ling went up and cut off Wu Gengxian's dog's head with a knife, saying: "If anyone dares to obstruct the disaster relief, this will be the end!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed, and said, "Master Chu, you did a great job! To be honest, Cai Tong is being left in Chang'an City at this moment, and I'm afraid he won't be able to come back for a while!"

Hearing this, Chu Ling was overjoyed.

This time, bet right!
It turned out that Mr. Lin had already arranged everything!

Chu Ling took the people away.

Wu Gengxian is dead, and the Wu family has also been implicated.

Lin Jian asked Shu Fang, the magistrate of Guangji County, to take someone to ransack the house.

Lin Jian came out and turned the situation around neatly. Everyone looked at him with admiration and fear at the same time.

Lin Jian himself was used to it, he waved his hand and said, "It's getting late, everyone, go back and rest!"

With that said, Lin Jian walked to Wang Jiao's side and said, "Jiaojiao, go back and rest quickly! You have worked hard tonight!"

Wang Jiao looked at Lin Jian with extremely complicated eyes, and said, "Master Lin, where did you... just go?"

Lin Jian looked mysterious and said, "I'll tell you when the day you pass through the door!"

Wang Jiao shy for a while.

At this time, Wang Yu leaned over, looked down at the gun in Lin Jian's hand, and eagerly asked, "Brother-in-law, what kind of hidden weapon is this? Can you lend me to play for two days?"


Lin Jian laughed loudly and said: "When your sister passes the door, I will lend you this 'hidden weapon' for a day!"

Wang Yu leaned over to Wang Jiao's side and said, "Sister, when will you and brother-in-law pay homage? How about I go back to Taiyuan first and discuss it with my father?"

"You talk too much!"

Wang Jiao gave him a hard look.

(End of this chapter)

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