Chapter 86 The Collapsed Coal Mine

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian felt as if he was choking to death!

As a modern person, I still have a lot of first aid knowledge.

For example, in a fire, in many cases, people are not burned to death, but choked to death by smoke and dust!

Without saying a word, Lin Jian tore off two pieces of clothes, and soaked them with urine.

One of them covered her mouth and nose, and the other, groping to find Wang Jiao's face, covered her mouth and nose!
Wang Jiao was coughing badly, when she suddenly felt wet in front of her face, and there was a strange, salty smell!


Wang Jiao frowned secretly, trying to push that thing away.

At this time, I only heard Lin Jian say in my ear: "Cover it, or you will be choked to death by the dust!"

Only then did Wang Jiao understand, and obediently held down the clothes.

Although the smell is very unpleasant, but breathing is indeed much smoother!
Moreover, after smelling it for a long time, I gradually got used to it.

After a while, the dust settled.

Lin Jian tried to remove the clothes, took a breath, and said, "Okay!"

Wang Jiao quickly took off her clothes, panting heavily, and said, "What did you smell for me just now?"

Lin Jiandao: "Clothes!"

Wang Jiao said, "I mean, what's on the clothes? Where did the water come from?"

Lin Jiandao: "I suggest, it's better that you don't know."

Originally, Wang Jiao had vaguely guessed something in her heart, but she couldn't be sure.

Hearing what Lin Jian said, Wang Jiao felt cold in her heart!
It seems that I guessed right!
This guy actually... peed on his clothes!


Wang Jiao felt nauseous for a while, and poured out bitter water.

Lin Jian patted her on the back lightly, and said, "The situation was urgent just now, and this is the only way to save lives!"

"Water... vomit..."

Wang Jiao asked for water while retching.

Lin Jian looked around and said, "Where can I find water in this place, just bear with it! In a few hours, if you want to drink, I may not be able to urinate!"

"You're really gross!"

Wang Jiao looked disgusted.

Lin Jiandao: "I'm telling the truth! Your Wang family should be no stranger to coal landslides, you understand!"

Wang Jiao stopped talking, because what Lin Jian said was indeed the truth.

After a while, Wang Jiao came back to her senses.

Lin Jian held her in his arms, lay down on his back, and said, "Take a break, I don't know when your brother will be able to dig here!"

Being hugged by Lin Jian like this, Wang Jiao refused in her heart.

But at this moment, I was so exhausted from vomiting that I couldn't raise any strength at all, so I let nature take its course.

And after lying down for a while, I found it was quite comfortable!
Wang Jiao lay in Lin Jian's arms like this, and because she was too tired from work before, she fell asleep in a daze.

When I woke up, my eyes were still pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

In the air, only the heartbeats of two people could be heard.

Wang Jiao was a little scared, she groped to find Lin Jian's arm, and hugged it gently.

Lin Jian also fell asleep for a while just now, and soon woke up after being teased by Wang Jiao.

Wang Jiao said: "How long has it been, why hasn't my brother dug here yet!"

Lin Jiandao: "It's only been a while, just wait!"

Wang Jiao said, "Doesn't he have an excavator?"

Lin Jian smiled wryly, and said, "I'm afraid I'm out of gas now!"

Wang Jiao said, "What do you mean... out of gas?"

Lin Jiandao: "When people work, they need to drink water to be strong, and the excavator is the same!"

Wang Jiao said: "Then just feed it water!"

Lin Jiandao: "The key is that the water it drinks is different from the water we drink!"

With Lin Jian's explanation, Wang Jiao understood a little bit, and at the same time became more worried.

The two chatted without saying a word, and before they knew it, they fell asleep again...

When I woke up again, several hours had passed.

Still nothing could be heard above.

"I'm so thirsty..."

Wang Jiao sighed, but she also knew that there was no water in this place.

As soon as the words fell, a bottle suddenly appeared in his hand, and then Lin Jian's voice came: "Drink less!"


Wang Jiao's eyes lit up, she hugged the bottle, and drank it "gududu".

It turned out that it was already the dawn of the next day.

Lin Jian just signed in and got a bottle of mineral water.

Wang Jiao gulped down greedily. Halfway through the drink, she realized that she hadn't rinsed her mouth yet!

But now, I can't control so much, it's important to quench my thirst!
After drinking the water, Wang Jiao felt much better, and wondered, "Why do you have water?"

Lin Jian knew that he couldn't explain it to her, and said, "I always carry it with me, just in case!"

Wang Jiao said: "I can't tell, you are so careful!"

Lin Jiandao: "I have many advantages. After passing through the door, you will find out slowly!"

Wang Jiao spat: "I never said I would marry you!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't deny it! He told me everything about the bet between you and your brother!"

Wang Jiao: "..."

Lin Jiandao: "Why don't you speak?"

Wang Jiao said quietly: "You already know, what else do you want me to say!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then when will we get married?"

Wang Jiao said: "You said it lightly, how can it be so simple!"

Lin Jiandao: "When the horn sounds, the bed shakes, it's that simple!"

Wang Jiao said, "What do you want the two princesses to do?"

Lin Jian couldn't answer.

Wang Jiao said: "Let's talk about it, this matter is not that simple."

While talking, Wang Jiao seemed to be not quite right, tossing and turning in Lin Jian's arms.

Lin Jiandao: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Not really..."

Wang Jiao muttered, "Maybe I drank too much water just now, a little..."


Lin Jiandao: "Squat down and pee, I can't see it anyway!"

Wang Jiao thought so, so she sat up from Lin Jian's arms and squatted down.

clap la la...

Just as I was feeling comfortable, I suddenly heard a strange sound of "click" coming from behind.

Immediately afterwards, there was light in front of him!
Wang Jiao turned her head suddenly, only to see Lin Jian holding a "fire fold" in his hand, bending over to look at her!

Wang Jiao screamed, and Hua Zhi trembled in fright.

Lin Jian smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I'll just take a look, you continue!"

Wang Jiao was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it, she hurriedly finished the matter, put on her clothes, and said with lingering fear: " are really perverted!"

Lin Jiandao: "You are my wife, what kind of pervert is not perverted!"

"What is a wife?"

"That's what Ma'am means..."

"By the way, where did you get that fire bag?"

"Take it with you, just in case you need it!"

"For the convenience of peeking at the little girl?"

"To peek at you!"


After chatting for a few words, Lin Jian hugged Wang Jiao again, and said, "Come here and lie down, rest for a while."

Wang Jiao sighed and said, "No wonder you can marry two princesses!"

Lin Jiandao: "How do you say that?"

Wang Jiao said: "We are all like this now, if I don't marry you, who else can I marry!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed, turned sideways, touched Wang Jiao's cheeks and ears with both hands, and kissed passionately...

(End of this chapter)

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