Datang: Sign in from the imperial concubine's palace

Chapter 85 Which Excavator Technology Is Strong?

Chapter 85 Which Excavator Technology Is Strong?
Another month passed in a flash.

Yue Slave came back a long time ago, and worked with Wang Jiao every day, working from sunrise to sunset.

Lin Jian often sighs: If a wife is like this, what more can a husband ask for?

Check in every day to keep getting potatoes.

Soon, the land expropriated from Yuan Wu's family will not be enough!
Further development around, are all mountains!
Signing in this morning did not reward potatoes, but an excavator!

The vehicle comes with professional tools such as buckets and breakers.

Lin Jian was overjoyed!

With an excavator, you can flatten hills and continue to expand the area of ​​cultivated land!
Lin Jian drove the excavator and came to the edge of the field.

The huge monster quickly attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother-in-law, what is under your body?"

Wang Yu chased after him first, with a curious expression on his face.

Lin Jiandao: "This is an excavator, it can flatten mountains of dirt!"

"What chicken?"

The roar of the excavator was so loud that Wang Yu couldn't hear it clearly.

Lin Jian pondered, driving an excavator is really tiring!
Since Wang Yu is so interested, it is better to hand over this technique to him!

Last time I didn't lend him a pistol to play, I guess he was still worried about it, but this time he just made up for it!
So, Lin Jian waved to his brother-in-law, signaling him to come up.

Wang Yu turned over and jumped up, excitedly said: "Brother-in-law, teach me!"

Driving an excavator is not an easy job!
But it's actually not that complicated!
It is difficult for many people to start driving an excavator, mainly because they have learned to drive first, and it is difficult to change their operating habits for a while.

The ancient people did not know how to drive and only knew how to ride horses, so it was easier to learn in this way.

Under Lin Jian's guidance, soon, Wang Yu was able to control it by himself.

At this time, Yue Nu suddenly ran over and waved at the two of them excitedly.

Wang Yu drove the excavator over and said, "Yuenu, what's wrong?"

Yue Nu said: "We have dug up the black gold stone! There is actually a black gold stone in the mountain!"

Wujinshi is actually coal.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, there are records about the use of coal.

But in ancient times, due to the difficulty of mining, the use of coal has not been greatly promoted, and many people do not even know it.

The Taiyuan Wang family is in the base camp of coal, so they have a certain understanding of these things.

They were able to develop explosives before because of geographical conditions.

Soon, the excavator drove to the foot of the mountain.

Inside the mountain, there is indeed a lot of coal, but the texture is very mixed.

If you want to get high-quality coal, you have to go to underground mining.

The Wang family has some experience in coal mining.

At that moment, Wang Jiao organized the staff and started to work!
Coal was known as "black gold" in ancient times. If a coal mine can be mined, it is equivalent to owning a gold mine!
According to general experience, it will definitely not work within ten days and half a month to excavate the coal mine!

But now, with an excavator!
Three days later, the mine was dug out, more than ten meters deep underground!
Everyone stood at the entrance of the mine with excited faces.

Wang Yu said: "Sister, I'll go down and check the situation first!"


Wang Jiao grabbed him.

Wang Yu said, "What's wrong, sister?"

Wang Jiao said: "It's too dangerous down there. It's not like they haven't mined in Taiyuan before, don't you know?"


Wang Yu said, "I'll come up after I go down to have a look!"

Wang Jiao said, "Let me go down!"

Everyone dissuaded her, but Wang Jiao had made up her mind.

It is not without reason that this woman can win the support of everyone.

Lin Jiandao: "Jiaojiao, I'm with you!"

Wang Jiao hesitated for a while, but said nothing, which was her tacit consent.

At that moment, the two were standing in the bamboo basket; everyone used ropes to slowly lower them down.

At the bottom, Wang Jiao lit the oil lamp.

I saw a black mass all around, full of coal!

Wang Jiao looked at Lin Jian and said excitedly, "With potatoes and coal, we will have a solid foundation in Huainan Road in the future!"

Lin Jian put his arms around Wang Jiao's waist and said, "So when shall we pay homage?"

Wang Jiao struggled lightly, took away Lin Jian's hand, picked up the shovel and other tools in the bamboo basket, and said, "Let's try it first!"

"it is good!"

Lin Jian also picked up the shovel and started working together with Wang Jiao.

Soon, a basket of coal was full.

Wang Jiao tugged on the rope and shouted to the top, "Pull up!"


It takes half a day for the two of them to do this.

Twenty baskets of coal were pulled!
A hollow space was also shoveled out in front of him, like a small house.

In the future, when workers are tired from work, they can rest here.

Wang Yu shouted from above: "Sister, brother-in-law, it's getting dark outside, it looks like it's going to rain, you two come up quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, a few drops of rain fell.

Lin Jian and Wang Jiao stood in the bamboo basket.

Wang Yu and others were pulling and pulling on it, but just after pulling for more than one meter, suddenly their hands were empty and their bodies fell straight backwards!
The rope is broken!

Lin Jian and Wang Jiao only felt that their bodies lost their center of gravity and fell straight down!

Both of them had martial arts skills, they were already tired after working hard for a long time, and the rope broke suddenly, so they had no time to react, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Are you OK?"

Lin Jian quickly helped Wang Jiao up and looked him up and down.


Wang Jiao wanted to stand up.

With this movement, he suddenly frowned, sat down again, and said, "My foot seems to be sprained!"

"I'm healthy!"

Lin Jian picked up Wang Jiao's little feet and took off the shoes.

"Don't, dirty..."

Wang Jiao was terrified.

Saying dirty is just an excuse.

Mainly in ancient times, women's feet were very private parts!
Lin Jian didn't care so much, he took off Wang Jiao's shoes and socks, took her little feet in his hands, rubbed her ankles lightly, and said, "It's not twisted lightly, it's all swollen! I'll massage it for you! "

Wang Jiao wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Opening his mouth, he only let out a touching "嘿咚", and his whole body was extremely shy.

Lin Jian's 72 ways of yin and yang hands are amazing!
After pressing it for a while, Wang Jiao's brows relaxed, and she was able to stand up and walk around, but she couldn't do too drastic movements for a while.

The rain is getting heavier.

The two of them were drenched in water!
Fortunately, at this time, a bamboo basket was rebuilt on it.

Wang Yu unwrapped the bamboo basket, lay down on the mine, and said, "Sister, brother-in-law, I changed the thick rope this time, so it won't break, you two come up quickly!"

Lin Jian carried Wang Jiao into the bamboo basket, and stepped into it himself.

Right now!

A thunderbolt pierced the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, I only heard a "rumbling" sound coming from around me!

"not good!"

Lin Jian's expression changed drastically!

I'm afraid this coal mine is going to collapse!

In desperation, Lin Jian picked up Wang Jiao and drilled into the hollowed out place!
When I first dug inside, I remembered that there was a huge stone above it, which might save my life at this time!
Just as Lin Jian hugged Wang Jiao and hid under the rock, the coal mine collapsed.

For a moment, the surroundings were pitch black, full of dust!

(End of this chapter)

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