Chapter 92 The Demon Cat Case

"Your Majesty, Lord Lin has arrived."

The eunuch came to report and interrupted Xuanzong who was smoking a stuffy cigarette.

Li Longji snuffed out the cigarette butt and said, "Quick pass!"


Not a moment later, Lin Jian came in.

Li Longji frowned slightly, and said, "You brat, you did a good job this time!"

Lin Jiandao: "This is all planned by His Majesty, thanks to His Majesty's great blessing!"

"Stop flattering!"

Li Longji said: "I heard that you made some potatoes in Guangji County; by the way, what exactly is this?"

Lin Jiandao: "I have sent the potatoes to the imperial dining room, and your majesty can enjoy them tomorrow!"

Li Longji looked arrogant, and said: "You boy, you dare to hide something good from me!"

Lin Jian said with a sneer: "I only discovered this thing after I arrived in Guangji County. Otherwise, how can I not let His Majesty try it first!"

Li Longji squinted his eyes and said: "Three months ago, I promised you that when you come back from the disaster relief, I will make you a prime minister. Don't worry, you boy, I will not break my promise!"

Lin Jian was overjoyed and said, "Your Majesty is wise! By the way, His Majesty promised me at that time that when I came back, I would marry the two princesses..."

Li Longji stared, and said: "Why are you so anxious, I can still regret the marriage!"

Lin Jian laughed "hehe" and said, "I don't mean that, but I'm afraid you will forget."

Li Longji sighed, and said: "Chang'an City is not quite peaceful recently, we should wait a little longer for this matter, I'm afraid it will be after the new year."

As soon as the words were finished, the eunuch came to report: "Your Majesty, Master Shen Yao of the Six Doors is asking to see you."


Li Longji looked at Lin Jian, and said: "Go to Huaqing Palace to see your sister first, these days, she always talks about you!"

Lin Jian didn't leave in a hurry, and asked tentatively, "Your Majesty, has there been another strange case in Chang'an City recently?"

Li Longji said: "Let's talk about it when you come back. At that time, Mr. Shen will introduce the case to you. You have worked together on the case before, so you can be regarded as old acquaintances."


Lin Jian left Tai Chi Hall.

If there is no accident, it should be the demon cat case that worries Li Longji now.


Huaqing Palace.

As soon as he entered the palace gate, he heard the sound of silk and bamboo coming from the Hall of Longevity.

When I arrived at the entrance of the Hall of Eternal Life, Concubine Yang and her two sisters were playing the piano!
"younger brother!"

Seeing Lin Jian, Yang Yuhuan's eyes lit up, put down the piano, and ran towards Lin Jian.

The two siblings hug each other tightly.

"Cough cough..."

Mrs. Han coughed dryly and said, "Sister, pay attention to the influence!"

Mrs. Guo Guo said with a smile: "Eldest sister, this is a brother and sister who love each other deeply, so don't get it wrong!"

Yang Yuhuan ignored the jokes of the two sisters, and hugged Lin Jian tightly.

After a while, Yang Yuhuan reluctantly let go, touched Lin Jian's face and said, "I'm thinner, and I'm tanned."

Mrs. Han and Mrs. Guo Guo looked at each other and got up to leave at the same time.

Both of them are well aware of the ambiguous relationship between their younger sister and Lin Jian.

It is better to continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

It was snowing heavily outside.

In the Hall of Eternal Life, several large stoves were burning.

Yang Yuhuan helped Lin Jian take off his padded jacket, hung it on the wall, pulled Lin Jian to sit down together, and said, "When did you come back?"

Lin Jiandao: "I just came back, I haven't come home yet, let's see my sister first!"

Yang Yuhuan said, "Have you seen Your Majesty?"

Lin Jian nodded and said, "I just met to report on the disaster relief work, but His Majesty said that I have something to do later, let me go there again!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "It must be about the demon cat!"

Lin Jianzheng was curious about this matter, and said, "Sister, what demon cat?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "About a month ago, a demon cat suddenly appeared in the city of Chang'an! It is rumored that it is a black demon cat, which only preys on young men. Any young man caught by it will have his heart eaten! Not only the people in the city, but even the night patrolling cavalry were eaten by demon cats several times!"

Lin Jiandao: "Have you found anything now?"

Yang Yuhuan shook her head and said, "I don't know about that!"

As he said that, Yang Yuhuan looked at the sky outside and said worriedly: "It's already dark now, and it will be even later when you finish talking. If you are stared at by that demon cat on the way home, it will be very bad." !"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't be afraid, I want to see what the demon cat is capable of!"

Yang Yuhuan said angrily, "You're the only one who can show off! It's too late for others to hide, and you still want to join in! can come to Huaqing Palace to spend the night after we finish talking!"

Lin Jiandao: "What if His Majesty comes down?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "I will let my sister keep His Majesty!"

Lin Jiandao: "Wait and see the situation!"

The siblings were talking, when Li Longji and Shen Yao came over.

Li Longji looked at Yang Yuhuan obsequiously, and said, "I was afraid of delaying the conversation between you siblings, so I brought Shen Yao here."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shen Yao and said, "You and Lin Jian can talk here."


Shen Yao handed the dossier to Lin Jian and said, "Master Lin, please have a look."

Lin Jian unfolded it and looked at it.

According to the dossier, there were as many as 27 victims!
As Yang Yuhuan said, these people are all young men.

The older ones in their 30s and the younger ones in their teens were all killed and ate their hearts by demon cats when they went out at night or late at night.

Lin Jian closed the file and said, "Master Shen, have you seen that demon cat?"

Shen Yao shook her head and sighed, said: "The demon cat is always one step behind it, so I haven't seen it before."

Lin Jiandao: "Then how can you be sure that the demon cat is harming people?"

Shen Yao said: "General Chen Xuanli, the leader of the forbidden army, has seen this demon cat before! Lord Chen will be here soon! Besides, there are people in the city who have seen this demon cat from time to time!"

Not long after, Chen Xuanli came.

It turned out that when a forbidden soldier was killed by the demon cat, Chen Xuanli happened to pass by and saw the demon cat in the distance.

But when he chased to the place, the forbidden soldier's heart was gone.

Lin Jianzai asked carefully, but was still at a loss, without any valuable clues.

Shen Yao said: "Master Lin, what should we do next?"

Lin Jiandao: "Tomorrow morning, call all the people who claim to have seen the demon cat to Dali Temple, and I will interrogate them one by one!"

"it is good!"

Shen Yao said: "These people have records in the six gates, I will do it tomorrow!"

Li Longji said: "Lin Jian, the case of the demon cat will be handed over to you Dali Temple; Shen Yao, you six sects must fully cooperate with the work of Dali Temple!"


Shen Yao was not displeased at all.

The last time she handled the case, she had already convinced Lin Jianxin; moreover, the six doors followed this case for a long time, and there is still no breakthrough until now.


After talking about the case, Chen Xuanli and Shen Yao left.

Li Longji looked at Lin Jian and said, "It's getting late, you should go back soon."

At this time, Yang Yuhuan said: "Your Majesty, isn't it too dangerous to let my brother go back now? This is the time when the demon cat haunts you!"

Li Longji thought for a while, and said: "Well, let Cao Renmeng take someone to take you back! Be careful on the road!"

Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan glanced at each other secretly, with helpless expressions on their faces.

It seems that there is no way to be together tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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