Chapter 87
Three days passed in a flash.

Lin Jian can roughly calculate the time based on the sign-in.

In the past three days, Lin Jian sometimes got mineral water and sometimes food. Although he couldn't eat enough, it was more than enough.

However, there was still no movement outside.

I don't know when Wang Yu and the others will be able to dig here!
After eating that day, Wang Jiao felt a little off, as if she was about to collapse.

Sometimes giggle, sometimes cry.

Lin Jian didn't know how to comfort her, so he simply became self-willed.

Smile with her for a while, and cry with her for a while.

With Lin Jian like this, Wang Jiao healed herself, wiped away her tears, and said, "Why do you imitate others?"

Lin Jiandao: "You are my wife, what's wrong with me!"

Wang Jiao sighed and said, "What's going on up there! Even if we didn't dig here, at least we should have heard something?"

Lin Jiandao: "Maybe the landslide area is too large, and it won't be able to be cleared here in a while! Besides, it's been several days. They may think that we are dead, so it is very difficult to slow down or even give up." normal!"

Hearing this, Wang Jiao was terrified, and said: "Then we have no future?"

Lin Jian was just explaining normally to Wang Jiao.

After the result was explained, I also realized that I was wrong!
It is obviously inappropriate to pin all hopes on the outside world!
It's best to find a way to save yourself!
But what can be done?

A slight movement of the surrounding coal will cause a chain reaction nearby.

Maybe, there is no hiding place even at this point!

Waiting to die like this is definitely not enough!
Lin Jian began to carefully try around.

Finally, set the direction on the other side of the collapse!
There, is the only place without coal.

Dig out in that direction, maybe a passage can be dug out.

In the beginning, Lin Jian was digging with a shovel, and soon Wang Jiao joined in, and the two of them dug together.

After digging like this for a day and a night, I only dug forward about five meters.

The main reason is that the two were too hungry and tired, and they did not dare to move too much, for fear of causing a second landslide.

Fortunately, life has hope.

As long as this direction does not collapse, there will always be a day when it is dug out!
Before I knew it, another three days passed.

The two had already dug more than ten meters away.

Of course, this is the curve distance.

If it is purely the distance from the ground, only about two or three meters have been dug.

After working and drinking water for the day, the two of them lay there to rest.

After a short break, Lin Jian extravagantly lit the lighter.

Wang Jiao said, "Why light the fire?"

Lin Jian brought the fire light close to Wang Jiao's face, and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you!"

Wang Jiao said: "We're not together all the time, what's there to think about!"

Lin Jian reached out to help Wang Jiao wipe off the dirt on Wang Jiao's face, especially around her mouth, and kissed passionately...

In the past few days, the two of them often kiss each other.

But Wang Jiao faintly felt that Lin Jian seemed to be different this time!
Very aggressive!
Wang Jiao panicked, gently pushed Lin Jian's shoulder, and said, "Okay, I'm almost out of breath..."

Lin Jiandao: "Jiaojiao, why don't we get married now?"

Hearing this, Wang Jiao was startled slightly, and said, "What did you say?"

Lin Jiandao: "Anyway, I don't know what to do after we go out, so let's get married first!"

Get married here?
Wang Jiao wanted to refuse.

But before he could say the words of refusal, Lin Jian hugged him to the ground.

Wang Jiao's mind was clouded.

There was a faint voice in my heart saying: "This is the person..."

Soon, Wang Jiao began to subconsciously respond to Lin Jian.

The days we spend together down there seem to be as long as 100 years!

Wang Jiao felt that she and Lin Jian had been together for hundreds of years, and she had secretly agreed with her long ago.

The lighter was out of fuel and the flame went out.

In the darkness, the two could not see each other's faces, but could only hear each other's breathing.

And this seems to be even more exciting!

It seems that there is no bondage!
I just want to be with each other!
When the love is strong, the two of them are about to fall in love.

At this moment, Wang Jiao suddenly pushed Lin Jian away and said, "Wait!"

Lin Jian gasped and said, "What's wrong?"

Wang Jiao said: "Listen, there seems to be some movement!"

What Wang Jiao said, Lin Jian also heard.

Not far in front of the two, there seemed to be some rustling sounds.

After listening for a while, Wang Jiao's heart moved, and she asked, "Did Xiao Yu think of getting together with us, and also dug the tunnel from here?"

Lin Jian thought about it carefully, it is really possible!
But at this moment, Lin Jian couldn't care so much anymore, and said: "Don't worry about them, let's get married first!"

After speaking, Lin Jian picked up Wang Jiao and pushed her against the side wall of the tunnel.

Wang Jiao was ashamed and startled, and felt that she was light and light.


Suddenly, there was a sound of soil collapsing!

In the tunnel, dust is everywhere!

This time Lin Jian gained experience, so he quickly poured mineral water on his clothes, and covered his mouth and nose with Wang Jiao.

At the end of the dust, Wang Yu's voice came, crying: "Sister, brother-in-law, I'm here to pick you up! My brother is late, I'm sorry!"

It turned out that the tunnel was opened.

In the dust, a ball of torches lit up on the opposite side, slowly approaching.

Lin Jian and Wang Jiao looked at each other in embarrassment.

At this moment, both of them took off their clothes, so they had to put them on hastily.

Sitting there, shoulder to shoulder, as if nothing had happened.

Not a moment later, Wang Yu came in holding a torch. When he got close, he knelt down and kowtowed, crying loudly: "Sister, brother-in-law, brother is useless, I'm sorry!"

"Cough cough..."

Lin Jian cleared his throat and said, "Xiao Yu, we are not dead yet!"

"I go!"

When Lin Jian said this, Wang Yu was taken aback, and said tremblingly, "Who?"

Lin Jian said: "I, your brother-in-law!"


Holding the torch, Wang Yu walked a few steps closer, and saw that it was really Lin Jian!

Not only was Lin Jian alive, but his sister was also sitting aside, looking at him strangely.


Wang Yu hugged Lin Jian tightly and said, "It's good to be alive! It's good to be alive!"

Wang Jiao said quietly from the side: "Xiao Yu, when did you and him get so close that you didn't even ask my sister!"

Wang Yu wiped away his tears and said with a smile, "Isn't this close to my brother-in-law! Besides, what do you two share with each other!"

Wang Jiao said: "You are poor, take us out quickly, be careful not to collapse again!"


Holding the torch, Wang Yu knelt and walked in front, saying, "Sister, brother-in-law, follow me closely!"

Lin Jian hugged Wang Jiao in front of him, and said, "You go first, I'm the queen!"

A small move moved Wang Jiao into a mess.

This person is right!
At first Wang Jiao was very moved, but after walking for a while, she realized something was wrong!

Because the passage was narrow, the three could only walk forward on their knees.

As a result, Lin Jian kept touching himself, not knowing whether it was intentional or not!
My brother is right in front!
I made myself say no, and I didn’t say no!




Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~~~
(End of this chapter)

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